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NOAA Science Seminar Series
2018 Seminars

All seminar times are given in Eastern Time

21 December 2018

Title: December 2018 NWS Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 21 December 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

Title: JPSS Training: Satellite Foundational Course for JPSS (SatFC-J)
Presenter(s): Jorel Torres, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, CIRA / CSU, Fort Collins, CO
Date & Time: 21 December 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Greentech IV Building, 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771, Conference Room S561, NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

20 December 2018

Title: Spatial and temporal variability in Texas Brown Tide abundances in Baffin Bay, Texas
Presenter(s): Emily Cira, EPA
Date & Time: 20 December 2018
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD

Title: International Negotiations in Bycatch Reduction: A Case Study on the Tuna-Dolphin Agreement
Presenter(s): Brianna Elliott, Knauss Fellow, Department of State
Date & Time: 20 December 2018
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD

Title: The JCSDA Community Radiative Transfer Model: From Development to Operations
Presenter(s): Dr. Benjamin T. Johnson - JCSDA
Date & Time: 20 December 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room # 2552-2553 , NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD

19 December 2018

Title: RESCHEDULED: New technology support for remote sensing of lake water quality using automated field radiometers
Presenter(s): Dr. Timothy S. Moore, Ocean Process Analysis Laboratory
Date & Time: 19 December 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room #3555, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD

Title: Using Satellite Climate Data Records to Study the Shortwave Radiation Budget of Snow vs Sea Ice and Arctic vs Antarctic
Presenter(s): Jeff Key, Center for Satellite Applications and Research
Date & Time: 19 December 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Online

Title: A New Diet Index: Predicting fish length from diet composition
Presenter(s): Nissa C. Ferm, Fisheries Biologist, NOAA Fisheries Contractor with Lynker Inc., Seattle, WA
Date & Time: 19 December 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

18 December 2018

Title: Resilience Dialogues: Connecting communities with experts via online dialogues to lay the groundwork for long-term climate resilience
Presenter(s): Sarah Zerbonne, Resilience Dialogues team et al. see description
Date & Time: 18 December 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: TBD

Title: ORCID for Researchers: Discovery Made Easy and Open
Presenter(s): Eric Olson, Engagement and Partnerships Lead, North America, ORCID
Date & Time: 18 December 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC3 2nd Floor NOAA Library

17 December 2018

Title: Fishing for Solutions: A Science Briefing on Ocean Change and Fisheries
Presenter(s): Malin Pinsky, Associate Professor in Dept.of Ecology, Evolution & Natural Resources, Rutgers University; Michael Luisi, Monitoring and Assessment Division Director, Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Chair of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council; Roger Griffis, Climate Coordinator, NOAA's Fisheries Service; Heather Mannix, Assistant Director of Policy Engagement, COMPASS; and Stephen Posner, Assistant Director of Policy Engagement, COMPASS
Date & Time: 17 December 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only

Title: Drought & the 4th National Climate Assessment: What Might the Future hold for the Pacific Northwest
Presenter(s): s): Kelsey Jencso, Montana State Climatologist; Andrea Bair, NWS Western Region; Gabrielle Roesch-McNally, USDA Norhtwest Climate Hub; Roger Pulwarty, NOAA Earth System Research Lab, Physical Sciences Division
Date & Time: 17 December 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below), NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

13 December 2018

Title: NOAA Central Library Publishers Series: PLOS ONE Presentation
Date & Time: 13 December 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Dynamic Responses of Coastal Wetlands to Sea Level Rise
Presenter(s): Karim Alizad, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences. University of South Carolina. Presenting in person at NOAA in Silver Spring
Date & Time: 13 December 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

12 December 2018

Title: Ecosystem-based fisheries management in the Southern Ocean: Antarctic krill
Presenter(s): Jefferson Hinke, Research Fish Biologist, NMFS/SWFSC/AERD
Date & Time: 12 December 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Analyses of multi species ichthyoplankton data along the US west coast as indicators of ecosystem changes
Presenter(s): Jens Nielsen Ph.D., NRC postdoctoral researcher, NOAA Fisheries, Seattle, WA.
Date & Time: 12 December 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

11 December 2018

Title: NOAA Research and Development Database (NRDD): Project Management Data for NOAA’s R&D
Presenter(s): Meka Laster & Shanie Gal-Edd, OAR
Date & Time: 11 December 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Interaction of commercial fishing gears and long-lived structure forming invertebrate species in the Aleutian Islands: A risk assessment
Presenter(s): John Olson, Fisheries Biologist, Habitat Conservation Division, Alaska Regional Office
Date & Time: 11 December 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

10 December 2018

Title: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish...What Fish?
Presenter(s): Alexandra M. Avila, Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar at Oregon State University
Date & Time: 10 December 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Online Participation Only

6 December 2018

Title: Salmon Ocean Ecology in British Columbia
Presenter(s): Jackie King, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Date & Time: 6 December 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: The Little Rapids Restoration Project: A 25 year partnership to improve habitat in the St. Mary's River Area of Concern
Presenter(s): Eric Ellis and Ashley Moerke, Great Lakes Commission. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 6 December 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: TBD

Title: Coastal Blue Carbon as a Negative Emissions Technology
Presenter(s): Tiffany Troxler, Florida International University
Date & Time: 6 December 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am ET
Location: Webinar

4 December 2018

Title: [RESCHEDULED] Assessing climate vulnerability of World Heritage properties - coral reefs and beyond
Presenter(s): Scott Heron, NESDIS
Date & Time: 4 December 2018
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Making a case for model-based estimation of data products from fisheries-independent surveys
Presenter(s): Stan Kotwicki, Program Manager, Groundfish Assessment Program, Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 4 December 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

Title: Acquiring Multispectral Images Using a Commercial Camera
Presenter(s): Carlos Iturrino, Electrical Engineer, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Currently he is completing his Master of Science degree in Digital Signal Processing at UPRM as a CREST Scholar. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 4 December 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

29 November 2018

Title: Update: El Niño and the Southwest Drought
Presenter(s): s): Elizabeth Weight, NIDIS; Mike Halpert, Deputy Director, NOAA NWS Climate Prediction Center; Royce Fontenot, Senior Hydrologist, NOAA National Weather Service
Date & Time: 29 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below), NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

Title: NOAA's Aquaculture Program: Having Our Fish and Eating Them Too
Presenter(s): Laura Hoberecht, Ph.D., Aquaculture Coordinator, NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region
Date & Time: 29 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: air-LUSI: How we flew a Lab Instrument on an Airplane at 70,000 Feet
Presenter(s): Thomas C. Larason of NIST
Date & Time: 29 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room # 2552-2553 , NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD

Title: Warming Seas, Falling Fortunes - Stories of Fishermen on the Front Lines of Climate Change
Presenter(s): Avery Siciliano, former ocean policy research associate at the Center for American Progress and current program integrity specialist at Best Aquaculture Practices, and Alexandra Carter, ocean policy research associate at the Center for American Progress
Date & Time: 29 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

28 November 2018

Title: Modeled impact of coastal biogeochemical processes and climate variability on ocean acidification in the Bering Sea
Presenter(s): Dr. Darren Pilcher, Research Scientist, University of Washington Joint Institute for the Study of Atmosphere and Ocean, Seattle, WA
Date & Time: 28 November 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

Title: Satellite-Based Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation in the JPSS-GOES-R Era
Presenter(s): Derrick Herndon Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, CIMSS; Madison, WI
Date & Time: 28 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Greentech IV Building, 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771, Conference Room: S650

Title: A multidisciplinary approach for generating globally consistent data on mesophotic, deep-pelagic and bathyl biological communities: The General Ocean Survey and Sampling Iterative Protocol
Presenter(s): Lucy Woodall, University of Oxford and Nekton Foundation. Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 28 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: VIa webinar (see login below) or for NOAA staff: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

27 November 2018

Title: Using fishing industry catch data directly for stock assessment: Aleutian Islands Golden King Crab
Presenter(s): Chris Siddon, Marine Fisheries Scientist, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
Date & Time: 27 November 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Conf Line 1-877-953-3919 (PP:5944500), AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

Title: Integration of Habitat Mapping & Acoustic Technologies to Advance Ecosystem Based Management
Presenter(s): Dr. Mark Monaco, Director, Marine Spatial Ecology Division of NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, NCCOS. Presenting in person in Silver Spring, MD
Date & Time: 27 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Launching PArticle Size, Image, and Velocity probe (PASIV): Innovation for Severe Storm In-Situ Sensing
Presenter(s): Sean Waugh, OAR
Date & Time: 27 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

26 November 2018

Title: Preparing your Winter Toolbox: Drought & Climate Outlook for California-Nevada
Presenter(s): Julie Kalansky, CNAP-NOAA RISA, Scripps Institution of Oceanography-SIO; Michelle L'Heureux, NWS Climate Prediction Center; Brian Kawzenuk, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, SIO; NWS California Nevada River Forecast Center
Date & Time: 26 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below), NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

20 November 2018

Title: Population Consequences of Disturbance by Offshore Oil and Gas Activity for Endangered Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus)
Presenter(s): Dr. Nick Farmer, Chief, Species Conservation, Protected Resources Division, NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Regional Office. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 20 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

19 November 2018

Title: Causes for the record low sea-ice extent in the Bering Sea in 2018
Presenter(s): Phyllis Stabeno Ph.D., Oceanographer, NOAA Research, Seattle, WA.
Date & Time: 19 November 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

16 November 2018

Title: November 2018 NWS Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 16 November 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

Title: Rapid warming in the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans-and its impacts on MJO and the global climate
Presenter(s): Dr. Roxy Mathew Koll, NRC Senior Research Associate at PMEL, Seattle, WA
Date & Time: 16 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

15 November 2018

Title: An Updated Estimate of Salinity for the Atlantic Ocean Sector Using Temperature-Salinity Relationships
Presenter(s): Dr. Marlos Goes, Assistant Research Scientist, Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami
Date & Time: 15 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149)

Title: Working with NOAA and Multiple Partners to Restore Oysters, Abalone, and Kelp and Develop Sustainable Shellfish and Kelp Aquaculture
Presenter(s): Louisa Harding, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Date & Time: 15 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Vertical Datum Changes for Floodplain Mapping
Presenter(s): Nicole Kinsman, NGS Regional Geodetic Advisor for Alaska and the U.S. Arctic
Date & Time: 15 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar access

Title: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like #25DaysofFishmas: Science Communication through Education and Entertainment
Presenter(s): Katherine O'Reilly, OAR
Date & Time: 15 November 2018
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Marine Heatwaves under Global Warming: Discovering Risks for Marine Ecosystems
Presenter(s): Prof. Thomas Frlicher, Assistant Professor in Ocean Modelling, Climate and Environmental Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 15 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

14 November 2018

Title: CANCELLED: A Rare Great Lakes Ecosystem: Exploring the Sinkholes of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Presenter(s): Stephanie Gandulla, NOAA Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Date & Time: 14 November 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only

Title: Insights and Resources to Guide Climate Change Communication
Presenter(s): Kristin Timm, Oregon State University
Date & Time: 14 November 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar

Title: Bridging the gap between Science, Management and Communities in the Pacific Islands
Presenter(s): Jamison Gove, Research Oceanographer, NMFS/PIFSC/ESD & Gerry Davis, Assistant Regional Administrator for Habitat Conservation, NMFS/PIR/PIRO/HCD
Date & Time: 14 November 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account, NOAA Central Library

Title: The return of Maine’s kelp forests: patterns, drivers and implications for stakeholders
Presenter(s): Thew Suskiewicz, PhD, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Portland, ME.
Date & Time: 14 November 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

