NOAA Science Seminar Series
The NOAA Science
Seminar Series began in 2004 and is a voluntary effort by
over 70 NOAA seminar coordinators to integrate and distribute a list of
NOAA-hosted, publicly accessible science seminars. In 2020
we shared listings for over 500 seminars!
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All seminar are listed in Eastern Time
27 March 2025
1 April 2025
Title: |
Performance of artificial intelligence methods in trait forecasting for fisheries management |
Presenter(s): |
Maia Kapur, Grant Adams, AFSC |
Date & Time: |
1 April 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET |
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Webinar |
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NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Performanceof artificial intelligence methods in trait forecasting for fisheriesmanagement Presenter(s): Maia Kapur & Grant Adams, AFSC Seminar Contacts: Rachel Wuest (, Amanda Warlick ( Accessibility: Accessibility information: closed captioning Remote Access: WEBEX MEETING Meeting number (access code): 2826 895 7840 Meeting password: 2025AFSC Abstract: Projections of population dynamics are theunderpinning of scientific fisheries management. These typically includeestimates of population processes conditioned on historical data, and a methodto represent the management action (i.e., fishing quota) and its impact on the population. Theweight-at-age of individual fish in the population or fishery has a strongimpact on derived management quantities in Alaska, yet is often projectedforward using a simple five-year average. This introduces the risk of bias inour assessment projections when true weight-at-age is higher (leading toforegone catch) or lower (leading to over-exploitation) than projected. Thougha variety of methods have been proposed to estimate and project weight-at-age,the nature of the assessment cycle precludes rigorous simulation testing ormethod updates after the stock assessment has been completed. This talk willadvocate for regular testing of weight-at-age projection models in sync withthe assessment cycle. We will also introduce GrowthForecast, an R package indevelopment that evaluates the retrospective projection skill of weight-at-agemodels developed across the center, the five-year average approach, andartificial intelligence (AI). Initial workflows with simulated and observeddata will be presented. The presentation and R package aims to advance bothbest practices in the operational application of model projections and thenovel application of AI in assessment. Slides, Recordings, Other Materials: Recordings and speaker information can be found on the 2025 AFSC Seminar Series website. Subscribe/Unsubscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly email:Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe' in the subject or body of the email. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your comments and ideas! |
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Title: |
Community Building through Collaborative Science: Evolution of the Mangrove Coast Collaborative |
Presenter(s): |
Danielle Ogurcak, FIU; Digna Rueda-Roa, University of South Florida; Sara Mason, Duke University; Brita Jessen, U.S. Geological Survey; Marissa Figueroa, Rookery Bay NERR |
Date & Time: |
1 April 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
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Webinar |
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NOAA Science Seminar SeriesDate & Time: 1 April 2025, 3 - 4 pm ET Title: Community Building through Collaborative Science: Evolution of the Mangrove Coast Collaborative Presenter(s): - Danielle Ogurcak, Florida International University
- Digna Rueda-Roa, University of South Florida
- Sara Mason, Duke University
- Brita Jessen, U.S. Geological Survey
- Marissa Figueroa, Rookery Bay NERR
Sponsor(s): This webinar is co-sponsored by the NERRS Science Collaborative and NOAA RESTORE Seminar Contact(s): Doug George ( or Nick Soberal ( Remote Access: Abstract The Mangrove Coast Collaborative (MCC) project (2020 " 2024) began in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria (September 2017). Jobos Bay and Rookery Bay NERRs jointly recognized the need to understand and enhance the resilience of their mangrove ecosystems and the surrounding communities in southeastern Puerto Rico and southwest Florida, respectively. Through a multi-disciplinary approach spanning four research themes " time-series mapping, ecosystem assessment, ecosystem services modeling, and management options " the MCC investigated the loss and recovery of mangroves, the relationships between drivers of hurricane impact and recovery, the effects to ecosystem services, and the ways that managers have made information-based decisions. Using co-production methods, the project team developed and shared products at a recent regional Mangrove and Management Forum that brought together a newly coalescing community of mangrove scientists and managers in the southeastern US and Caribbean.In this webinar, the project team will describe how the mangrove science-to-management community developed as an integral part of the MCC and will share an overview of how the ongoing results of the MCC have responded to the needs of this growing community. Bio(s): Please visit here for more information about the webinar.Subscribe to the OneNOAA Science Seminar Series weekly email:Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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2 April 2025
