Yinghui Liu
is a physical scientist of the Advanced Satellite Products Branch,
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR), NOAA/NESDIS,
located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Cooperative
Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies. Yinghui’s research
is satellite meteorology and climatology of the polar regions. He
has developed algorithms for use in the retrieval of cloud properties,
ice characteristics, and surface and atmospheric properties in the
polar regions from satellites. He is also interested in studying
trends in polar cloud, sea ice, surface and atmospheric radiation,
and the atmosphere-sea ice-ocean interactions. His current work
focuses on developing operational retrieval algorithm for the
Suomi NPP VIIRS, JPSS VIIRS and GOES-R ABI snow and ice products,
their validation/calibration and applications.
Before joining NOAA in 2019, Yinghui was a research scientist
in the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies,
where he supported a number of NOAA projects. Yinghui received his
Ph.D. degree in atmospheric sciences from University of
Wisconsin-Madison in 2006. He received his B.S. degree and M.S.
degree in atmospheric sciences from Peking (Beijing) University
in 1997 and 2000