Date | Version | Changelog |
2018 Apr | 2.1 |
Added ACSPO G16 SST in Geo Added OSTIA Reanalysis and Geo Polar Blended SSTs in Analysis ACSPO L3U products are available for GAC and all Geo platforms Replaced the ACSPO development data flow with operational products Modified time series section and added a new interactive feature called point capturing Added Data Download page |
2016 Sep | 2.0 | Newly restructured and redesigned SQUAM |
Year | Month | Sub-version | Changelog |
2014 | Sep | 17.2 | HR SST: Same as below but for monthly against in situ; full record |
Aug | 17.1 | HR SST: Same as below but for monthly against in situ; full record | |
Jul | 17.0 | HR SST: Same as below but for (Daily against L4): OSISAF from 2014-03-09; ACSPO since 2014-7-22; others full record | |
Jul | 17.0 | HR SST: Maps, Depedence, Hovmöller (Daily against Insitu) implemented two ways: w & w/o outliers; earlier was only after outler removal | |
Jun | 16.0 | NAVO VIIRS fully included in SQUAM GHRSST extensive participation and representation |
May | 15.1 | CMC v2.0 included as an additional reference for HR SSTs from Mar-09-2014 NAVO VIIRS initially explored for inclusion in SQUAM |
Apr | 15.0 | In situ validation (daily and monthly) reprocessed uniformly with improved gridding code for the entire dataset in HR SST module | |
Mar | 14.0 | ACSPO GAC: Maps and Depedence (daily, Hovmöller) available two ways: with and without outliers (with improved gridding code) | |
Feb | 13.0 | Gridding code performance improved (Y. Kihai) by using IDL+C Hybrid code; implemented in March | |
Jan | 12.1 | (A)ATSR Rep. for Clim (ARC) data access established (via ESA portal account) & initially tested (exploring to be included in SQUAM) | |
2013 | Dec | 12.1 | CMC v2.0 added as a reference for ACSPO AVHRR GAC SSTs in SQUAM |
Jul | 12.0 | Monthly In situ validation of ACSPO AVHRR GAC SSTs included | |
Jun | 11.0 | Monthly In situ validation of High Resolution SSTs included | |
May | 10.0 | Daily in situ validation of ACSPO AVHRR GAC SSTs included | |
Apr | 9.0 | Analyses of ACSPO GAC reprocessed data for long-term record developed;
module is fully automated and is being tested SQUAM presented in the poster session 2013 NOAA Satellite Conference (PPT, ~2.9MB) |
Mar | 8.7 | Comparison of High-Res SST in SQUAM presented at MeteoFrance, Lannnion meeting; preliminary analyses of correlatred errors | |
Feb | 8.7 | More deep-dive analyses of IDPS VIIRS SST (offline) | |
2012 | Nov | 8.7 | Validation of PathFinder v5.0 against in situ val included |
Oct | 8.6 | Analyses of IDPS VIIRS SST to diagnose the cause of increasing s td dev against any reference, IDPS deep-dive: ice-mask issue | |
Sep | 8.6 | Presentations at EUMETSAT/GSICS (PPT, ~3.3MB), Sopot, Poland 2012; GOES-R SST Val ATBD | |
Aug | 8.6 | Analyses of IDPS VIIRS SST to better understand QFs (IDPS VIIRS QF analyses), continuing work as required | |
Jul | 8.5 | SQUAM representation in GHRSST XIII Science meeting (ST-VAL, IC-TAG, AUS-TAG) | |
Jun | 8.5 | Initial feedback to Polar-geo 5km blended L4 SST in (test page) L4-SQUAM | |
May | 8.5 | JPL MUR comparison against selected L4s (MUR-L4) included in L4-SQUAM | |
Apr | 8.4 | NPP VIIRS (IDPS)comparison against L4 fields included in SQUAM High Res; L4-SQUAM paper proof-read sent to DSR-II (DOI) | |
Mar | 8.3 | Functionality of ACSPO-GAC changed to maintain a combination between modules; Hovmöller added; extensive sensitivity check of IDPS masks | |
Feb | 8.2 | Functionality of L4-SQUAM was changed, allowing to maintain a particular combination of L4s between different modules | |
Jan | 8.1 | NPP VIIRS, Aqua MODIS, Terra MODIS (from ACSPO) included in Experimental High Resolution (against L4s and insitu) | |
2011 | Oct | 8.0 | Validation of High Resolution SST against in situ included FRAC data were regrouped under High Resolution data and provision made for MODIS & VIIRS SSTs |
Aug | 7.1 |
L4-SQUAM intercomparison community paper submiited in DSR-II, Special issue for climate studies OSTIA reanalysis (1985-2007) included L4-SQUAM (ice mask not analyzed) |
May | 7.0 | Ice-masks were applied in L4-SQUAM when ice bit-mask is available; analyses performed in two ways: ice included, ice excluded | |
Mar | 6.4 | Australian BOM GAMSSA (pdf) SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
2010 | Dec | 6.3 | Validation of Level-4 SSTs against iQUAM insitu data (ships, drifters, coastal & tropical moorings) implemented in L4-SQUAM |
Nov | 6.2 | NASA JPL G1SST 1km SSTs included in L4 analyses. Website redesigned (classified under 3 major categories: L2, L3, L4) | |
Oct | 6.1 | Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) 0.2� SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
Sep | 6.0 | PathFinder v5.0 AVHRR SSTs were added (compare against L4 fields) | |
Aug | 5.4 | POES-GOES Blended SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
Jul | 5.3 | GHRSST Median Product Ensemble (GMPE) SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
Jun | 5.2 | NAVO K10 L4 SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
May | 5.1 | NESDIS ACSPO SST included in the FRAC analyses | |
Apr | 5.0 | Meteo France O&SI SAF AVHRR SST added to FRAC | |
Mar | 4.0 | NAVO AVHRR GAC SST were added | |
Feb | 3.1 | Interactive timeseries added for L4, MUT, andACSPO | |
2009 | Nov | 3.0 | L4 intercomparisons added: difference maps, histograms and time series Hovmöller diagrams added to L4 comparisons |
Aug | 2.2 | Dependence Plots ("SATSST - L4" vs. correlating parameters) overlayed for all platforms. Datebars to navigate to individual satellite retreival datestamps implemented for all products. SQUAM presented at GOES-R and IPO Cal/Val meetings in the previous month. |
Jun | 2.1 | NOAA-19 AVHRR SST monitoring included in SQUAM MUT and ACSPO. SQUAM presented at GHRSST meeting: Highlights. |
Apr | 2.0 | Cross platform double differences added: MUT and ACSPO. Day - Night double differences added: Above links; different radio buttons. Cross L4 double differences added: MUT and ACSPO. |
Jan | 1.0 | Newer web design implemented with CSS/JS/Txt editor only (previous web design with MS Frontpage/Expression discarded). Smooth navigation; All major modules reachable from each page. Modularization to allow adding new products with minimal effort. |
2008 | Sep | β | SQUAM upgraded to handle ACSPO HDF4.2 granules |
Jun | β | Beta version SQUAM for MUT on the web | |
Feb | test | Several presentations on initial MUT SST analyses including PSDI/NDE Critical Design Review. SQUAM initially established and tested internally | |
2007 | Jan | test | SQUAM concept defined. MUT data archive established. I/O, statistical & plotting tools developed |