Title: |
Community-Based Ocean Exploration: the 2025 E/V Nautilus Field Season |
Presenter(s): |
Daniel Wagner, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Ocean Exploration Trust |
Date & Time: |
2 April 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Webinar |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Community-Based Ocean Exploration: the 2025 E/V Nautilus Field SeasonNOAA Library Seminars Presenter(s): Daniel Wagner, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, Ocean Exploration Trust Sponsor(s): NOAA Library Seminar Contact(s): Library SeminarsRemote Access: Accessibility: Closed captions are available during the live presentation. Sign language interpreting services are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event. Abstract: In May-September 2025, the Ocean Exploration Trust and partners will conduct several multidisciplinary expeditions aboard E/V Nautilus that will explore deep-sea habitats across the Western Pacific, with planned expeditions to Guam, the Mariana Islands, the Marshall Islands, the Solomon Islands, and Wake Atoll. This webinar will provide an overview of the science objectives of 2025 expeditions, as well as outline how everyone can participate in these exploratory missions via telepresence technology. Recordings: Recordings will be shared 24 hours after the event on the NOAA Library YouTube channel. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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3 April 2025
Title: |
The ecological and economic values of offshore oil and gas platforms to recreational fisheries in the Gulf |
Presenter(s): |
Dr. Richard Woodward, Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University; Dr. Mona Ahmadiani, Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University; Dr. Nathan Putnam, Senior Scientist, LGL; Taylor Beyea, Senior Marine Ecologist, LGL |
Date & Time: |
3 April 2025
10:00 am - 11:00 am ET |
Location: |
Online, NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: The ecological and economic values of offshore oil and gas platforms to recreational fisheries in the Gulf NOAA Gulf of America Forum Webinar SeriesPresenter(s): Dr. Richard Woodward, Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University; Dr. Mona Ahmadiani, Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University; Dr. Nathan Putnam, Senior Scientist, LGL; Taylor Beyea, Senior Marine Ecologist, LGL Sponsor(s): NOAA's Gulf of America Regional Collaboration Team, a part of NOAA's Regional Collaboration Network Seminar Contact(s): Kristen Laursen, , NOAA Fisheries and Regional Collaboration Network Remote Access: To register: .Note: This webinar will be recorded. Please do not share any Personal or Business Identifiable Information (PII or BII) during the webinar. Abstract: In the last two decades, there have been dramatic changes in the availability of man-made structures in the Gulf -- the number of oil and gas platforms has fallen sharply, while artificial reefs, including reefed rigs has increased. Our multi-year NOAA-funded project explores the ecological and economic consequences of these changes for the recreational fisheries. We found that the ecological function of oil and gas platforms differ across the Gulf in terms of the communities of fish that they support, the occupancy and abundance of key fished species, and their role in connectivity and recruitment dynamics. As a whole, these structures provide habitat for millions of fish and contribute useful functions to the populations of species that are valuable to recreational fisheries; however, conditions specific to each platform likely require decommissioning decisions to be made case by case to understand the ecological implications. Economically, using data that tracks where anglers actually go fishing, we find that anglers are willing to travel substantial distances, incurring extra costs in fuel and time, to reach a location where there is a platform. This indicates that they place substantial value on these platforms. Slides, Recordings, Other Materials: This webinar will be recorded and shared online. Please contact for the recording and/or PDF of this webinar. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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Title: |
How does the National Stock Assessment Program support NOAA Fisheries’ stock assessment community? |
Presenter(s): |
Christine Stawitz, Office of Science and Technology, National Marine Fisheries Service, Assessment Branch Director |
Date & Time: |
3 April 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: How does the National Stock Assessment Program support NOAA Fisheries' stock assessment community?NOAA Library Seminars Presenter(s): Christine Stawitz, Office of Science and Technology, National Marine Fisheries Service, Assessment Branch Director Sponsor(s): NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and NOAA Library Seminar Contact(s): Dr. Bai Li ( and Library SeminarsRemote Access: Accessibility: Captions are available during the live presentation and once uploaded to the NOAA Central Library YouTube Channel automatic captions are added. Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event. Abstract: The National Stock Assessment Program (NSAP) supports, advocates for, and improves stock assessment science and operations in NOAA Fisheries. We foster connections within the stock assessment community, help integrate innovations into operational use, develop and support tools that bolster fisheries management, and serve as a conduit between regional programs and agency priorities. We track stock assessment performance, support making stock assessments more holistic, provide training and opportunities for the current and next generation of stock assessment scientists, and build software tools. Open communication is key to ensuring this work meets its intended aim to serve the stock assessment community. However, our community is broad, regionally diverse, and busy, making implementation challenging. In this seminar I'll share several projects that NSAP staff are coordinating, the rationale for our focus on these projects, and how partners can contribute and provide feedback. Recordings: Recordings will be shared 24 hours after the event on the NOAA Library YouTube channel. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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4 April 2025
Title: |
AI Applications in Earth System and Climate Science: Aerosols and Air Quality |
Presenter(s): |
Jianhao Zhang, NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory; Andy May, The Ohio State University; Hanyang Li San Diego State University |
Date & Time: |
4 April 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Webinar |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: AI Applications in Earth and Climate Science: Aerosols and Air Quality Presenter(s): Jianhao Zhang (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory), Andy May (The Ohio State University), and Hanyang Li (San Diego State University) Sponsor(s): NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) and NOAA Center for Artificial Intelligence (NCAI) Seminar Contact(s): Clara Deck Remote Access: Abstract: This seminar series features cutting-edge research from NOAA scientists and NOAA-supported investigators, showcasing how AI and machine learning tools are transforming the way we study complex Earth systems. The series provides a forum for experts across disciplines to share new discoveries, address emerging challenges, and highlight innovative AI-driven approaches advancing Earth and climate science. Discover how AI and machine learning are transforming aerosol and air quality research. Jianhao Zhang (NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory), Andy May (The Ohio State University), and Hanyang Li (San Diego State University) will share advances in understanding black carbon, aerosol-cloud interactions, and the impacts of emission regulations"plus a look at their upcoming work. Recordings: Recordings will be shared after the webinar to the CPO website. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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10 April 2025
Title: |
New Results from a Marine Archaeological Investigation & Habitat Mapping of the Paleo-Suwannee River, on the Gulf Coast of Florida |
Presenter(s): |
Matthew Newton, Ph.D Candidate, Laboratory of Southeastern Archaeology at the University of Florida. Vincent Lecours, Professor, Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi and University of Florida. |
Date & Time: |
10 April 2025
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Results from a Marine Archaeological Investigation & Habitat Mapping of the Paleo-Suwannee River, on the Gulf Coast of FloridaNOAA Library Seminars Presenter(s): Matthew Newton, Ph.D Candidate, Laboratory of Southeastern Archaeology at the University of Florida. Vincent Lecours, Professor, Universit du Qubec Chicoutimi and University of Florida. Sponsor(s): NOAA Library and NOAA Ocean Exploration Seminar Contact(s): library.seminars@noaa.govRemote Access: Accessibility: Captions are available during the live presentation and once uploaded to the NOAA Library YouTube Channel automatic captions are added. Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event. Abstract: The Suwannee River is among the Florida locations with the most potential for Paleoindian site occurrences. We used remote sensing to map the seafloor in an area suspected to be the Paleo-Suwannee River Channel, which revealed relict dunes and oyster reef complexes. Archaeological dives were also performed to document and sample the seafloor. The sediment composition from the hypothesized Paleo-Suwannee channel was characteristically different from the cores extracted outside the channel zone, forming dateable soil horizons that can be used to determine the relict course of the river. In many locations, an extensive oyster bioherm that would have supported human occupation was covered with marine sediment. However, no cultural materials nor human burials were located. Recordings: Recordings will be shared 24 hours after the event on the NOAA Library YouTube channel. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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11 April 2025
Title: |
AI Applications in Earth System and Climate Science: Precipitation |
Presenter(s): |
Andrew Rosenow, Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations/NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory; Peter Veals, University of Utah; Tiantian Yang, University of Oklahoma |
Date & Time: |
