System for Analysis of Wind Collocations (SAWC)
Hoffman, R. N., Lukens, K. E., Ide, K., and Garrett, K., 2021: A collocation study of atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) compared to Aeolus wind profiles with a feature track correction (FTC) observation operator. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 148(742): 321–337, Jan. (Part A), [10.1002/qj.4207].
Lukens, K. E., Ide, K., Garrett, K., Liu, H., Santek, D., Hoover, B., and Hoffman, R. N., 2022: Exploiting Aeolus level-2b winds to better characterize atmospheric motion vector bias and uncertainty, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 2719–2743, [10.5194/amt-15-2719-2022].
Santek, D., Dworak, R., Wanzong, S., Rink, T., Lukens, K., Reiner, S., and García-Pereda, J., 2022: NWC SAF Winds Intercomparison Study Report: 2021. International Winds Working Group, available at CIMSS_AMV_Comparison_2021_Report_02Nov2022.pdf.
Lukens, K. E., Garrett, K., Ide, K., Santek, D., Hoover, B., Huber, D., Hoffman, R. N., & Liu, H. (2024). System for Analysis of Wind Collocations (SAWC): A Novel Archive and Collocation Software Application for the Intercomparison of Winds from Multiple Observing Platforms. Meteorology, 3(1), 114-140. [10.3390/meteorology3010006]
Recent Presentations
Lukens, K. E., K. Garrett, K. Ide, D. Santek, B. Hoover, D. Huber, R. N. Hoffman, and H. Liu: “System for Analysis of Wind Collocations (SAWC): A Novel Archive and Collocation Software Application for the Intercomparison of Winds from Multiple Observing Platforms Provides for Aeolus Evaluation”,
- [1] American Meteorological Society 104th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2024.
Lukens, K. E., K. Garrett, K. Ide, D. Santek, B. Hoover, R. N. Hoffman, and H. Liu: “System for Analysis of Wind Collocations (SAWC): A Novel Archive and Collocation Application for the Intercomparison of Winds from Multiple Observing Platforms Provides for Aeolus Evaluation”,
- [1] 16th International Winds Workshop, Virtual/Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 8-12 May 2023. Available online here.
- [2] Aeolus Science Conference 2023, Virtual/Rhodes Island, Greece, 22-26 May 2023.
Lukens, K. E., K. Garrett, K. Ide, D. Santek, B. Hoover, and R. N. Hoffman: “A Novel Archive for the Intercomparison of Winds from Multiple Observing Platforms Provides for Aeolus Evaluation”,
- [1] 103rd AMS Annual Meeting, Virtual/Denver, CO, 10 Jan 2023.
- [2] NCWCP-UMD Mini Conference, College Park, MD, 14 March 2023.
Garrett, K., K. Ide, D. Santek, B. Hoover, and K. E. Lukens: “On the Potential Utility of a Novel Archive for the Intercomparison of Winds from Multiple Observing Platforms”,
- [1] 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Virtual/Houston, TX, 25 Jan 2022;
- [2] Aeolus 3rd Anniversary Conference, Virtual/Italy, 31 March 2022.

Density scatterplots of Aeolus Mie-cloudy comparisons with AMV types for Sep 2019-Aug 2020: (a) infrared (IR), (b) visible, (c) water vapor cloudy sky (WVcloud), and (d) water vapor clear sky (WVclear). Mean statistics are displayed on the top left corner of each panel and include collocation counts, correlation (r), mean wind velocity difference (Mean_Diff) in m/s, standard deviation of Mean_Diff (SD_Diff) in m/s, and RMSD in m/s. Colors indicate number density per 1 m/s x 1 m/s cell. If the wind differences are statistically significant at the 95% level, a statement stating as much is also displayed. (Lukens et al., 2023)