NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research banner

NOAA Workshop on JPSS Life-Cycle
Data Reprocessing to Advance
Weather and Climate Applications

May 17-18, 2016
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
5825 University Research Court, Suite 4102
College Park, MD 20740-3823
By Invitation / remote access for overflow attendees
M Square Building, College Park, MD


Go to:  Day One  |  Day Two

Day 1 - Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 0950 Session 1:
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Chairs: Fuzhong Weng and Lihang Zhou
0830 - 0840 Introduction and Welcome Fuzhong Weng, Lihang Zhou NESDIS/STAR
0840 - 0845 NESDIS Mission and Future Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm UMD/ESSIC
0845 - 0855 STAR Contributions to NESDIS Mission Mike Kalb NESDIS/STAR
0855 - 0905 JPSS Contributions to NESDIS Mission Mitch Goldberg NOAA JPSS
0905 - 0915 JPSS Program Science Heather Kilcoyne NESDIS/OSGS
0915 - 0925 EUMETSAT-NOAA Collaboration Jeff Privette NESDIS/NCEI
0925 - 0950 STAR JPSS Program Updates Lihang Zhou NESDIS STAR
0950 - 1020 Coffee Break
1020 - 1200 Session 2:
Understanding Suomi NPP Instrument in-Orbit Performance and Sensor Data Anomalies
Chair: Tom Atkins
1020 - 1040 ICVS-identified ATMS and CrIS Anomaly Events Ninghai Sun, Miao Tian NESDIS/STAR
1040 - 1100 ICVS-identified VIIRS and OMPS Anomaly Events Jason Choi, Ding Liang NESDIS/STAR
1100 - 1115 ICVS-Lite Status and Recommendations on ICVS-Lite Development Viha Nguyen, Dejiang Han NESDIS/OSPO
1115 - 1130 IDPS-identified Anomalies in RDR/SDR/EDRs Wael Ibrahim Raytheon
1130 - 1145 Synoptic Report on Suomi NPP Events and Anomalies Cole Rossiter NJO/AMP
1145 - 1200 Discussion
1200 - 1300 Lunch Break
1300 - 1430 Session 3:
Suomi NPP Data User Experiences and Recommendations for Further Improvements
Chair: Mitch Goldberg
1300 - 1315 Evaluations of Suomi NPP Data (e.g., bias, anomaly) and Impacts on Forecasts -- NCEP Andrew Collard NWS/NCEP
1315 - 1330 Evaluations of Suomi NPP Data (e.g., bias, anomaly) and Impacts on Forecasts -- UKMET Nigel Atkinson UKMET
1330 - 1345 Evaluations of Suomi NPP Data (e.g., bias, anomaly) and Impacts on Forecasts -- ECMWF Heather Lawrence ECMWF
1345 - 1400 Evaluations of Suomi NPP Data (e.g., bias, anomaly) and Impacts on Forecasts -- NRL Bill Campbell NRL
1400 - 1430 JCSDA Data Denial Experiment Results -- Impact of JPSS Data Gap on NWP Forecast Skill Krishna Kumar JCSDA
1430 - 1500 Coffee Break
1500 - 1700 Session 4:
Suomi NPP Data User Experiences and Recommendations for Further Improvements
Chair: Changyong Cao
1500 - 1520 Evaluation of Suomi NPP VIIRS SDR Quality Jack Xiong NASA
1520 - 1540 Evaluation of Suomi NPP OMPS SDR Glen Jaross NASA
1540 - 1600 Evaluation of Suomi NPP VIIRS Land EDR Ivan Csiszar NESDIS/STAR
1600 - 1620 Improvement of VIIRS Suomi NPP SDR for Ocean Color EDR Science Quality Reprocessing Junqiang Sun NESDIS/STAR
1620 - 1640 NUCAPS and MIRS Product Assessments Mark Liu NESDIS/STAR, NOAA/JPSS
1640 - 1700 OMPS EDR Product Assessments Larry Flynn, Craig Long NESDIS/STAR, NWS/CPC
1700 Adjourn

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Go to:  Day One  |  Day Two

Day 2 - Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Time Presentations / Topics Speaker Affiliation
0830 - 0950 Session 5:
Demonstrating the Improved and Advanced Calibration and Validation Algorithms for Reprocessing Applications
Chair: Tom Atkins
0830 - 0845 Latest Improvements of CrIS SDR Sciences and Algorithms for Reprocessing Yong Han NESDIS/STAR
0845 - 0900 Latest improvements of ATMS TDR SDR Sciences and Algorithms for Reprocessing Hu (Tiger) Yang NESDIS/STAR
0900 - 0915 Latest Improvements of VIIRS SDR Sciences and Algorithms for Reprocessing Changyong Cao NESDIS/STAR
0915 - 0930 Latest Improvements of OMPS SDR Sciences and Algorithms for Reprocessing Chunhui Pan NESDIS/STAR
0930 - 0950 NOAA MSL12 for VIIRS Ocean Product Reprocessing Menghua Wang NESDIS/STAR
0950 - 1020 Coffee Break
1020 - 1200 Session 6:
Understanding the Potential Impacts of the Reprocessed Suomi NPP Data
Chair: Fuzhong Weng
1020 - 1035 ICVS-identified ATMS and CrIS Anomaly Events Xiaolei Zou ESSIC/UMD
1035 - 1050 ICVS-identified VIIRS and OMPS Anomaly Events Likun Wang NESDIS/STAR
1050 - 1105 ICVS-Lite Status and Recommendations on ICVS-Lite Development Liam Gumley CIMSS
1105 - 1120 IDPS-identified Anomalies in RDR/SDR/EDRs Sasha Ignatov/Eileen Maturi STAR
1120 - 1135 Synoptic Report on Suomi NPP Events and Anomalies Shobha Kondragunta, Istvan Laszlo NESDIS/STAR
1135 - 1200 Discussion Andrew Heidinger NESDIS/STAR
1200 - 1300 Lunch Break
1300 - 1430 Session 7:
Suomi NPP Data User Experiences and Recommendations for Further Improvements
Chair: Lihang Zhou
1200 - 1300 Lunch Break
1300 - 1315 SDR Reprocessing Fuzhong Weng NESDIS/STAR
1315 - 1330 Ocean Reprocessing Paul Digiacomo NESDIS/STAR
1330 - 1345 Land Reprocessing Ivan Csiszar NESDIS/STAR
1345 - 1400 Precipitation/Hydrology Reprocessing Ralph Ferraro NESDIS/STAR
1400 - 1415 Enterprise Algorithms for Reprocessing Walter Wolf NESDIS/STAR
1415 - 1430 Enterprise Archive for Reprocessed Data Nancy Ritchey NESDIS/NCEI
1430 - 1525 Discussions and Q&A Lihang Zhou NESDIS/STAR
1525 - 1530 Closing Remarks Fuzhong Weng NESDIS/STAR
1530 Adjourn

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