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Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division (SMCD)

Soil Moisture Operational Products System (SMOPS) Implemented
The Soil Moisture Operational Products System (SMOPS) is NESDIS' system for providing soil moisture data for weather models. SMOPS currently uses data from several satellites, including ESA's SMOS. The SMOS soil moisture data has roughly 12-hour latency, which is too long for use in operational weather models. The SMOPS team worked to retrieve soil moisture with a much shorter latency by simplifying the algorithm for deriving brightness temperature from SMOS.

Additionally, SMOPS has been updated with data from GCOM-W1 AMSR2. The extra sensor improves spatial coverage of the available soil moisture fields, especially for the 6-hour images. Read more.

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Mission Statement

SMCD conducts research and develops new satellite products to improve and expand the use of satellite data for monitoring global meteorological, environmental and climatological conditions. SMCD supports the operational calibration of all the instruments onboard NOAA polar and geostationary satellite instruments. The Division conducts an end-to-end program ranging from planning new satellite instruments to developing new satellite products and applications and transitioning these developments to operations in NOAA's weather, climate, and environmental monitoring and prediction systems.


The enterprise approach and scientific excellence in operational satellite instrument calibration, product validation and data applications. The enterprise approach for operational satellite cal/val will guide the division and its programs in a collective effort to develop GOES-R and JPSS cal/val processes and algorithms, instrument and product monitoring systems, and data applications. The scientific excellence will require in-depth research in calibration techniques, system international (SI) traceable standard, data fusion and assimilation algorithms.

SMCD Science Priorities

The Division ensures a scientific underpinning in order to meet Division goals to:

  • Calibrate and intercalibrate all the instruments to meet SI traceable standard;
  • Improve and enhance common algorithms;
  • Develop the suite of products through common algorithms and blended techniques;
  • Strengthen the climate studies using all the instruments;
  • Improve uses of satellite data in NWP models; and
  • Promote collaboration with international space agencies.