Due to ongoing delays in data access, Vegetation Health product images will now be updated each week on Thursdays until further notice. Thank you for your patience.

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STAR - Global Vegetation Health Products : Browse Archived Images

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World - Greenness (No Noise NDVI), 2025 week 12

World, SMN
color bar, file=../images/VH_colorbars/bar_NDVI.png

Click this image see gloabl image; Click on the expand image to review maximum resolution.

No noise (smoothed) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (SMN)

Global, 4 km, 7-day composite, validated. The SMN is derived from no noise NDVI, which components were pre- and post-launch calibrated. SMN can be used to estimate the start and senescence of vegetation, start of the growing season, phenological phases.

Note: For the area without vegetation (desert, high mountains, etc.), the displayed indices characterize surface conditions.

*** Data source: GVH derived vegetation indices; 'week' defined here is based on 'day of the year', i.e. week 1 covers day-of-the-year 1 to 7.
*** (In 2013, images will be updated on Tuesday.)