Title: A Proof-of-Concept Application of a New Ecosystem Assessment/Decision Framework: Restoring Rookery Islands of the Mission-Aransas Reserve
Presenter(s): John H. Gentile, Harwell Gentile & Associates, LC, Cape Cod, MA, and Mark A. Harwell, Harwell Gentile & Associates, LC, Port Orange, FL
Date & Time: 14 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

13 November 2018

Title: Standing at the Brink: The upcoming winter and what it means for western Alaska sea ice
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy
Date & Time: 13 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar

Title: Impacts of the 'warm blob' on Gulf of Alaska Pacific cod: A 1st year of life perspective
Presenter(s): Ben Laurel, Research Fish Biologist, Fish Behavior Ecology, Resource Assessment and Conservation Ecology, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 13 November 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Conf Line 1-877-953-3919 (PP:5944500), AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

Title: Cownose Ray Migrations along the US Atlantic Coast: Implications for Management and Conservation
Presenter(s): Matthew B. Ogburn, Marine Ecologist, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Date & Time: 13 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

9 November 2018

Title: CLIMAS Colloquium Series: New Mexico State University Dust Research
Presenter(s): Dave DuBois, CLIMAS & New Mexico State University, et al. see description
Date & Time: 9 November 2018
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar

8 November 2018

Title: Vertical turbulent cooling of the mixed layer in the tropical Atlantic ITCZ and trade wind regions
Presenter(s): Dr. Greg Foltz, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/PhOD
Date & Time: 8 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149)

Title: Measuring and Modeling Ecological Interactions in the Wild
Presenter(s): Andrew Hein, Ph.D., Research Ecologist, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, UC Santa Cruz Institute of Marine Sciences
Date & Time: 8 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Enterprise Environmental Data Records (EDR) Assessment at NOAA's Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
Presenter(s): Tony Reale of NESDIS/STAR/SMCD
Date & Time: 8 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room # 2552-2553 , NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD

7 November 2018

Title: Uncertainty in the Retrieval of Coastal Aquatic Properties from Remote Sensing Imposed by Sensor Noise
Presenter(s): Dr. Steven G. Ackleson, Section Head, Oceanographer at U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Date & Time: 7 November 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room #3555, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD

Title: Northern rock sole recruitment response to winds and temperature in the eastern Bering Sea
Presenter(s): Dan Cooper, Research Fisheries Biologist, NOAA Fisheries
Date & Time: 7 November 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

6 November 2018

Title: Ecological interactions among major groundfish species in the Gulf of Alaska
Presenter(s): Cheryl Barnes, Ph.D. Student, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Date & Time: 6 November 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Conf Line 1-877-953-3919 (PP:5944500), AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

Title: Coastal Wetlands Reduce Disaster Risk, Protect Biodiversity, and Promote Human Health and Well-Being
Presenter(s): Ariana Sutton-Grier, Director of Science the MD-DC Chapter of the Nature Conservancy and Associate Research Professor University of Maryland. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring. And Paul Sandifer, Director of the Center for Coastal Environmental and Human Health at the College of Charleston. Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 6 November 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

1 November 2018

Title: Effects of Temperature on Fish Sex Determination: Potential Bioindicators of Global Climate Change
Presenter(s): Yoji Yamamoto, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Date & Time: 1 November 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

31 October 2018

Title: Are fieldwork studies being relegated to second place in conservation science?
Presenter(s): Dr. Carlos Antonio Ros-Saldaa, BioCrima/Technological Institute of Linares, Arteaga, Coahuila, Mexico. Presenting from Coahuila, Mexico
Date & Time: 31 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

30 October 2018

Title: Reproduction and population biology of rockfish and flatfish in Alaskan waters
Presenter(s): Todd TenBrink, Research Fish Biologist, Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 30 October 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Conf Line 1-877-953-3919 (PP:5944500), AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

25 October 2018

Title: Ghosts of Oceans Past: How Fishing Reshapes Communities of Fishes and their Parasites
Presenter(s): Chelsea Wood, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
Date & Time: 25 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Understanding Underwater Behavior of Humpback Whales to Mitigate Ship Strike and Entanglement
Presenter(s): Dave Wiley, Sanctuary Research Coordinator, NOAA"s Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Date & Time: 25 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

24 October 2018

Title: NOAA Geospatial (Geographic Information System) Hot Topics
Presenter(s): Tony LaVoi, NOAA Geospatial Information Officer, NOAA Office of the Chief Information Officer and Integrated Information Services Division Chief, NOAA Office for Coastal Management; and Randy Warren, GIS Coordinator, National Ocean Service, Office for Coastal Management
Date & Time: 24 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: The Developing El Niño and the Ongoing Drought in the Southwest
Presenter(s): s): Elizabeth Weight, NIDIS; Gerry Bell, NWS Climate Prediction Center; David Simeral, Desert Research Institute/DRI, Western Regional Climate Center/WRCC
Date & Time: 24 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below), NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

23 October 2018

Title: Effects of Sea Level Rise on New England Salt Marshes
Presenter(s): Jennifer West, Narragansett Bay National Estaurine Research Reserve
Date & Time: 23 October 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Please register through GoToWebinar (see below).

Title: Fish age estimation using Fourier transform-near infrared spectroscopy: A pathway to operationalization
Presenter(s): Thomas Helser, Program Manager, Age and Growth, Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 23 October 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Conf Line 1-877-953-3919 (PP:5944500), AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

Title: Preparing Ocean Governance for Species on the Move
Presenter(s): Malin Pinsky, Associate Professor, Rutgers University. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 23 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150 for NOAA Silver Spring staff

22 October 2018

Title: Pacific Northwest Drought & Climate Outlook Webinar
Presenter(s): s): Phil Mote, Oregon State Climatologist; NWS Climate Prediction Center; Emily York, CIRC; Kris Ray, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Date & Time: 22 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below), NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

Title: Southern Plains Drought & El Niño Webinar
Presenter(s): s): Elizabeth Weight, NIDIS; Kyle Brehe, Southern Regional Climate Center; Victor Murphy, NWS Southern Region
Date & Time: 22 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below), NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

19 October 2018

Title: October 2018 NWS Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 19 October 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

18 October 2018

Title: Touching salmon, when is it wrong? Consequences of release or escape from fisheries capture
Presenter(s): Scott Hinch, Ph.D., Professor, Fisheries Conservation, University of British Columbia
Date & Time: 18 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Forecasting Bird Migration at Continental Scales
Presenter(s): Benjamin Van Doren, PhD student at the University of Oxford
Date & Time: 18 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Instrument Calibration and Radiance Validation of GOES-R ABI
Presenter(s): Xiangqian "Fred" Wu of NESDIS/STAR/SMCD
Date & Time: 18 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room # 2552-2553 , NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD

17 October 2018

Title: CANCELLED: Understanding Ocean Acidification - Using NOAA’s New Educational Tools
Presenter(s): Amy Dean, NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Date & Time: 17 October 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Online Participation Only

Title: Be a claw abiding citizen: learn how ocean acidification could affect Dungeness crab
Presenter(s): Dr. Shelly Trigg, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center and U.S. School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
Date & Time: 17 October 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Online participation only

Title: Alaska Climate Webinar Series: Recent Alaska Climate Variations - An Update
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 17 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

Title: Models & Databases for Restoration & Management of Gulf of Mexico Fisheries
Presenter(s): James D. Simons, PhD, Adjunct Research Scientist, Center for Coastal Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, and Cameron H. Ainsworth, PhD, Associate Professor, College of Marine Science, University of South Florida
Date & Time: 17 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

16 October 2018

Title: Why juvenile rock sole are moving north and juvenile yellowfin sole are not
Presenter(s): Cynthia Yeung, Research Fish Biologist, Groundfish Assessment Program, Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 16 October 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Conf Line 1-877-953-3919 (PP:5944500), AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

15 October 2018

Title: A Place for Satellite Soundings in Severe Weather Forecasting
Presenter(s): Nadia Smith, Science and Technology Corp., Columbia, MD
Date & Time: 15 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Greentech IV Conference 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771 Conference Room S561

11 October 2018

Title: Geodesy Fundamentals
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 11 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar: To register, go to

Title: Collective Sensing and Navigation in Mobile Animal Groups
Presenter(s): Andrew Bardahl, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, university of
Date & Time: 11 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: The Morphology and Systematic Biology of Fishes: A Renaissance
Presenter(s): Eric Hilton Ph.D., Associate Professor of Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, VA
Date & Time: 11 October 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

Title: Why People Matter When Designing and Implementing Large-scale Marine Protected Areas
Presenter(s): Patrick Christie, Professor, University of Washington's School of Marine and Environmental Affairs and Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
Date & Time: 11 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150 for NOAA Silver Spring staff

Title: Implications of climate change for managing coastal and marine protected habitats and species
Presenter(s): Paul Buckley of the Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Cefas
Date & Time: 11 October 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

10 October 2018

Title: Science in support of ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM): where do we all fit in?
Presenter(s): Chris Harvey, Research Fish Biologist, NMFS/NWFSC/CBD
Date & Time: 10 October 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: The SPOC (SPectral Ocean Color Imager) CubeSat Mission
Presenter(s): David Cotten, Research Scientist, The University of Georgia Small Satellite Research Laboratory, presenting remotely
Date & Time: 10 October 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room #3555, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Court, College Park, MD

Title: American Lobster in a Pinch? Epizootic Shell Disease and the Decline of the Southern New England Stock
Presenter(s): Dr. Maya Groner, Prince William Sound Science Center, U. S. Geological Survey Western Fisheries Science Center. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 10 October 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Assessing the Impact of Underwater Sound on Marine Mammal Hearing in R Shiny: Increasing Accessibility of Tools for Managers and Stakeholders
Presenter(s): Emily Markowitz, NOAA Fisheries Office of Science and Technology
Date & Time: 10 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC3 8836

9 October 2018

Title: Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Plastics in the Environment
Presenter(s): Sarah-Jeanne Royer, University of Hawa'ii at Manoa, International Pacific Research Center, School of Ocean and Earth Science & Technology. Presenting from Hawai'i.
Date & Time: 9 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Medium Conference Room - 9348

Title: From vessels to models: Steps to measure the value of age/length/diet sampling in data collection and model-based management advice
Presenter(s): James Thorson, Program Lead, Habitat and Ecological Processes Research, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 9 October 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: AFSC - Conf Line 1-877-953-3919 (PP:5944500), AFSC - Seattle - LgConf Rm - 2079 (RACE)

Title: An Environmental DNA (eDNA) Approach for Investigating the Reproductive Biology of Sea Scallops
Presenter(s): Skylar Bayer, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Minority
Date & Time: 9 October 2018
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Marine Renewable Energy and the Blue Economy
Presenter(s): Carrie Schmaus, DOE
Date & Time: 9 October 2018
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

5 October 2018

Title: Analysis of Forecastability of Rapid Growth Periods of Alaska Wildfires in both Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems
Presenter(s): Celia Fisher, NOAA Hollings Scholar and James White, NOAA Hollings Scholar
Date & Time: 5 October 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar

4 October 2018

Title: Working with NOAA and Multiple Partners to Restore Oysters, Abalone, and Kelp and Develop Sustainable Shellfish and Kelp Aquaculture
Presenter(s): Betsy Peabody, Executive Director and Founder, Puget Sound Restoration Fund
Date & Time: 4 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Biogeographic Assessment and Geospatial Decision Support for Place-Based Management
Presenter(s): Dan Dorfman, Senior Marine Spatial Ecologist at CSS Inc., working for NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science NCCOS, Marine Spatial Ecology Division, Biogeography Branch
Date & Time: 4 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar for for NOAA Silver Spring staff, SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