11 April 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Webinar |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: AI Applications in Earth and Climate Science: Precipitation Presenter(s): Andrew Rosenow (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations/NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory), Peter Veals (University of Utah), and Tiantian Yang (University of Oklahoma) Sponsor(s): NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) and NOAA Center for Artificial Intelligence (NCAI) Seminar Contact(s): Clara Deck clara.deck@noaa.govRemote Access: Abstract: This seminar series features cutting-edge research from NOAA scientists and NOAA-supported investigators, showcasing how AI and machine learning tools are transforming the way we study complex Earth systems. The series provides a forum for experts across disciplines to share new discoveries, address emerging challenges, and highlight innovative AI-driven approaches advancing Earth and climate science.Learn from scientists who are using AI in their research to study precipitation forecasting on a Seasonal-to-Subseasonal scale. Andrew Rosenow (Cooperative Institute for Severe and High-Impact Weather Research and Operations/NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory), Peter Veals (University of Utah), and Tiantian Yang (University of Oklahoma) will share their recent and upcoming work on snow, rain, and watershed hydrology. Recordings: Recordings will be shared after the webinar to the CPO website. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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Title: |
Moving Cargo and Keeping Whales Safe in Southern California's National Marine Sanctuaries |
Presenter(s): |
Vanessa ZoBell, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, Scripps Machine Listening Lab |
Date & Time: |
11 April 2025
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Remote Access Only |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Moving Cargo and Keeping Whales Safe in Southern California's National Marine Sanctuaries Series: National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar SeriesPresenter(s): Vanessa ZoBell, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, Scripps Machine Listening Lab Sponsor(s): NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and NOAA's Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Seminar Contact(s): Claire.Fackler@noaa.govAbstract: Marine organisms, including whales, rely on sound for daily life functions, such as communicating, navigating, and foraging. Join Dr. Vanessa Zobell, a postdoc from the Scripps Machine Learning Lab who will discuss the importance of studying whale acoustics, the threat of noise pollution that whales are facing in the Southern California national marine sanctuaries, and creative solutions to protect these important animals. Register: English captions will be provided for the recording. Recording: The presentation will be recorded; once captioned it will be hosted on the archived webpage: Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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17 April 2025
Title: |
Increasing the educational impacts through citizen science |
Presenter(s): |
Roy Arezzo, Teacher at Sea Alumni Association NOAA Fellow. Jeanette Johnston, LiMPETS Program Coordinator |
Date & Time: |
17 April 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Increasing the educational impacts through citizen scienceNOAA Library Seminars Presenter(s): Roy Arezzo - Teacher at Sea Alumni Association NOAA Fellow. Jeanette Johnston - LiMPETS Program Coordinator Sponsor(s): NOAA Library and NOAA Education Seminar Contact(s): and Rebecca Funk ( Remote Access: Accessibility: Captions are available during the live presentation and once uploaded to the NOAA Central Library YouTube Channel automatic captions are added. Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event. Abstract: Through this webinar we will be exploring the importance of incorporating meaningful educational opportunities in citizen science programs. Roy Arezzo - Teacher at Sea Alumni Association NOAA Fellow will be sharing his work from the past year as he has helped to expand and build out educational resources for several existing projects. Additionally, Jeanette Johnston - LiMPETS Program Coordinator - will be spotlighting the success of educational outreach in the LiMPETS program. Recordings: Recordings will be shared 24 hours after the event on the NOAA Library YouTube channel. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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Title: |
New Understanding Changing Estuaries, Shrimp, and their Fishery in the Lowcountry |
Presenter(s): |
Robert Dunn, Ecological Dynamics LLC; Liam Batchelder, University of South Carolina; Joshua Stone, University of South Carolina; Graham Wagner, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources |
Date & Time: |
17 April 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
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NOAA Science Seminar SeriesDate & Time: 15 April 2025, 3 - 4 pm ET Title: Understanding Changing Estuaries, Shrimp, and their Fishery in the Lowcountry Presenter(s): - Robert Dunn, Ecological Dynamics LLC
- Liam Batchelder, University of South Carolina
- Joshua Stone, University of South Carolina
