STAR - Global Vegetation Health Products : VHP META data file
Statisticc information was generated for each VHP product file and
saved as META data file in standard XML format. Here is an exmaple META data file:
The following inforation was included in META data File:
File Attributes
Name | Meaning |
PRODUCT_NAME | Product name |
VERSION | Software version |
SATELLITE | Satellite ID |
INSTRUMENT | Instrument name |
DATE_BEGIN | Begin date of data used |
DATE_END | End date of data used |
TIME_BEGIN | Begin time of data used |
TIME_END | End date of data used |
ANCILLARY_FILES | list of Ancillary files |
CITATION_TO_DOCUMENTS | Citation to documents |
CONTACT | Contact |
CONFIGURE_FILE_CONTENT | Content of configure file |
PROJECTION | Projection mode |
END_LATITUDE_RANGE | Minimum latitude of data field |
START_LONGITUDE_RANGE | Minimum longitude of data field |
START_LATITUDE_RANGE | Maximum latitude of data field |
END_LONGITUDE_RANGE | Maximum longitude of data field |
YEAR | Year |
PERIOD_OF_YEAR | Period of year |
DAYS_PER_PERIOD | Number of days per period |
IGBP_LANDTYPE_NAMES | List of IDBP land Types |
statistics information
For Each variable, the following statistics information was produced for Gloabl, each latitude zone and each IGBP land types:
Name | Meaning |
TOTOAL_PIXEL | Total number of pixels |
MISSING_PIXELS | Number of missing pixels |
MISSING_PERCENTAGE | Percentage of missing pixels |
MEAN | mean value of this variable |
Additional information
The following parameters were also output to characterize the statistic categories:
statistic categories | parameters | Meaning |
number of latitide zones the start latitude (in degree) the size of latitude zone (in degree) when counting for each latitde zones |
TOTAL_REGIONS NAMES TYPES MinLongitude MaxLongitude MinLatitude MaxLatitude |
the number of regions names of regions types of regions minimum longitude for regions maximum longitude for regions minimum latitude for regions maximum latitude for regions |
the number of bins for histogram the minimum data value for histogram the maximum data value for histogram the histogram values for each bin |