3 October 2018

Title: Synoptic Climatology of Extreme Snow and Avalanche Events in Southern Alaska
Presenter(s): Kristy C. Carter, Iowa State University
Date & Time: 3 October 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

Title: CANCELLED: Portfolio Management: An Assessment of the Research Investments of the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Presenter(s): Natasha D. White, Ph.D., Environmental Scientist/Portfolio Manager, NOAA/NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science - NCCOS
Date & Time: 3 October 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150 for NOAA Silver Spring staff

2 October 2018

Title: Climate Change in Alaska: Impacts on the Entomofauna
Presenter(s): Derek SIkes, University of Alaska Museum
Date & Time: 2 October 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar

27 September 2018

Title: Hydrologic response of the Columbia River Basin to Climate Change
Presenter(s): Bart Nijssen, Ph.D., Professor, University of Washington
Date & Time: 27 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar or at Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Depth-dependent Temperature Variability in the Southern California Bight with Implications for Cold-water Octocorals
Presenter(s): Elizabeth F. Gugliotti, University of Charleston
Date & Time: 27 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar, or for NOAA Silver Spring staff, SSMC4 Room 9153

Title: Global meridional overturning circulation inferred from a data-constrained ocean & sea-ice model.
Presenter(s): Dr. Sang-Ki Lee, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/PhOD
Date & Time: 27 September 2018
10:00 am - 11:30 am ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149)

26 September 2018

Title: Virtual Alaska Weather Symposium: Space Weather and Aurora
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 26 September 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

Title: Deep Sea Coral Communities and Commercial Fishing in the Gulf of Mexico
Presenter(s): Randy Clark & Laughlin Siceloff, both Marine Biologists, with NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Marine Spatial Ecology Division, Biogeography Branch. Presenting in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 26 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150 for NOAA Silver Spring staff

Title: Avoiding the Ecological Limits of Forage Fish for Fed Aquaculture
Presenter(s): Halley E. Froehlich, Postdoctoral Scholar, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, Santa Barbara. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 26 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150 for NOAA Silver Spring staff

25 September 2018

Title: Plastics in the Ocean: Facts, Fiction, and Unknowns
Presenter(s): Anna Robuck, Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar at University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography
Date & Time: 25 September 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Remote - Online Webinar

Title: Climate-driven species redistribution in marine systems
Presenter(s): Gretta Peci of the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies and Centre for Marine Socioecology
Date & Time: 25 September 2018
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: Statistical simulations of drogued vs. undrogued drifters to improve understanding of marine debris transport pathways.
Presenter(s): Dr. Rick Lumpkin, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/PhOD
Date & Time: 25 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149), OAR - AOML - 1st Flr Conf Room

Title: The Impact of the Mississippi River and Its Delta on the Oceanography, Ecology and Economy of the Gulf of Mexico: A Modern Synthesis
Presenter(s): Alexander S. Kolker, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium and Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Tulane University. Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 25 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150 for NOAA Silver Spring staff

24 September 2018

Title: Preparing for the Next Water Year: Drought & Climate Outlook for California-Nevada
Presenter(s): s): Dan McEvoy, Western Regional Climate Center, Desert Research Institute; Michelle Mead, NWS Sacramento; Michael Dettinger, USGS
Date & Time: 24 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below), NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

Title: Application of Multispectral (RGB) Imagery from JPSS/VIIRS by Operational Forecasters in Alaska
Presenter(s): Kevin Fuell, NASA/Short-term Prediction, Research and Transition - SPoRT - Center Huntsville, AL
Date & Time: 24 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Greentech IV Conference 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771 Conference Room 561

21 September 2018

Title: September NWS Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 21 September 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

20 September 2018

Title: Valuing Blue Carbon in Mid-Atlantic Back-Barrier Wetlands
Presenter(s): Meredith Kurz, OAR/OAP
Date & Time: 20 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

19 September 2018

Title: Approaches for Addressing Missing Temperature Data for Longitudinal Studies
Presenter(s): Dr. Thomas Grothues, Rutgers University & Jacques Cousteau, National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Date & Time: 19 September 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Online access (webinar)

Title: Trend Analysis of System-wide Monitoring Program (SWMP) Temperature with Missing Data
Presenter(s): Dr. Thomas Grothues, Rutgers University and Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve
Date & Time: 19 September 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Please register through GoToWebinar (see below).

18 September 2018

Title: Beyond Dissolving Shells in Acid: New Approaches to Teaching Ocean Acidification
Presenter(s): Brian Erickson, Oregon State University
Date & Time: 18 September 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Online access (webinar) Register here:

13 September 2018

Title: Coral Reef Conservation Program & The Nature Conservancy Partnership in Hawaii
Presenter(s): Emily Fielding, TNC Maui Marine Program Director
Date & Time: 13 September 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar, or for NOAA staff in Silver Spring, SSMC3, Room 4817

Title: BETA OPUS-Projects: the Next Generation of OPUS-Projects
Presenter(s): Dr. Mark Schenewerk, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 13 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 13 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Autonomous Vehicles - Multiple Missions and Multiple Sensors through Modularity
Presenter(s): AMV). Presenting in Silver Spring, MD
Date & Time: 13 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

12 September 2018

Title: Management strategy evaluation for ecosystem-based fisheries management: defining objectives and exploring tradeoffs using transdisciplinary approaches
Presenter(s): Kristin Marshall, Research Fish Biologist, NMFS/NWFSC/FRAMD
Date & Time: 12 September 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Solving the Challenge of Predicting Nature: How Close are We and How Do We Get There?
Presenter(s): Michael Dietze, Associate Professor, Department of Earth & Environment, Boston University
Date & Time: 12 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

11 September 2018

Title: POSTPONED to 10/24: NOAA Geospatial (Geographic Information System) Hot Topics
Presenter(s): Tony LaVoi, NOAA Geospatial Information Officer, NOAA Office of the Chief Information Officer and Integrated Information Services Division Chief, NOAA Office for Coastal Management; Kim Valentine, Geospatial Data Manager, National Ocean Service, Office of the Assistant Chief Information Officer; and Randy Warren, GIS Coordinator, National Ocean Service, Office for Coastal Management
Date & Time: 11 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: The role of reef acoustic cues in the pelagic stage of reef fish larvae
Presenter(s): Andria Kay Salas, NMFS/OHC/HRD
Date & Time: 11 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

6 September 2018

Title: State of the Nation’s River: How is the Potomac doing?
Presenter(s): Hedrick Belin, President, Potomac Conservancy, and Caitlin Wall, Director of Policy, Potomac Conservancy
Date & Time: 6 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar (see login below) or at NOAA SSMC4, Room 8150 (NOAA staff only)

Title: Declining CO2 Price Paths
Presenter(s): Gernot Wagner, Clinical Associate Professor, New York University. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 6 September 2018
11:30 am - 1:15 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

5 September 2018

Title: CCRUN Seminar: Green Infrastructure
Presenter(s): Dr. Franco Montalto, Drexel University
Date & Time: 5 September 2018
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA - HQ - Science Seminar Series

Title: Underwater: Rising Seas, Chronic Floods, and the Implications for US Coastal Real Estate
Presenter(s): Dr. Kristina Dahl, Senior Climate Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists. Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 5 September 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

4 September 2018

Title: Upper ocean horizontal velocity and vertical shear in the tropical North Atlantic.
Presenter(s): Dr. Renellys Perez, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/PhOD
Date & Time: 4 September 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149)

Title: Accessibility of Big Data Imagery for Next Generation Computer Vision Applications
Presenter(s): Sarah Margolis NMFS OST, Knauss Fellow
Date & Time: 4 September 2018
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

30 August 2018

Title: Exploring Deepwater Habitats of the Southeast US Continental Margin
Presenter(s): Dr. Leslie Reynolds Sautter, Dept. of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, College of Charleston. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 30 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) in Tropical Cyclone Monitoring
Presenter(s): Xiaofeng Li, NESDIS/STAR/SOCD/MECB
Date & Time: 30 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

29 August 2018

Title: Cooperative Monitoring Program for Fish Spawning Aggregations in the Gulf of Mexico
Presenter(s): Brad Erisman, Assistant Professor of Fisheries Ecology, The University of Texas at Austin. Presenting in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 29 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

28 August 2018

Title: Telling Stories with Data: The Art of Data Visualization
Presenter(s): Kel Elkins, NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
Date & Time: 28 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only.

Title: 2017 Annual Climate Trends and Impacts Summary for the Great Lakes Basin
Presenter(s): Dr. Jeffrey Andreson, Great Lakes Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments team and Michigan State Climatologist et. al.
Date & Time: 28 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online access

Title: The Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment: An Overview of Volume 1
Presenter(s): Donald J. Wuebbles, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois. Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 28 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login below) or for NOAA staff, SSMC4, Room 8150, SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

27 August 2018

Title: Hot, Dry Conditions Bring Drought and Fire Impacts to the Pacific Northwest
Presenter(s): Nick Bond, Washington State Climatologist; Troy Lindquist, NWS Forecast Office Boise; Julia Ostapiej, Oregon Water Resource Department; Dave Peterson, University of Washington
Date & Time: 27 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

23 August 2018

Title: Tidings of the Tides
Presenter(s): William Sweet, Oceanographer, Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, NOAA's National Ocean Service. Presenting in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 23 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login below) or for NOAA staff, SSMC4, Room 8150

22 August 2018

Title: The Devil (Weed) is in the Details: The Spread and Ecology of an Invasive Seaweed
Presenter(s): Dr. Lindsay Marks, California Sea Grant Fellow for Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and former Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar
Date & Time: 22 August 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Online Participation Only

Title: Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) Development of Alaska-Relevant Satellite Applications from Suomi-NPP/JPSS-1 and GOES-R
Presenter(s): Steve Miller, Colorado State University
Date & Time: 22 August 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar

Title: Multi-stressor effects of ultraviolet light, temperature, and salinity on oil toxicity in estuarine species
Presenter(s): Marie DeLorenzo, NOAA, National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science,.Presenting in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 22 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or for NOAA Silver Spring staff, SSMC4, Room - 8150

21 August 2018

Title: Carbon Projects in Alaska: How they work and the risks and rewards
Presenter(s): Nathan Lojewski, Forestry Manager, Chugachmiut; and Clare Doig, Forest Land Management, Inc.
Date & Time: 21 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online

Title: What, Why, and How of the NOAA Institutional Repository
Presenter(s): Jennifer Fagan-Fry, MLIS; Sarah Davis, MLS, NOAA Central Library
Date & Time: 21 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar,, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Climate Change will Exacerbate Effects of Coastal Eutrophication in Northern Gulf of Mexico
Presenter(s): Arnaud Laurent, Research Associate, Dalhousie University
Date & Time: 21 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login below) or for NOAA Silver Spring staff: SSMC4, Room - 8150

20 August 2018

Title: Saharan Air Layer (SAL) research using Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) resources
Presenter(s): Arunas Kuciauskas, Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorology Division, Monterey, CA
Date & Time: 20 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room S650 Greentech IV Building 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771

17 August 2018

Title: August NWS Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 17 August 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: Online or in-person IARC/Akasofu 407

16 August 2018

Title: The Causes and Consequences of a Rapidly Changing Arctic
Presenter(s): Patrick C. Taylor, Climate Research Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 16 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login below) or for NOAA staff, SSMC4, Room 8150

Title: Bringing Back the Dinosaurs of the Deep: A Framework for Species Reintroduction
Presenter(s): Jessica Collier, USFWS
Date & Time: 16 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

14 August 2018

Title: Science communication @ NOAA: Effective strategies to increase public engagement and understanding of science
Presenter(s): Leticia Williams, NWS/COO/OPS
Date & Time: 14 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: The Value of NOAA Data and Earth Observations
Presenter(s): Christopher Lauer, NOAA Office of Performance, Risk and Social Science
Date & Time: 14 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only.