- Graham Wagner, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Robert Dunn, Ecological Dynamics LLC,; Liam Batchelder, University of South Carolina,; Joshua Stone, University of South Carolina,; Graham Wagner, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Sponsor(s): This webinar is sponsored by the NERRS Science Collaborative Seminar Contact(s): Doug George ( or Nick Soberal ( Remote Access: Abstract Estuaries are complex seascapes encompassing multiple habitat types that support critical nursery functions for shrimp and other commercially-harvested species. Shrimp reside in estuaries during multiple life-stages and, because shrimp life history occurs on an annual scale, populations are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions and available habitat. Commercial shrimp landings have been variable over the past two decades, and the effects of environmental factors on shrimp abundance remain unclear. There is therefore a need to better understand changes in shrimp populations in response to environmental variability due to changing climate conditions, weather events, and habitat modifications.In this webinar, the Lowcountry Shrimp Collaborative team " which spans universities, fishery management agencies, fisheries extension offices, and NERR sites " will present results from their project, which used a multi-faceted research framework to better understand the importance of different estuarine habitat types and variable environmental conditions on shrimp populations. Join the session to learn more about the team's approach, which utilized ongoing, long-term biological surveys within estuaries across South Carolina and Georgia, new data collection in the field and lab, and interviews with shrimp industry end-users to better understand the effects of varying environmental conditions on shrimp population dynamics and the associated shrimp fishery. Bio(s): Please visit here for more information about the webinar. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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18 April 2025
Title: |
AI Applications in Earth System and Climate Science: Wildfires |
Presenter(s): |
Siyuan Wang, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory; Laura Thapa, Colorado State University |
Date & Time: |
18 April 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Webinar |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: AI Applications in Earth and Climate Science: Wildfires Presenter(s): Siyuan Wang (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory) and Laura Thapa (Colorado State University) Sponsor(s): NOAA Climate Program Office (CPO) and NOAA Center for Artificial Intelligence (NCAI) Seminar Contact(s): Clara Deck clara.deck@noaa.govRemote Access: Abstract: This seminar series features cutting-edge research from NOAA scientists and NOAA-supported investigators, showcasing how AI and machine learning tools are transforming the way we study complex Earth systems. The series provides a forum for experts across disciplines to share new discoveries, address emerging challenges, and highlight innovative AI-driven approaches advancing Earth and climate science.Scientists Jianhao Zhang (Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory) and Laura Thapa (Colorado State University) will discuss their experience using machine learning techniques in wildfire research. Join to hear about recent and upcoming science and a discussion. Recordings: Recordings will be shared after the webinar to the CPO website. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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23 April 2025
Title: |
New Filling Gaps on Maps with High Resolution Modeled Water Levels and Waves through NOAA's Coastal Ocean Reanalysis (CORA) |
Presenter(s): |
Analise Keeney, Coastal Hazards Oceanographer, COOPS |
Date & Time: |
23 April 2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET |
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NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Filling Gaps on Maps with High Resolution Modeled Water Levels and Waves through NOAA's Coastal Ocean Reanalysis (CORA)When: April 23 2025, 11 AM-12 PM ET Where: Webinar Presenter(s): Analise Keeney, Coastal Hazards Oceanographer, NOAA Seminar Contact(s): Varis.Ransi@noaa.govRemote Access: Register here  or Abstract: NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) maintains and operates the National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) to provide real-time and historic water level observations at over 200 locations across U.S. coastlines. While NWLON stations provide crucial data for floodplain managers, their insights are restricted to areas near these gauge locations. This limitation makes it challenging to assess the full range of coastal flooding impacts between stations, which can be as far as 100 miles apart in some US regions. Gaps in coverage can make it especially difficult for underserved communities to access necessary information for monitoring flooding where they live. NOAA's Coastal Ocean ReAnalysis (CORA) seeks to bridge these observation gaps by combining existing water level measurements with hydrodynamic modeling. ADCRIC and SWAN are used to produce high-resolution historical water level information. NWLON water level observations are assimilated by CORA to produce a 40+ year time series of hourly water levels and waves every 500m. A skill assessment conducted by the University of Hawaii's Sea Level Center (Rose, et al, 2024) found that the CORA-derived hourly and monthly water levels well represent the NWLON observations in the Gulf, Atlantic, and Caribbean. CORA datasets for the Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, and Caribbean are publicly accessible through NOAA's Open Data Dissemination (NODD) platform, and available in multiple, geospatially-compatible formats to support both research and