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NOAA-20 First Light Images

NOAA-20 ATMS First Light Image, 29 November 2017

NOAA-20 ATMS First Light Image - Eleven days after JPSS-1 (NOAA-20) launched into Earth orbit, the satellite sent back its first Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) science data on November 29, 2017.
This image uses ATMS data to depict the location and abundance of water vapor (as associated with antenna temperatures) in the lower atmosphere, from the surface of the Earth to 5 kilometers altitude. Grey colors depict areas with less water vapor, blue-green and purple colors represent abundant water in all phases in low and middle latitudes. In the polar regions, purple depicts surface snow and ice.

Thanks and credit: STAR ATMS SDR Team. Click images to enlarge.

NOAA-20 CrIS First Light Image, 5 January 2018

NOAA-20 CrIS First Light Image - Forty-eight days after JPSS-1 (NOAA-20) was launched into Earth orbit, it sent back its first Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) science data.
This image shows the global brightness temperature distribution at day time in one of the CrIS water vapor channels at 1598.75 cm-1. This channel is sensitive to water vapor amount around 500 hPa, and to mid- to high-level clouds. Dark blue colors in the image represent liquid water and ice clouds. Yellows indicate that the radiation is from the warm Earth's surface, or a dry layer in the middle troposphere. The image captured the blizzard striking the northeast coast of the United State on January 5, 2018.

Thanks and credit: STAR CrIS SDR Team. Click images to enlarge.

NOAA-20 VIIRS First Light Image, 13 December 2017

NOAA-20 VIIRS RSB First Light Image: Captured Thomas Fire - Twenty-five days after JPSS-1 (NOAA-20) was launched into Earth orbit, NOAA-20 sent back its first Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) science data on December 13, 2017.
This VIIRS true color image captured the aggressive wildfires across the Southern California region which forced thousands to flee their homes. The fire spanned more than 370 square miles and remains the strongest blaze for firefighters to battle in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

Thanks and credit: STAR VIIRS SDR Team. Click images to enlarge.

NOAA-20 OMPS NM First Light Image, 5 January 2018

NOAA-20 OMPS NM First Light Image - The Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS) instrument on the NOAA-20 satellite acquired its first data on January 5, 2018. This first-light image shows the radiance values for the cloud reflectivity channel on the OMPS Nadir Mapper. The highest radiances are associated with bright cloud tops. The cloud reflectivity channel is one of the five primary channels used to estimate total ozone concentration. The striping pattern is created from the slight differences in the angle of the satellite relative to the incoming energy from the sun.

Thanks and credit: STAR OMPS SDR Team. Click images to enlarge.