Title: Impacts of high-resolution Himawari-8 AMVs on TC forecast in HWRF
Presenter(s): Masahiro Sawada, JMA-EMC
Date & Time: 14 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 2155

9 August 2018

Title: Propagating modes of variability and their impact on the western boundary current in the South Atlantic
Presenter(s): Dr. Sudip Majumder, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, University of Miami
Date & Time: 9 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149)

Title: GPS on Bench Marks Update
Presenter(s): Galen Scott and Kevin Ahlgren, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 9 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 9 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Integrating Social Network Development into Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Management Capacity Building and Institutionalization in the Philippines and Indonesia
Presenter(s): Anne Nelson, NOAA MPA Center International Capacity Building Program, on contract with Lynker Technologies, Inc.; and, Gabrielle Johnson, NOAA International MPA Capacity Building Program / Coral Reef Conservation Program, on contract with The Baldwin Group
Date & Time: 9 August 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: Long-Term Climate Mitigation Perspectives and the 2°C Objective
Presenter(s): Benjamin DeAngelo, Deputy Director, NOAA Climate Program Office. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 9 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or for NOAA folks, SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

7 August 2018

Title: The NOAA Big Data Project
Presenter(s): Dr. Edward Kearns, NOAA Chief Data Officer
Date & Time: 7 August 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only.

Title: Elemental Stoichiometry: A Swiss Army Knife for Long-Term Water Quality Monitoring
Presenter(s): Doug Bell, OAR/OPPE
Date & Time: 7 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Identifying Ocean Events & Seasonal Trends of Bio-physical Water Properties & Dynamic Anomalous Marine Conditions in the Gulf of Mexico
Presenter(s): Prof. Robert Arnone, and Dr. Brooke Jones , Dept. of Marine Science, Ocean Weather Laboratory
University of Southern Mississippi, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 7 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

3 August 2018

Title: Applications of a Global Database of Altimeter and Radiometer Wave Heights and Wind Speeds
Presenter(s): Ian Young, University of Melbourne
Date & Time: 3 August 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, Rm 2890

2 August 2018

Title: Climate Potential Surprises - Compound Extremes and Tipping Elements (Climate Science Special Report)
Presenter(s): Radley Horton, Associate Research Professor, Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Presenitng remotely.
Date & Time: 2 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or for NOAA folks, SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

1 August 2018

Title: Understanding Marine and Aquatic Community Responses in Species Composition, Diversity, and Population Genetics: Targeted Metagenomics from eDNA and Plankton Samples
Presenter(s): Dr. Carol Stepien, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Lab
Date & Time: 1 August 2018
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 4840 S State Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

Title: The Coastal Recovery from Storms Tool (CReST): A Model for Assessing the Impact of Sea Level Rise on Natural and Managed Beaches and Dunes
Presenter(s): Peter Ruggiero, Professor, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Presenting at NOAA in SIlver Spring.
Date & Time: 1 August 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar, or for NOAA Silver Spring folks, SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

31 July 2018

Title: The NOAA Digital Coast: Turning Coastal Data and Tools into Actionable Information
Presenter(s): Josh Murphy, Geospatial Program Analyst, Doug Marcy, Coastal Hazards Specialist and Nate Herold, Physical Scientist. All with the NOAA/NOS/OCM/Science and Geospatial Division
Date & Time: 31 July 2018
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only - register below.

Title: Marine Megafauna Movement Analytical Program: Convergence of Patterns in Open and Coastal Oceans
Presenter(s): Dr Ana M Sequeira, University of Western Australia. Presenting remotely from Western Australia!
Date & Time: 31 July 2018
11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login below), and for NOAA Silver Spring folks, SSMC4 Room - 8150

30 July 2018

Title: NWS HeatRisk Product
Presenter(s): Paul Iniguez, Science and Operations Officer, NOAA National Weather Service Forecast Office, Phoenix, AZ
Date & Time: 30 July 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only

26 July 2018

Title: SCIENCE and publishing in SCIENCE
Presenter(s): Dr. Jesse Smith, Science
Date & Time: 26 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Droughts, Floods, and Wildfire! (Climate Science Special Report)
Presenter(s): Michael Wehner, Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 26 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or for NOAA folks, SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

25 July 2018

Title: Southwest Drought & Wildfire Status, Impacts and Outlook
Presenter(s): s): Nancy Selover, Arizona State Climatologist; Ed Delgado, National Program Manager for National Interagency Fire Center Predictive Services
Date & Time: 25 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

24 July 2018

Title: Recent changes in Lake Michigan’s lower food web
Presenter(s): Dr. Hunter J. Carrick, Dept. of Biology and Institute for Great Lakes Research, Central Michigan University
Date & Time: 24 July 2018
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 4840 S State Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

23 July 2018

Title: Climate Change Threatens the World’s Marine Protected Areas
Presenter(s): John Bruno, Professor, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Date & Time: 23 July 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: Battling the Extremes: Drought and Fire Outlook for California-Nevada
Presenter(s): s): Dave Simeral, Western Regional Climate Center, Desert Research Institute; Amanda Sheffield, National Integrated Drought Information System; National Interagency Fire Center Predictive Services; Julie Kalansky, CNAP - a NOAA RISA, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Date & Time: 23 July 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

20 July 2018

Title: July 2018 National Weather Service Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 20 July 2018
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm ET
Location: Remote Access

19 July 2018

Title: Bering Sea Subsistence Harvest: Measuring Vulnerability to Climate Change
Presenter(s): Grace Ferrara, NMFS/OAA/OIASI/IA
Date & Time: 19 July 2018
12:30 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Mitigation of White Band Disease in Acropora cervicornis by a Quorum Sensing Inhibitor
Presenter(s): Rebecca Certner, NOS/MBO/PCAD
Date & Time: 19 July 2018
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Detection and Attribution of Climate Change from the U.S. Perspective (Climate Science Special Report): Video linked in Description
Presenter(s): Thomas R. Knutson, Research Meteorologist, NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 19 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar or for NOAA folks, SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

18 July 2018

Title: The NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS): Products, Applications, and Improvements
Presenter(s): Christopher Grassotti, NESDIS STAR/SMCD
Date & Time: 18 July 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Remote Access

Title: Projecting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of North American Marine Species
Presenter(s): James W. Morley, postdoctoral researcher, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences
Date & Time: 18 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: NESDIS snowfall rate product and assessment in NWS Forecast Offices
Presenter(s): Huan Meng, NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research, and Kristopher White, NWS/Huntsville, AL Weather Forecast Office and NASA/MSFC/Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center
Date & Time: 18 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Room 2554-2555, NCWCP, 5830 University Research Ct, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Title: Hydrologic Prediction through Changes in Soil Moisture and Snowpack: Estimating Natural and Anthropogenic Fluxes
Presenter(s): Ben Livneh, University of Colorado / CIRES
Date & Time: 18 July 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 2155

17 July 2018

Title: Evaluating Coastal Habitat Vulnerability to Climate Change
Presenter(s): Robin Weber, Narragansett Bay Reserve & Jennifer Plunket, North Inlet-Winyah Bay Reserve, National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Date & Time: 17 July 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only: Please register at GoToWebinar:

Title: Visualizing Climate Change: A Quick Guide to Online Tools from the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning
Presenter(s): Nancy Fresco, Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning
Date & Time: 17 July 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Remote Access

16 July 2018

Title: NOAA-CREST Field Experiment activities to Support JPSS Mission and Hydrological Applications
Presenter(s): Tarendra Lakhankar , NOAA-CREST Center, The City College of New York
Date & Time: 16 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room S561 Greentech IV Building 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771

12 July 2018

Title: An Introduction to Geoid Slope Validation Surveys: What they are, and why they matter
Presenter(s): Derek van Westrum, PhD, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey, presenting remotely from Boulder, Colorado
Date & Time: 12 July 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 12 July 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Climate Science: What’s New? Seminar 1 of 8 of the Climate Science Special Report (CSSR) Seminar Series: Video linked in Description
Presenter(s): Katharine Hayhoe, Atmospheric Scientist, Texas Tech University. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 12 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

11 July 2018

Title: Informing ecosystem assessments and management decisions by applying species habitat models
Presenter(s): Kevin Friedland, Research Marine Scientist, NMFS/NEFSC/READ/EDAB/NARRAGANSETT
Date & Time: 11 July 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Citizen Science as an Education Tool
Presenter(s): Claire Fackler, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Alyssa Nally, National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and Ashley Eaton and Kris Stepenuck, Lake Champlain Sea Grant
Date & Time: 11 July 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC3, Rm 12514, Silver Spring, MD or via webinar; see remote access info below

Title: Update to NOAA's Global Surface Temperature Dataset
Presenter(s): Huai-min Zhang, PhD, NOAA NESDIS NCEI
Date & Time: 11 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC3 - Medium Conference Room - 4817

10 July 2018

Title: Beyond the Last Frontier: The Deep Ocean and Why It Matters
Presenter(s): Lisa Levin, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Date & Time: 10 July 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Online Participation Only

Title: Knauss Fellows 3 Minute Talks
Presenter(s): Sarah Margolis, NMFS/OST/AMD, Knauss Fellow
Date & Time: 10 July 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

28 June 2018

Title: Empowering Communities with Online Action Planning Tools - Tipping Point Planner for Improving Water Quality across the Great Lakes
Presenter(s): Kara Salazar, M.S.E., M.P.A; Sustainable Communities Extension Specialist, Illinois - Indiana Sea Grant, Purdue University; Yu-Chun Kao, Research Associate, Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University; and Anthony Kendall, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University. Presenting from Michigan.
Date & Time: 28 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

27 June 2018

Title: Southern Plains Drought Webinar
Presenter(s): Victor Murphy, Climate Services Program Manager for the NWS Southern Region
Date & Time: 27 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

Title: The Watershed Game: Using interactive simulations to engage communities, provide effective education, and enhance the skills and solutions leaders have to achieving clean water goals
Presenter(s): John Bilotta; Water Resource Management and Policy Extension Educator for Minnesota Sea Grant and University of Minnesota Extension, based in St. Paul, MN and Cindy Hagley; Environmental Quality Extension Educator for Minnesota Sea Grant, based in Duluth, MN. Presenting remotely from MN.
Date & Time: 27 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

26 June 2018

Title: Building Resilient Communities with Green Infrastructure One Code at a Time
Presenter(s): Julia Noordyk, M.S., Water Quality and Coastal Community Outreach Specialist, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute. Presenting remotely from Green Bay, Wisconsin
Date & Time: 26 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Integrated Decision-Making in the EEZ: South Africa's National Oceans and Coasts Information Management System
Presenter(s): Dr. Deirdre A. Byrne, Oceans and Coasts, Department of Environmental Affairs, Republic of South Africa
Date & Time: 26 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

25 June 2018

Title: Southwest Drought Status & Monsoon Prediction
Presenter(s): Becky Bolinger, Colorado Assistant State Climatologist; Brian Klimowski, Meteorologist-in-Charge, Flagstaff Weather Forecast Office
Date & Time: 25 June 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

Title: Hot & Dry Summer: Drought and Fire Outlook for the Pacific Northwest
Presenter(s): s): John Abatzoglou, University of Idaho, CIRC - Climate Impacts Research Consortium - a NOAA RISA; Andrea Bair, NWS Western Region; Bart Nijssen, University of Washington; Ed Delgado, NIFC - National Interagency Fire Center Predictive Services
Date & Time: 25 June 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

Title: Satellite-derived ocean color fields in NCEP operational models
Presenter(s): Avichal Mehra and Vladimir Krasnopolsky, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC
Date & Time: 25 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room S561 Greentech IV Building 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771