product development. Next steps will focus on integrating CORA datasets into prototype flood risk assessment and mitigation services, to equitably provide coastal communities with valuable historical information for coastal planning. This presentation will illuminate the need for modeled historical water level between tide stations, the collaborative community modeling approach to development, and the ways CORA enhances the richness of NOAA's authoritative oceanographic datasets to support coastal resilience and risk mitigation. Bio(s): Analise works as a coastal hazards oceanographer in NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS). She engages with partners to develop geospatial products that aid decision-makers in lessening the effects of persistent sea level rise because of climate change. CO-OPS is the nation's authoritative source for accurate, reliable, and timely data for tides, water levels, currents, and other coastal oceanographic and meteorological information. The office maintains over 200 permanent water level stations on the U.S. coasts and Great Lakes, a system of real-time sensors concentrated in busy seaports, and temporary meters that collect observations for tidal current predictions. Through these systems, NOAA provides the nation with historical and real-time data, forecasts, predictions, and scientific analyses that protect life, the economy, and the coastal environment. Subscribe to the One NOAA Science Seminar weekly email: Send an email to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the One NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. |
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Title: |
A practical approach for integrating eDNA into stock assessment and fishery management advice |
Presenter(s): |
Diana Baetscher, Research Geneticist, NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center |
Date & Time: |
23 April 2025
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar Series
Title: A practical approach for integrating eDNA into stock assessment and fishery management advice
Part of the NOAA Omics Seminar Series
Presenter(s): Diana Baetscher, Research Geneticist, NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Sponsor(s): NOAA Omics
Seminar Contact(s): Nicole Miller, NOAA 'Omics Portfolio Specialist,
Remote Access: Register Here
Abstract: Of the many types of omics data, environmental DNA (eDNA) may present the biggest opportunity for developing quantitative estimates of relative abundance trends, a key input for stock assessment models. However, eDNA has yet to be widely adopted within fisheries management frameworks, largely given the skepticism that many scientists have towards new and evolving methods. We address key challenges that have limited eDNA from being incorporated into fisheries management frameworks and propose a roadmap for using eDNA in multiple types of stock assessment models. A primary impediment to operationalizing eDNA is the lack of interdisciplinary research teams, including geneticists, stock assessors, and other fisheries scientists and managers, which are necessary to interpret methods and results across scientific disciplines and ensure data are being used appropriately.
Bio(s): Diana leads the environmental DNA research at AFSC in Juneau, Alaska. Her projects apply genetic methods to a range of ecological and fisheries management questions, including population genetics of rockfishes and seabirds, and foraging ecology and diets of Northern fur seals. Diana started in her role at AFSC in 2021.
Slides, Recordings, Other Materials: A recording of this presentation will be made available on the NOAA Omics website. View past omics seminar recordings here:
Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an email to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas!
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24 April 2025
29 April 2025
Title: |
Fostering School-Based Citizen Science |
Presenter(s): |
Sarah J. Carrier, PhD, Interim Department Head of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences and Professor of Science Education at North Carolina State University; Christine Goforth, head of collaborative science at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences |
Date & Time: |
29 April 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Fostering School-Based Citizen ScienceNOAA Library Seminars Presenter(s): Sarah J. Carrier, PhD- Interim Department Head of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences and Professor of Science Education at North Carolina State University. Christine Goforth- head of collaborative science at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Sponsor(s): NOAA Library and NOAA Education Seminar Contact(s): and Rebecca Funk ( Remote Access: Accessibility: Captions are available during the live presentation and once uploaded to the NOAA Library YouTube Channel automatic captions are added. Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event. Abstract: In this webinar we share research that examines how and what types of curriculum support materials help teachers implement citizen science projects in elementary school classrooms. Working with teachers, our team designed educative curriculum materials for Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow (CoCoRaHS) and Lost Ladybug Project (LLP) that are designed to support both teacher and student learning. We collected data from teacher and student participants across North Carolina, and our preliminary findings indicate that teachers who have educative support materials designed for a citizen science project are more likely to include citizen science with their students than when they only have access to the project's website. We will further share what we have learned about the types of supports teachers use most and their contributions to students' authentic science experiences. Recordings: Recordings will be shared 24 hours after the event on the NOAA Library YouTube channel. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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6 May 2025
