Due to ongoing delays in data access, Vegetation Health product images will now be updated each week on Thursdays until further notice. Thank you for your patience.

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STAR - Global Vegetation Health Products : Downloading Vegetation Health Products Data

Blended Vegetation Health Product (Blended-VHP)

Blended-VHP is a re-processed Vegetation Health data set derived from VIIRS (2013-present) and AVHRR (1981-2012) GAC data. It was processed by the newly developed operational VHP system. The new VHP system was improved from GVI-x VH system and some changes/improvement were made to meet the requirement of operation and improve data quality. It can process GAC data from NOAA-19, as well as FRAC data from METOP A and METOP-B. It also produce vegetation health products from VIIRS on NPP and JPSS satellites. VHP system is operationaly running at NOAA Office of Satellite and Product Operations(OSPO) and providing official VHP products. This web site provides recent VH data as a backup/alternative data source. VHP product posted on this VH web site should be consistent to that released by OSPO.

Blended-VHP products are saved in 3 NetCDF:

ND file (*.ND.nc or *.ND.hdf): contains raw NDVI and BT
SM file (*.SM.nc or *.SM.hdf): contains noise removed NDVI and BT
VH file (*.VH.nc or *.VH.hdf): contains VCI,TCI,VHI:
-- Vegetation Condition Index (VCI),
-- Temperature Condition Index(TCI),
-- Vegetation Health Index (VHI)

Starting form week 17, 2018, the following Blended-VHP data (VIIRS from 2013 to present, AVHRR from 1981 to 2012) are posted on the HTTPS links: Note: 'wget' command is recommended to programmatically pull data (FTP based commands will no longer work).