22 June 2018

Title: June 2018 NWS Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, National Weather Service Alaska
Date & Time: 22 June 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: online or in-person IARC 407

21 June 2018

Title: Floodplain Reconnection on Butano Creek – Design, Implementation and Preliminary Post-Project Results
Presenter(s): Chris Hammersmark, registered civil engineer, hydrologist, CBEC, Inc, Eco Engineering
Date & Time: 21 June 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar - Register in advance with

Title: How do fishermen understand the ecosystem? Local Ecological Knowledge in Maine’s Commercial Fisheries
Presenter(s): Emily Farr, NOAA/NMFS/OHC/HPD
Date & Time: 21 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

20 June 2018

Title: Volcanic Cloud Monitoring in the North Pacific: The Dawning of the GOES-R Era
Presenter(s): Michael J. Pavolonis, NOAA/NESDIS; NOAA Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies; University of Wisconsin - Madison
Date & Time: 20 June 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Remote Access

Title: A Basis for K. brevis Harmful Algal Bloom Prediction and a West Florida Shelf Outlook for 2018
Presenter(s): Robert Weisberg, Professor, University of South Florida, College of Marine Science. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 20 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Principles for Fisheries Dependent Data
Presenter(s): Vivian Matter, NMFS/SEFSC/SFD
Date & Time: 20 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

19 June 2018

Title: Cooperative Institutes and Grantees
Presenter(s): Jennifer Fagan-Fry, MLIS; Sarah Davis, MLS, NOAA Central Library
Date & Time: 19 June 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar,, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Funding Opportunity for Long-Term Trends in Gulf of Mexico Living Coastal and Marine Resources
Presenter(s): Dr. Julien Lartigue, Director, NOAA RESTORE Science Program, Stennis Space Center, MS. Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 19 June 2018
10:00 am - 10:30 am ET
Location: Webinar (see login info below)

18 June 2018

Title: Funding Opportunity for Long-Term Trends in Gulf of Mexico Living Coastal and Marine Resources
Presenter(s): Dr. Julien Lartigue, Director, NOAA RESTORE Science Program, Stennis Space Center, MS. Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 18 June 2018
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login info below)

14 June 2018

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 14 June 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Finding the right 10%: Assessing MPA progress and the BlueBRIDGE platform
Presenter(s): Miles Macmillan-Lawler, GRID-Arendal
Date & Time: 14 June 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: Funding Opportunity for Long-Term Trends in Gulf of Mexico Living Coastal and Marine Resources
Presenter(s): Dr. Julien Lartigue, Director, NOAA RESTORE Science Program, Stennis Space Center, MS. Presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 14 June 2018
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login info below)

13 June 2018

Title: Ecological stoichiometry of aquatic microbes: from water quality to sustainable energy production
Presenter(s): Dr. Casey Godwin, University of Michigan, Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research - CIGLR
Date & Time: 13 June 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 4840 S State Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

Title: Overview of the Ecosystem Based Fishery Management (EBFM) Implementation Plans from HQ & the regions
Presenter(s): Karen Abrams, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Sustainable Fisheries
Date & Time: 13 June 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Bless your coast: communicating acidification with lessons learned in the Southeast
Presenter(s): Leslie Wickes, Southeast Ocean & Coastal Acidification Network & Ryan Ono, The Ocean Conservancy
Date & Time: 13 June 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Remote Access, please register here:

Title: An Economic Analysis of Shipping Costs Related to Potential Measures to Manage the Co-Occurrence of Maritime Vessel Traffic and Whales in the Channel Islands Region
Presenter(s): Sarah Gonyo, Economist, PhD, NOAA NCCOS. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD
Date & Time: 13 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

12 June 2018

Title: Drought in a can that be??
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman and Aaron Jacobs, National Weather Service, Alaska
Date & Time: 12 June 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online or in-person IARC 407

Title: Moving towards an integrated community management approach in American Samoa
Presenter(s): Fa'asalafa Kitiona, Priority Watershed Coordinator, Coral Reef Advisory Group, Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources, American Samoa
Date & Time: 12 June 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 11153

Title: Integrating Novel Observation, Cultivation, and Modeling Capabilities to Unravel Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics in Marine and Estuarine Systems
Presenter(s): Dr. Kate Hubbard, Research Scientist at Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute and Guest Investigator at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD.
Date & Time: 12 June 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 10153

11 June 2018

Title: Field and Numerical Investigations of Coastal Hazards and Nature Based Defenses From Hurricane Storm Surge and Waves in the Chesapeake Bay
Presenter(s): Juan Luis Garzon Hervas, George Mason University
Date & Time: 11 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Room 2155, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Ct, College Park, MD 20740, USA

6 June 2018

Title: Dolphin Tales: Studying the Who, When, and Where of Habitat Use
Presenter(s): Dr. Tammy Silva, Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar
Date & Time: 6 June 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Online Participation Only

Title: Monitoring of greenhouse gases and pollutants across an urban area using a light-rail public transit platform
Presenter(s): Dr. Logan Mitchell, University of Utah
Date & Time: 6 June 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: Remote Access

Title: An introduction to Gulf TREE, a new resource for climate resilience tools
Presenter(s): Mikaela Heming, Project Coordinator, Northern Gulf of Mexico Sentinel Site Cooperative
Date & Time: 6 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only

5 June 2018

Title: Marine Ecological Climate Services: User-Driven Forecasts of Life in the Ocean
Presenter(s): Mark R. Payne, Senior Researcher, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD.
Date & Time: 5 June 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

31 May 2018

Title: Assessing the Relationship between Geomorphology and Deep-Sea Coral Community on the West Florida Escarpment
Presenter(s): Zach Proux, MS Candidate, Marine Biology, Grice Marine Lab, College of Charleston. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 31 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 9153

Title: No forage fish, no salmon: current status and data gaps for understanding forage fish in the southern Salish Sea
Presenter(s): Todd Sandell, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Date & Time: 31 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Pushing the Boundaries: Technology-Driven Exploration of the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Presenter(s): John Bright, Research Coordinator and Unit Diving Supervisor, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
Date & Time: 31 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

30 May 2018

Title: POSTPONED: Managers, modelers, and measuring the impact of species distribution model uncertainty on marine zoning decisions.
Presenter(s): Bryan Costa, Marine Ecologist at NOAA, Currently detailed to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, University of California Santa Barbara, and Matt Kendall, Marine Biologist, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Marine Spatial Ecology Division, Biogeography Branch
Date & Time: 30 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Fishery Ecology: Linking Habitat Research to Sustainable Stocks in the Southeastern US
Presenter(s): Ron Hill, PhD, Acting Chief, Fishery Ecology Branch, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center,, Galveston. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 30 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

29 May 2018

Title: Springing into Summer: Current Conditions + The Story of 2011-2017 Historic Drought
Presenter(s): s): Dan McEvoy, Western Regional Climate Center-WRCC & Desert Research Institute-DRI; Alison Stevens, NOAA Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, & Projections -MAPP Program; Amanda Sheffield - NOAA National Integrated Drought Information System-NIDIS; Michael Anderson, California State Climatologist; Michelle L'Heureux, NOAA Climate Prediction Center-CPC; Dennis Lettenmaier, UCLA & California Nevada Applications Program-CNAP, a NOAA RISA; an Marty Hoerling, NOAA Earth Systems Research Lab-ESRL
Date & Time: 29 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

Title: The emerging role of the land surface in weather and climate prediction
Presenter(s): Paul Dirmeyer, George Mason University-COLA
Date & Time: 29 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 2155

Title: Advances in Nature-based Risk Reduction. Part 1: Assessing Coastal risk & the economics of climate adaptation on the US Gulf Coast., & Part 2: Risk Reduction & Re-engineering with Coral Reefs
Presenter(s): Borja G. Reguero, PhD, University of California Santa Cruz and The Nature Conservancy, and Michael W. Beck, PhD, TNC and UCSC. Both presenting remotely.
Date & Time: 29 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

24 May 2018

Title: NWS Alaska Climate Outlook Briefing for May
Presenter(s): Rick Thoman, NOAA NWS
Date & Time: 24 May 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: Register for Webinar at

Title: Where Shrews Walk on Water: Diversity by Design for British Columbia South Coast
Presenter(s): Pamela Zevit, British Columbia's South Coast Conservation Program
Date & Time: 24 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar - Register in advance with

Title: The ecology of disease in marine fishes: insights from Pacific herringtem
Presenter(s): Mary Hunsicker, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 24 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Rescheduled to May 31: New Models and Analyses of Deep-sea Corals to Support Essential Fish Habitat Designations in the Gulf of Mexico
Presenter(s): Peter Etnoyer, PhD., Deep Coral Ecology Lab, Marine Spatial Ecology Division, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. Presenting remotely from Charleston, SC
Date & Time: 24 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

23 May 2018

Title: Southwest Drought Webinar
Presenter(s): Brian Fuchs, National Drought Mitigation Center; Ed Delgado, National Predictive Services Manager, National Wildfire Coordinating Group
Date & Time: 23 May 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

Title: Saildrones in the Bering Sea: Using unmanned surface vehicles to examine relationships between northern fur seals and their prey
Presenter(s): Carey Kuhn, Ecologist, NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 23 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Applications of Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation to the Predictability Studies
Presenter(s): Mu Mu, CAS Academician
Date & Time: 23 May 2018
10:30 am - 11:30 am ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 2155

Title: NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Division Review and Annual Conference (Day 3)
Presenter(s): NOAA OAR Global Monitoring Division presenters
Date & Time: 23 May 2018
10:30 am - 6:45 pm ET
Location: David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC), 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305

22 May 2018

Title: NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Division Review and Annual Conference (Day 2)
Presenter(s): NOAA OAR Global Monitoring Division presenters
Date & Time: 22 May 2018
10:30 am - 6:45 pm ET
Location: David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC), 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305

21 May 2018

Title: NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Division Review and Annual Conference (Day 1)
Presenter(s): NOAA OAR Global Monitoring Division presenters
Date & Time: 21 May 2018
12:30 pm - 7:30 pm ET
Location: David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC), 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80305

Title: Ocean Acidification in Alaska: Ecosystems and Economies
Presenter(s): Jesscia Cross, Oceanographer, OAR/PMEL
Date & Time: 21 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

Title: Neural network retrievals of Karenia brevis harmful algal blooms in the West Florida Shelf
Presenter(s): Sam Ahmed, NOAA CREST, City College
Date & Time: 21 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room S561 Greentech IV Building 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771

Title: Southern Plains Drought Webinar
Presenter(s): Dave DuBois, New Mexico State Climatologist
Date & Time: 21 May 2018
11:30 am - 12:30 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

17 May 2018

Title: Impacts of changing ocean conditions on forage fish community dynamics in the California Current Ecosystem
Presenter(s): Mary Hunsicker, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 17 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Frankenturtles: The Science behind the Monsters
Presenter(s): Bianca Santos, Knauss Fellow, NOAA OAR/IA
Date & Time: 17 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar

16 May 2018

Title: New capabilities, opportunities, and challenges using GOES-17 in Alaska
Presenter(s): Jordan Gerth, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Date & Time: 16 May 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar

Title: Measuring ocean waves in sea-ice from synthetic aperture radar imagery and wave-ice interaction
Presenter(s): Justin E Spota, Univ. of Hawaii
Date & Time: 16 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 2155

15 May 2018

Title: Those scented products you love? NOAA research finds they can cause air pollution.
Presenter(s): Brian C. McDonald, Research Scientist, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, and NOAA Earth System Research Chemical Sciences Division, Boulder, CO. Likely presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring
Date & Time: 15 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