Title: |
Visualizing the Economies within Coastal Inundation Zones |
Presenter(s): |
Polina Dineva, NOS OCM, Economist. Tim Schierenbeck, NOS OCM, Geospatial Analyst |
Date & Time: |
6 May 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Visualizing the Economies within Coastal Inundation ZonesNOAA Library Seminars Presenter(s): Kate Quigley, NOS OCM, Senior Economist. Polina Dineva, NOS OCM, Economist. Tim Schierenbeck, NOS OCM, Geospatial Analyst. Sponsor(s): NOAA Library and NOS Seminar Contact(s): library.seminars@noaa.govRemote Access: Accessibility: Captions are available during the live presentation and once uploaded to the NOAA Library YouTube Channel automatic captions are added. Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event. Abstract: In early 2025, the NOAA Office for Coastal Management released the Employment in Coastal Inundation Zones (ECIZ) Visualization Tool showing data on businesses in coastal hazard areas. The tool includes coastal hazard footprints for FEMA Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), hurricane storm surge, sea level rise, and tsunamis. It accompanies the ECIZ data that includes the number of businesses and employment in inundation zones by county and state. This information can be used by states, counties, floodplain managers, emergency managers and coastal managers to identify industries most at risk and the potential economic impact from interrupted economic activity as a result of coastal hazards. Recordings: Recordings will be shared 24 hours after the event on the NOAA Library YouTube channel. Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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29 May 2025
Title: |
The Fisheries and Climate Toolkit |
Presenter(s): |
Camrin Braun, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution |
Date & Time: |
29 May 2025
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Webinar |
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11 June 2025
Title: |
Success Stories from the NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Based Fishery Management (EBFM) Road Map |
Presenter(s): |
Kelly Denit, Director of NOAA Fisheries' Office of Sustainable Fisheries |
Date & Time: |
11 June 2025
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET |
Location: |
Online |
Description: |
NOAA Science Seminar SeriesTitle: Success Stories from the NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem Based Fishery Management (EBFM) Road Map Remote Access: Presenter(s): Kelly Denit, Director of NOAA Fisheries' Office of Sustainable Fisheries Sponsor(s): NMFS Ecosystem Based Management/Ecosystem Based Fishery Management Seminar Series (EBM/EBFM) and NOAA Central Library. POC: EBFM/EBM Environmental Science Coordinator, Peg Brady ( Abstract: Under the requirements of the Magnuson Stevens Act, U.S. federal fisheries management constantly strives to balance ecological and economic sustainability. NOAA Fisheries and our partners have advanced our efforts to address this tension through our expanded work to implement ecosystem based fisheries management. This presentation highlights the ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) planning process described in the EBFM roadmap and case studies that demonstrate the principles of the EBFM guidelines. Keywords: ecosystem based fisheries management; sustainability, economic viability Bio(s): Kelly Denit is the Director of NOAA Fisheries' Office of Sustainable Fisheries. The Office of Sustainable Fisheries supports the implementation of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), manages fisheries for Atlantic highly migratory species, and helps ensure the safety of seafood sold in the United States. Ms. Denit joined NOAA Fisheries in 2005 and has held various positions in international fisheries, the NOAA Program Coordination Office, and the Office of Sustainable Fisheries. Ms. Denit earned a B.S. in Ecology from Yale University and an M.S. in Biological Oceanography from the University of Miami. She also completed NOAA's Leadership Competencies Development Program in 2014. Accessibility: Captions are available during the live presentation and once uploaded to the NOAA Central Library YouTube Channel automatic captions are added. Sign language interpreting services and closed captioning are available, but need to be requested at least 5 days before the event. Recordings: Recordings will be shared 24 hours after the event on the NOAA Central Library YouTube channel . Subscribe to the NOAA Science Seminar Series weekly e-mail: Send an e-mail to with the word 'subscribe' in the subject or body. Visit the NOAA Science Seminar Series website for more information. We welcome your suggestions and ideas! |
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26 June 2025
Hosted at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR for the NOAA Science Seminar Series