10 May 2018

Title: What does 'sustainability' mean for forage species?
Presenter(s): Margaret Siple, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
Date & Time: 10 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 10 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Finnish Meteorological Institute - Weather Forecast Production and NWP Postprocessing
Presenter(s): Jussi Ylhaisi, FMI
Date & Time: 10 May 2018
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, Rm 2890

Title: Tips & Resources for Developing & Sharing Marine Science Stories, from the Tales from the Sea Project
Presenter(s): Stephanie Green, Banting Fellow at Stanford's Center for Ocean Solutions, and Heather Mannix, Assistant Director of Policy Engagement for COMPASS
Date & Time: 10 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

9 May 2018

Title: Ecosystem Modeling (EM) for Living Marine Resource (LMR) management
Presenter(s): Howard Townsend, Ph.D., NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Science and Technology
Date & Time: 9 May 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar,, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Anthropocene Sea Level Change & Sea Level Report Cards: Tracking Trends, Projections, & Processes to Aid Coastal Planning
Presenter(s): John D. Boon III, PhD, Emeritus Professor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science-VIMS, School of Marine Science, College of William and Mary
Date & Time: 9 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

8 May 2018

Title: Rapid Vulnerability Assessment Tool for MPA Managers
Presenter(s): Sara Hutto of Greater Farallones Association and Lara Hansen of EcoAdapt
Date & Time: 8 May 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Online Virtual Access Only - see access information below

Title: Heavy Metal on the High Seas: USS Monitor and World War II Shipwrecks off the North Carolina Coast
Presenter(s): Tane Casserley, Research Coordinator, Monitor National Marine Sanctuary, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, National Ocean Service, NOAA. Presenting at NOAA Silver Spring
Date & Time: 8 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

3 May 2018

Title: Defining ecosystem thresholds for human activities and environmental pressures in the California Current
Presenter(s): Jameal Samhouri, Ecosystem Science Program Manager, Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.Presenting from Seattle.
Date & Time: 3 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Macrosystems ecology: Developing a macroscale understanding of ecosystem properties
Presenter(s): Dr. Patricia A. Soranno, Professor, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
Date & Time: 3 May 2018
10:30 am - 11:30 am ET
Location: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 4840 S State Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

2 May 2018

Title: Ocean Futures Explored Using a Worldwide Suite of Ecosystem Models: how ocean acidification is more dramatic than large scale protection or dramatically altering fishing
Presenter(s): Erik Olsen, PhD, Head of Research, Demersal fish research group, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway
Date & Time: 2 May 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Capelin in the Gulf of Alaska: environmental influences on spatial dynamics and implications for monitoring
Presenter(s): David W. McGowan, Ph.D candidate, University of Washington Seattle, School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences, Seattle, WA
Date & Time: 2 May 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

Title: Nutrient Biogeochemistry of Vatia Bay, American Samoa: Variability, Sources and Effects
Presenter(s): Dr. David Whitall, Senior Scientist and Coastal Ecologist, NOAA/NOS/National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Stressor Detection & Impacts Division, Monitoring and Assessment Branch
Date & Time: 2 May 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

26 April 2018

Title: Spatial variation and cryptic collapses in herring metapopulations
Presenter(s): Daniel Okamoto, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University
Date & Time: 26 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Positive or neutral effects of non-native plant species in hybrid ecosystems: The use of songbirds and other observable wildlife as measures of restoration success
Presenter(s): Sandy DeSimone, Audubon California
Date & Time: 26 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar

Title: Evaluating methods for estimating mortality of Great Lakes walleye using acoustic telemetry data
Presenter(s): Lisa Peterson, Knauss Fellow, NOAA NMFS, OST
Date & Time: 26 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

24 April 2018

Title: Fire: Modeling and Prediction Issues (part 2)
Presenter(s): Uma Bhatt, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Edward Delgado, Bureau of Land Management, Adam Kochanski, University of Utah, James Randerson, University of California, Irvine
Date & Time: 24 April 2018
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Location: Online Access and CPO Fishbowl SSMC3 Rm 12871

Title: Exploring Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for NWP and Situational Awareness Applications
Presenter(s): Sid Boukabara, NOAA/NESDIS
Date & Time: 24 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 2155

23 April 2018

Title: Blossoms and Snow Melt: Spring in the Pacific Northwest
Presenter(s): s): Philip Mote, Oregon State Climatologist, Jeremy Wolf NWS Weather Forecast Office - Spokane, Sarah Kapnick, NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Lee Kalcsits, Washington State University
Date & Time: 23 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

Title: Drought and Wildfire in the Southern Plains
Presenter(s): s): Brian Fuchs, Climatologist at National Drought Mitigation Center
Date & Time: 23 April 2018
11:30 am - 12:45 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

19 April 2018

Title: Lumping and splitting, waxing and waning: Metapopulation genetics of Pacific herring and its application to management
Presenter(s): Lorenz Hauser, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington
Date & Time: 19 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Hands-on Section 508 Workshop--Basic PDF Editing
Presenter(s): Jennifer Fagan-Fry, MLIS, NOAA OAR/Library
Date & Time: 19 April 2018
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Predicting Whale Acoustic Exposures: Effect of Vessel Management Options
Presenter(s): Adam S. Frankel, Ph.D., Marine Acoustics, Inc. Hawai'i Marine Mammal Consortium.Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD
Date & Time: 19 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150 or via webinar (see login info below)

Title: Fire: Modeling and Prediction Issues (part 1)
Presenter(s): Francesca Di Giuseppe, ECMWF, Keren Mezuman, NASA GISS, Sam Rabin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Etienne Tourigny, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Date & Time: 19 April 2018
10:00 am - 11:30 am ET
Location: Online Access and CPO Fishbowl SSMC3 Rm 12871

18 April 2018

Title: Science and Leadership - Are They Mutually Compatible?
Presenter(s): Patrick Malone, PhD Director, Key Executive Leadership Program, American University
Date & Time: 18 April 2018
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC2 - Conference Room - 17250

Title: The effect of oceanographic variability on the distribution of larval fishes of the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas
Presenter(s): Libby Loggerwell Ph.D, Research Fisheries Biologist, NOAA Fisheries, Seattle, WA
Date & Time: 18 April 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

Title: Sea Turtle Bycatch in U.S. Longline Fisheries: Do the Regulations Work?
Presenter(s): Yonat Swimmer, Research Fishery Biologist, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring.
Date & Time: 18 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

17 April 2018

Title: NOAA's Marine Debris Toolkit for Educators: Incorporating citizen science and community action into an educational setting
Presenter(s): Alyssa Nally, Project Coordinator, NOAA's Ocean Guardian School Program and Sherry Lippiatt, NOAA Marine Debris Program California Regional Coordinator
Date & Time: 17 April 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only - see login info below

Title: NOAA Institutional Repository: Public Access to Research Results (PARR) Compliance and Journals
Presenter(s): Jennifer Fagan-Fry, MLIS and Sarah Davis, MLS, NOAA Central Library
Date & Time: 17 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar,, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Assessing the Population Consequences of Disturbance on Migratory Baleen Whales
Presenter(s): Enrico Pirotta, PhD, Washington State University Vancouver. Presenting from Vancouver, WA
Date & Time: 17 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

16 April 2018

Title: PolarWatch, A New NOAA Program to Improve Ocean Remote Sensing Data Access
Presenter(s): Cara Wilson, Environmental Research Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Monterey, CA
Date & Time: 16 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: JPSS Greentech IV Building 7770 Hubble Drive, Lanham MD - Conference Room S561

12 April 2018

Title: EconLit Training for NOAA Fisheries
Presenter(s): Greg Weyman, EBSCO
Date & Time: 12 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar

Title: Traditional and modern perspectives on herring survival with a Coast Salish perspective
Presenter(s): Tim Kulchyski, Cowichan Tribes, Cowichan Watershed Board
Date & Time: 12 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 12 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Landscape Ecology Influences Estuarine Community Dynamics and Service Delivery
Presenter(s): Shelby L. Ziegler, Institute of Marine Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Morehead City, NC. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD. Co-authors: F. Joel Fodrie, Jonathan H. Grabowski, Christopher J. Baillie, and Lauren A. Yeager
Date & Time: 12 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

11 April 2018

Title: Science to Support Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management of Coral Reef Ecosystems Across the U.S. Pacific Islands
Presenter(s): Rusty Brainard, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 11 April 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar

Title: Assessing Collaboration Potential in the Saco River Watershed: A Multidisciplinary Graduate Student-Reserve Project
Presenter(s): Kaitlyn Pritchard, Sophia Paul, and Julia Wondolleck,School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan; ChristineFeurt, Wells Reserve, National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Date & Time: 11 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online

Title: Pop-Up Buoys: Developing Low-Cost Instrumentation for Under-Ice Research
Presenter(s): Dan Langis LT, NOAA Corps., Pacific Marine Environmental Lab, Seattle, WA.
Date & Time: 11 April 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

Title: Introducing Gulf TREE, a New Resource for Climate Resilience Tools
Presenter(s): Mikaela Heming, Project Coordinator for the Northern Gulf of Mexico Sentinel Site Cooperative.
Date & Time: 11 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

10 April 2018

Title: Heat Waves and Mortality: A Global Perspective
Presenter(s): Eric Lavigne, Ph.D, Air Health Science Division of Health Canada and the School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa
Date & Time: 10 April 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only

Title: The Ocean Aero Submaran™ an Innovative Hybrid Autonomous Unmanned Underwater & Surface Vehicle (AUUSV)
Presenter(s): Neil Trenaman, Ocean Aero Inc.
Date & Time: 10 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Marine Microplastics Quest
Presenter(s): Ashok Deshpande, Research Chemist, NOAA/NMFS/Habitat Ecology Branch/Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD
Date & Time: 10 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

6 April 2018

Title: Toward seasonal to multi-annual marine biogeochemical prediction using GFDLs Earth System ModelCapes
Presenter(s): Jong-Yeon Park, Princeton University / GFDL
Date & Time: 6 April 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, Rm 2155

5 April 2018

Title: An abundance of anchovies and other perspectives on 'salmon food' in the Salish Sea
Presenter(s): Will Duguid, Department of Biology, University of Victoria
Date & Time: 5 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Mapping Sea Level Rise Impacts to Oregon’s Tidal Wetlands: Tools for Climate Change Adaptation
Presenter(s): Laura Brophy, Director, Estuary Technical Group, Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis OR and Marine Resource Management Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Date & Time: 5 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

4 April 2018

Title: Protecting Resources Through Communication and Compliance
Presenter(s): Dr. Kirsten Leong, NOAA Fisheries
Date & Time: 4 April 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC3 - Medium Conference Room - 10817

Title: Using Early Life History to Uncover Relationships of Fishes
Presenter(s): Peter Konstantinidis Ph.D, Ichthyoplankton Taxonomist & Curator of Vertebrates,Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Oregon State University
Date & Time: 4 April 2018
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or, SSMC3 - Medium Conference Room - 10817

3 April 2018

Title: Lexis Advance Update for NOAA – Getting Specific Research Results
Presenter(s): Brenna Clanton, LexisNexis
Date & Time: 3 April 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar , OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Coastal Water Quality Satellite Observations in Puerto Rico after Extreme Hurricane Events
Presenter(s): William J. Hernandez, NOAA Center for Earth System Science and Remote Sensing Technologies, City College, City University of New York, New York, NY
Date & Time: 3 April 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

29 March 2018

Title: Mapping Tidal Wetlands and Their Losses on the U.S. West Coast: New Methods, New Insights
Presenter(s): Laura Brophy, Director, Estuary Technical Group, Institute for Applied Ecology, Corvallis OR and Marine Resource Management Program, Oregon State University, Corvallis
Date & Time: 29 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

27 March 2018

Title: Buffer Options for the Bay: An in-depth look at the use of vegetated buffers in New Hampshire
Presenter(s): Cory Riley, Reserve Manager, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Southeastern New Hampshire
Date & Time: 27 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only - see login below

Title: Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in the United States
Presenter(s): Amanda Staudt, Director of the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate and Polar Research Board within the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine -NASEM-; Katie Thomas, Senior Program Officer for the Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate within NASEM; Steven C. Wofsy, the Abbott Lawrence Rotch Professor of Atmospheric and Environmental Science at Harvard University; and James W.C. White, Dean of the College of Arts Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Professor of Geological Sciences
Date & Time: 27 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm ET
Location: Remote Access

26 March 2018

Title: Improved Statistical Postprocessing of Precipitation for the NWS Forecasts and Hydrologic Applications
Presenter(s): Dr. Thomas M. Hamill, NOAA Earth System Research Lab, Physical Sciences Division
Date & Time: 26 March 2018
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 4840 S State Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

Title: Women in NOAA Corps: A Women's History month presentation
Presenter(s): LTJG Melissa D. Mathes, NOAA Commissioned Corps
Date & Time: 26 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

23 March 2018

Title: Subseasonal Forecasting with an Icosahedral, Vertically Quasi-Lagrangian Coupled Model: Systematic Errors and Deterministic/Probabilistic Forecast Skill
Presenter(s): Shan Sun, NOAA/ESRL/GSD
Date & Time: 23 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 2155

22 March 2018

Title: Economic Valuation of Natural Infrastructure Provided by the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve
Presenter(s): Jarrod Loerzel, Social Scientist, Matt Gorstein, Resource Economist, Chloe Fleming, Social Scientist, Sarah Gonyo, Resource Economist, all from NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science - NCCOS
Date & Time: 22 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

21 March 2018

Title: Diet tracing in ecology: Method comparison and selection
Presenter(s): Jens Nielsen Ph.D., NRC postdoctoral researcher, NOAA Fisheries, Seattle, WA.
Date & Time: 21 March 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: PMEL, Oceanographer Room (#2104), 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98103 or

Title: Risk Factors for Seabird Bycatch in the Hawaii Longline Deep-set Tuna Fishery
Presenter(s): Eric Gilman, Tuna Program, The Nature Conservancy, Co-authors include: Milani Chaloupka, Ecological Modeling Services and University of Queens, and John Peschon and Sarah Ellgen, both with NOAA NMFS PIRO
Date & Time: 21 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: WEBINAR ONLY; see login info below

20 March 2018

Title: Moved to 4/17: NOAA Marine Debris Toolkit for Educators: Incorporating citizen science and community action into an educational setting
Presenter(s): Alyssa Nally, Project Coordinator, NOAA's Ocean Guardian School Program and Sherry Lippiatt, NOAA Marine Debris Program California Regional Coordinator
Date & Time: 20 March 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar: see login info below

Title: NCL Knowledge Workshop: Predatory Publishing & Evaluating Journals
Presenter(s): Trevor Riley, MLIS, NOAA Central Library
Date & Time: 20 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar,, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Wave Energy-Based Guidance for Siting Living Shorelines
Presenter(s): Jenny Davis, Coastal Ecologist with NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science in Beaufort NC and Lora Eddy, Coastal Geologist,The Nature Conservancy
Date & Time: 20 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

19 March 2018

Title: Observations on the Ocean’s Mason-Dixon Line
Presenter(s): Mike Muglia, Research Scientist, UNC Coastal Studies Institute/UNC Chapel Hill. Presenting in person at NOAA
Date & Time: 19 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Remote Sensing of Power Outages Following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria of 2017
Presenter(s): William Straka, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies University of Wisconsin and Lori Schultz, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Date & Time: 19 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Greentech IV Bldg, 7700 Hubble Drive, Lanham MD 20771, Conference Room S650

16 March 2018

Title: Managing Drought in the Southern Plains
Presenter(s): John Nielsen-Gammon, Texas State Climatologist
Date & Time: 16 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

15 March 2018

Title: Testing a Novel Adaptation Strategy in a California Salt Marsh
Presenter(s): Karen Thorne, USGS and Evyan Sloane, State of California
Date & Time: 15 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar - register in advance with

Title: NOAA in the Arctic
Presenter(s): David Kennedy, Senior Advisor for the Arctic Region, NOAA
Date & Time: 15 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

14 March 2018

Title: Modelling the food web: The mass balance approach at the NEFSC (Ecosystem Based Management/EBFM seminar series)
Presenter(s): Sean Lucey, NEFSC
Date & Time: 14 March 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Fishing Effort Survey Transition Update
Presenter(s): Kelly Denit, Office of Sustainable Fisheries; Dave Van Voorhees, Office of Science Technology
Date & Time: 14 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar,, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

13 March 2018

Title: Understanding El Nino - Using NOAA's New Educational Tools
Presenter(s): Amy Dean, NOAA's National Estuarine Research Reserve System
Date & Time: 13 March 2018
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm ET
Location: Remote - Online Webinar

Title: Two perspectives on evaluating MPA management effectiveness: lessons learned from Australia's Great Barrier Reef and India
Presenter(s): John C. Day, ARC Centre for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, Australia
Date & Time: 13 March 2018
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: Why I put a pteropod in a CT scanner to study the impacts of ocean acidification
Presenter(s): Rosie Oakes, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
Date & Time: 13 March 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: online only; Register here:

Title: Methane Variation Over Terrestrial And Marine Arctic Areas (2010 – 2016): IASI Satellite Data
Presenter(s): Leonid Yurganov, PhD., Senior Research Scientist, Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250. Other authors include F. Muller-Karger and I. Leifer.
Date & Time: 13 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see below) or in NOAA SSMC3 - new conference center on second floor - ask Jason at front desk for room no/

9 March 2018

Title: What is the Ultimate Limit of Weather Predictability?
Presenter(s): Fuqing Zhang,Penn State University
Date & Time: 9 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, Rm 2155

Title: ​The Current Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Sentry and the Path Towards Getting Rid of the Ship for Future Systems
Presenter(s): Dr. Carl Kaiser, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Date & Time: 9 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, , OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

8 March 2018

Title: 508 Compliance Training
Presenter(s): Timothy Creagan, U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
Date & Time: 8 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Use of scenario planning to help drive management decisions in the West Coast region
Presenter(s): Barry Thom, Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region
Date & Time: 8 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: The State Plane Coordinate System: History, Policy, Future Directions
Presenter(s): Michael Dennis, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 8 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC3 Room 8836

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 8 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: 20 Years Worth of Sediment in Two Weeks: A Controlled Thin Layer Experiment in NC
Presenter(s): Jenny Davis, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science - NCCOS
Date & Time: 8 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Via webinar - register in advance with

Title: Conservation Connections: Species and Places, NOAA's Partnerships for Transboundary Protection Program
Presenter(s): Lisamarie Carruba, NOAA NMFS and Vicki Wedell, acting Chief for Policy and Planning, NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Date & Time: 8 March 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: Understanding and Reconciling Recent Observations of Global Temperatures
Presenter(s): Zeke Hausfather, Research Scientist, Berkeley Earth
Date & Time: 8 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

7 March 2018

Title: Moved to 3/21: Risk Factors for Seabird Bycatch in the Hawaii Pelagic Longline Tuna Fishery
Presenter(s): Eric Gilman, Tuna Program, The Nature Conservancy, Co-authors include: Milani Chaloupka, Ecological Modeling Services and University of Queens, and John Peschon and Sarah Ellgen, both with NOAA NMFS PIRO
Date & Time: 7 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

6 March 2018

Title: Pacific salmon in hot water: past, present and future of thermal diversity in rivers
Presenter(s): Aimee H. Fullerton, PhD., NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle WA. Presenting from Seattle
Date & Time: 6 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

1 March 2018

Title: Chasing Coral Bleaching Around the SoS
Presenter(s): Mark Eakin, NOAA NESDIS
Date & Time: 1 March 2018
3:50 pm - 4:20 pm ET
Location: NOAA,SSMC3 Science on a Sphere (Plaza Level)

Title: Introduction to some NOAA Satellites and their Data Products through Science on a Sphere
Presenter(s): Walter Smith, NOAA NESDIS
Date & Time: 1 March 2018
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm ET
Location: NOAA,SSMC3 Science on a Sphere (Plaza Level)

Title: Valuing Nature for Coastal Risk Reduction: It's Not All About the $$$
Presenter(s): Katie Arkema, Ph.D. , Lead Scientist, The Natural Capital Project
Date & Time: 1 March 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Kissing Coral: Measuring coral metabolic rates in situ with a novel diver-portable underwater respirometer - CISME
Presenter(s): Dr. Alina M. Szmant, Retired Professor, Adjunct Professor, enter for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington, presenting from Wilmington, NC. Co-author, co-developer: Dr. Robert F. Whitehead, Research Specialist, Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Date & Time: 1 March 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

28 February 2018

Title: The Role of Environmental Monitoring and Data Management in Supporting Science to Inform Decision Making: Integrating Coastal and Ocean Monitoring Programs to Address Societal Needs
Presenter(s): Dr. Dwayne Porter, Centralized Data Management Office, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, Baruch Marine Lab, University of South Carolina
Date & Time: 28 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar only

Title: Transformative Mindset Change as a Precondition to Successful Reorganization: Part 2
Presenter(s): Dr. Pavel Hosa, MBA, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Date & Time: 28 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via Webinar or at NOAA,SSMC4, Rm 8150

26 February 2018

Title: Pacific Northwest Water Year: Keeping a Watchful Eye on Snowpack
Presenter(s): s): Karin Bumbacco, Washington Assistant State Climatologist, Dave Miskus, NOAA Climate Prediction Center, Justin Huntington, Western Regional Climate Center/Desert Research Institute, Claire Phillips, US Department of Agriculture
Date & Time: 26 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

Title: Hurricane Analysis and Forecasting at the National Hurricane Center: Past, Present and Future
Presenter(s): Dr. Chris Landsea, NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center
Date & Time: 26 February 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA SMC3 - Medium Conference Room - 4817, SSMC3 - Medium Conference Room - 4817

Title: A Multisatellite Layered Precipitable Water Vapor Product for Forecasting and Model Comparison.
Presenter(s): John Forsythe, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere - CIRA, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Date & Time: 26 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Greentech IV Bldg, 7700 Hubble Drive, Lanham MD 20771, Conference Room S561

22 February 2018

Title: Optimizing Green Stormwater Infrastructure for People and Nature: Advancing Urban Stormwater Planning through Design Thinking, Pollution Loading, and Social Equity Metrics
Presenter(s): Emily Howe, Ph.D. , Aquatic Ecologist, The Nature Conservancy
Date & Time: 22 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online and at NWFSC

Title: Citizen Science Benefits Coral Reef Restoration
Presenter(s): Dalton Hesley, Research Associate, University of Miami RSMAS Presenting remotely
Date & Time: 22 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: 2017 Interim Report
Presenter(s): Philip Schneider, National Institute of Building Sciences
Date & Time: 22 February 2018
11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, SSMC-3, 2nd Floor, or via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

21 February 2018

Title: Virtual Dives into America's Underwater Treasures
Presenter(s): Mitchell Tartt, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries
Date & Time: 21 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Remote

Title: Allisions, Collisions and Groundings: The Impact of the Physical Oceanographic Real Time System (PORTS®) on Accident Reduction
Presenter(s): s): K. Eric Wolfe, Chief Economist, Office of the Associate Administrator, National Ocean Service, NOAA. Presenting in person at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD.
Date & Time: 21 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction: Research Efforts and Broader Perspective
Presenter(s): Elizabeth Barnes, Colorado State University, Ben Kirtman, University of Miami, Michael Rixen, World Climate Research Program, Andrew Robertson, Columbia University, Paolo Ruti, World Meteorological Organization, Michael Ventrice, The Weather Company
Date & Time: 21 February 2018
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC3 OAR CPO Fishbowl Room 12871 and Online Access

20 February 2018

Title: NOAA Institutional Repository Seminar: 508 Compliance
Presenter(s): Jennifer Fagan-Fry, MLIS; Sarah Davis, MLS, NOAA Central Library
Date & Time: 20 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar,, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: The Value of Coastal Wetlands in Reducing Flood Losses from Storms: Case-studies from the US Atlantic Coastline and Elsewhere
Presenter(s): Siddharth Narayan, Research Scientist, presenting remotely from the University of California Santa Cruz
Date & Time: 20 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Nonlinear Wave Ensemble Averaging using Neural Networks
Presenter(s): Ricardo Compos, UMD
Date & Time: 20 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction,Rm 2155

15 February 2018

Title: Seeing Nighttime Lights from Space and What They Tell Us About Humanity’s Tenure on Earth
Presenter(s): Dr. Miguel O. Roman, Research Physical Scientist, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Date & Time: 15 February 2018
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC2, Room 17250

Title: Shared socioeconomic pathways: what are they and how can they inform ecosystem management?
Presenter(s): Kristie Ebi, Ph.D. , Professor of Global Health and Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington
Date & Time: 15 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Natural Shoreline Infrastructure: Working with Nature to Increase Coastal Resilience
Presenter(s): Jenna Judge, PhD, SF Bay and Outer Coast Sentinel Site Cooperative, NOAA
Date & Time: 15 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

14 February 2018

Title: Process studies to quantify ecosystem dynamics and inform EBFM in the central California Current
Presenter(s): Brian Wells, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 14 February 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Transformative Mindset Change as a Precondition to Successful Reorganization: Part 1
Presenter(s): Dr. Pavel Hosa, MBA, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
Date & Time: 14 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Via Webinar or at NOAA,SSMC4, Rm 8150

13 February 2018

Title: The Hurricanes of 2017: Weather as Usual or an Ominous Sign?
Presenter(s): Dr. Kerry Emanuel, Co-Director, Lorenz Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Date & Time: 13 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

8 February 2018

Title: The quest for policy invariant relationships: going beyond statistics for fishery policy evaluation
Presenter(s): Matt Reimer, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics, University of Alaska Anchorage
Date & Time: 8 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 8 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Engaging governments, businesses, and the public in the fight against marine plastic litter: the #CleanSeas campaign
Presenter(s): Carla Friedrich of UN Environment
Date & Time: 8 February 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: The Worth of Giants: The Consumptive & Non-Consumptive Use Value of the Giant Sea Bass
Presenter(s): Ana Sofia Guerra, PhD Student, UC Santa Barbara
Date & Time: 8 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

7 February 2018

Title: Making estuarine shoreline science relevant to managers and policymakers
Presenter(s): Beth Turner, NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science and Tom Jordan, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Date & Time: 7 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

6 February 2018

Title: Meridional Overturning Circulation transport variability at 34.5degS during 2009-2017: Baroclinic and barotropic flows and the dueling influence of the boundaries
Presenter(s): Dr. Chris Meinen, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/PhOD
Date & Time: 6 February 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149)

Title: Moved to 2/20: The Value of Coastal Wetlands in Reducing Flood Losses from Storms: Case-studies from the US Atlantic Coastline and Elsewhere
Presenter(s): Dr. Siddharth Narayan, coastal engineer/research scientist, University of California Santa Cruz
Date & Time: 6 February 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

5 February 2018

Title: Modeling Regional & Global Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanisms: Observing Adverse Respiratory Health Effects due to Tropospheric Ozone Air Pollution from Modeling Output
Presenter(s): Emily Saunders, NASA/GSFC-SSAI
Date & Time: 5 February 2018
10:00 am - 11:00 am ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, Rm 2890

1 February 2018

Title: National Weather Service decision support for agencies that regulate watershed activities to enhance both natural resource protection and economic opportunities
Presenter(s): Troy Nicolini, Ph.D. ,Meteorologist-in-Charge, Eureka Weather Forecast Office, National Weather Service
Date & Time: 1 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: Blueprint for 2022, Part 2: Geopotential Coordinates
Presenter(s): Dru Smith, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 1 February 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC3 Room 8836

31 January 2018

Title: Well below 2 °C: Mitigation strategies for avoiding dangerous to catastrophic climate changes
Presenter(s): Yangyang Xu, Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences , College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University. Presenting from Texas
Date & Time: 31 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

Title: Naval Research Lab Monterey VIIRS Imagery Comparisons With Other Sensors
Presenter(s): Kim A. Richardson, Naval Research Lab, Marine Meteorology Division, Monterey CA
Date & Time: 31 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Conference Room S650, Greentech IV Building 7700 Hubble Drive Greenbelt MD 20771

Title: Planning for a Biogeochemical-Argo profiling float array: Results from the SOCCOM array and future goals
Presenter(s): Ken Johnson, Senior Scientist, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Date & Time: 31 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

30 January 2018

Title: Data Driven Decision-Making: Introducing the American Community Survey
Presenter(s): Nesreen Khashan, Data Dissemination Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD
Date & Time: 30 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

29 January 2018

Title: Climate oscillations, the Cold Pool, and walleye pollock recruitment in the Bering Sea: lessons from recent years and the outlook for 2018
Presenter(s): Dr. Janet Duffy-Anderson, Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA/Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Eco-FOCI Program
Date & Time: 29 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC3 12836

25 January 2018

Title: Transforming career development to advance diversity and equity in STEM
Presenter(s): Claire Horner-Devine, Ph.D., Co-Director of BRAINS & LATTICE, University of Washington; Founder, Counterspace Consulting
Date & Time: 25 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online and at NWFSC

Title: Human influence at the coast: Upland and shoreline stressors affect coastal benthic macrofauna
Presenter(s): Rochelle D. Seitz, Research Professor and Benthic Community Ecologist, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Date & Time: 25 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

23 January 2018

Title: Convective-Scale Ensemble Prediction Experiments over Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin
Presenter(s): Prof. Huiling Yuan, Nanjing University
Date & Time: 23 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, Rm 2155

22 January 2018

Title: Seminar Postponed: California-Nevada Water Year: At a Critical Junction - CA-NV Drought & Climate Outlook Webinar
Presenter(s): Julie Kalansky, California-Nevada Climate Applications Program-CNAP, Shrad Shukla, University of California Santa Barbra, Tim Brown, Western Regional Climate Center/Desert Research Institute, Dennis Lettenmaier, University of California, Los Angeles
Date & Time: 22 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar Only (see access information below)

19 January 2018

Title: Alaska Region Climate Outlook Briefing
Presenter(s): Richard Thoman, Climate Science and Services Manager, NWS Alaska Region
Date & Time: 19 January 2018
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ET
Location: 407 Akasofu Building, University of Alaska Fairbanks

18 January 2018

Title: Evaluation of Supplemental Ocean Observing Strategies in the OSSE Framework for Improving Coupled Tropical Cyclone Prediction Model Performance: Summary and Future Plans
Presenter(s): Dr. George Halliwell, NOAA/Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/PhOD
Date & Time: 18 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Online and at NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) (4301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149)

Title: U.S. Billion-dollar Weather and Climate Disasters of 2017 – A Historic Year in Context
Presenter(s): Adam B. Smith, Applied Climatologist at NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information. Presenting remotely from Asheville, NC
Date & Time: 18 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: Webinar (see login below), or at NOAA Silver Spring, SSMC4, Room 8150

17 January 2018

Title: NOAA Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Lunch and Learn Series: Volunteer Recruitment and Engagement
Presenter(s): Alyson Eberhardt and Caitlin Mandeville, New Hampshire Sea Grant, Noah Newman, Colorado State University, and Katie Sweeney, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 17 January 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC3, Rm 3404, Silver Spring, MD or via webinar; see remote access info below

Title: Crustacean contagion: an abundance of blue crab virus
Presenter(s): Dr. Eric J. Schott, Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology, University of Maryland Center for Environment Science
Date & Time: 17 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Building a Twenty First Century Heavy Icebreaker: Balancing Security and Science Capabilities
Presenter(s): Commander Kenneth J. Boda, Chief of Aids to Navigation and Icebreaking Capabilities, Office of Cutter Forces, Commandant -CG-751, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC. Presenting at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD
Date & Time: 17 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

16 January 2018

Title: Bloom and Bust: Algae Takes a Toll on the Housing Market
Presenter(s): Tingting Liu, Ph.D., Drought Policy & Impact Analyst, National Drought Mitigation Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date & Time: 16 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

11 January 2018

Title: Vertical Datum Transformation (VDATUM) software tool
Presenter(s): Stephen White, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 11 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA HQ SSMC3 Room 8836

Title: A Dynamic Model of Fishing Cruise Duration
Presenter(s): Keita Abe, Ph.D. candidate in Economics, University of Washington
Date & Time: 11 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: NGS Webinar Series
Presenter(s): Dave Zenk, PE, LS, Northern Plains Regional Geodetic Advisor, NOAA's National Geodetic Survey
Date & Time: 11 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: NOS - NGS - GoToMeeting 2 -, SSMC3 - Large Conference Room - 8836

Title: Post Hurricane Irma Rapid Reef Assessment in South Florida and the Florida Keys NMS
Presenter(s): Steve Gittings, Science Coordinator NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries; and Tom Moore, NOAA Restoration Center
Date & Time: 11 January 2018
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Location: Online Access Only - see access information below

Title: Effects of Shoreline Hardening on Waterbirds in the Chesapeake Bay
Presenter(s): Diann Prosser, Ph.D., Research Wildlife Ecologist, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Date & Time: 11 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

10 January 2018

Title: Tools for evaluating tradeoffs inherent in marine ecosystem-based management: a perspective from the West Coast
Presenter(s): Isaac Kaplan, Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Date & Time: 10 January 2018
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Location: NOAA Central Library, 2nd Floor, SSMC#3, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD and via webinar, OAR - Library - GoToMeeting Account

Title: Successful Adaptation Indicators and Metrics Project: From Pilots to System-wide Benefit
Presenter(s): Dr. Susi Moser, Susanne Moser Research and Consulting
Date & Time: 10 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Please register through GoToWebinar (

Title: Synthesis​ ​of​ ​public​ ​water​ ​supply​ ​use​ ​in​ ​the​ ​United​ ​States: Spatio-temporal patterns and socio-economic controls
Presenter(s): Sankar Arumugam, Ph.D., Professor and University Faculty Scholar, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Date & Time: 10 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

9 January 2018

Title: Eutrophication will increase during the 21st century as a result of precipitation changes
Presenter(s): Eva Sinha, Phd candidate, Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, and Anna M. Michalak, Faculty member, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution for Science, Stanford, CA
Date & Time: 9 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150

4 January 2018

Title: Ten Principles from Evolutionary Ecology Essential for Effective Marine Conservation
Presenter(s): Marc Mangel, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Professor, UC Santa Cruz
Date & Time: 4 January 2018
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET
Location: Northwest Fisheries Science Center Auditorium: 2725 Montlake Blvd. E., Seattle WA 98112

Title: An Introduction to the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Texas Gulf Region Cooperative Weed Management Areas
Presenter(s): Katie Swanson, Stewardship Coordinator, Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve, University of Texas Marine Science Institute
Date & Time: 4 January 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm ET
Location: SSMC4 - Large Conference Room - 8150


Hosted at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR for the NOAA Seminar Series
Developer - Lori K. Brown