Date | Version | Changelog |
2016 Sep | R2.0 | Newly restructured and redesigned SQUAM |
Year | Month | Sub-version | Changelog |
2014 | Sep | 17.2 | HR SST: Same as below but for monthly against in situ; full record |
Aug | 17.1 | HR SST: Same as below but for monthly against in situ; full record | |
Jul | 17.0 | HR SST: Same as below but for (Daily against L4): OSISAF from 2014-03-09; ACSPO since 2014-7-22; others full record | |
Jul | 17.0 | HR SST: Maps, Depedence, Hovm�ller (Daily against Insitu) implemented two ways: w & w/o outliers; earlier was only after outler removal | |
Jun | 16.0 | NAVO VIIRS fully included in SQUAM GHRSST extensive participation and representation |
May | 15.1 | CMC v2.0 included as an additional reference for HR SSTs from Mar-09-2014 NAVO VIIRS initially explored for inclusion in SQUAM |
Apr | 15.0 | In situ validation (daily and monthly) reprocessed uniformly with improved gridding code for the entire dataset in HR SST module | |
Mar | 14.0 | ACSPO GAC: Maps and Depedence (daily, Hovm�ller) available two ways: with and without outliers (with improved gridding code) | |
Feb | 13.0 | Gridding code performance improved (Y. Kihai) by using IDL+C Hybrid code; implemented in March | |
Jan | 12.1 | (A)ATSR Rep. for Clim (ARC) data access established (via ESA portal account) & initially tested (exploring to be included in SQUAM) | |
2013 | Dec | 12.1 | CMC v2.0 added as a reference for ACSPO AVHRR GAC SSTs in SQUAM |
Jul | 12.0 | Monthly In situ validation of ACSPO AVHRR GAC SSTs included | |
Jun | 11.0 | Monthly In situ validation of High Resolution SSTs included | |
May | 10.0 | Daily in situ validation of ACSPO AVHRR GAC SSTs included | |
Apr | 9.0 | Analyses of ACSPO GAC reprocessed data for long-term record developed;
module is fully automated and is being tested SQUAM presented in the poster session 2013 NOAA Satellite Conference (PPT, ~2.9MB) |
Mar | 8.7 | Comparison of High-Res SST in SQUAM presented at MeteoFrance, Lannnion meeting; preliminary analyses of correlatred errors | |
Feb | 8.7 | More deep-dive analyses of IDPS VIIRS SST (offline) | |
2012 | Nov | 8.7 | Validation of PathFinder v5.0 against in situ val included |
Oct | 8.6 | Analyses of IDPS VIIRS SST to diagnose the cause of increasing s td dev against any reference, IDPS deep-dive: ice-mask issue | |
Sep | 8.6 | Presentations at EUMETSAT/GSICS (PPT, ~3.3MB), Sopot, Poland 2012; GOES-R SST Val ATBD | |
Aug | 8.6 | Analyses of IDPS VIIRS SST to better understand QFs (IDPS VIIRS QF analyses), continuing work as required | |
Jul | 8.5 | SQUAM representation in GHRSST XIII Science meeting (ST-VAL, IC-TAG, AUS-TAG) | |
Jun | 8.5 | Initial feedback to Polar-geo 5km blended L4 SST in (test page) L4-SQUAM | |
May | 8.5 | JPL MUR comparison against selected L4s (MUR-L4) included in L4-SQUAM | |
Apr | 8.4 | NPP VIIRS (IDPS)comparison against L4 fields included in SQUAM High Res; L4-SQUAM paper proof-read sent to DSR-II (DOI) | |
Mar | 8.3 | Functionality of ACSPO-GAC changed to maintain a combination between modules; Hovm�ller added; extensive sensitivity check of IDPS masks | |
Feb | 8.2 | Functionality of L4-SQUAM was changed, allowing to maintain a particular combination of L4s between different modules | |
Jan | 8.1 | NPP VIIRS, Aqua MODIS, Terra MODIS (from ACSPO) included in Experimental High Resolution (against L4s and insitu) | |
2011 | Oct | 8.0 | Validation of High Resolution SST against in situ included FRAC data were regrouped under High Resolution data and provision made for MODIS & VIIRS SSTs |
Aug | 7.1 |
L4-SQUAM intercomparison community paper submiited in DSR-II, Special issue for climate studies OSTIA reanalysis (1985-2007) included L4-SQUAM (ice mask not analyzed) |
May | 7.0 | Ice-masks were applied in L4-SQUAM when ice bit-mask is available; analyses performed in two ways: ice included, ice excluded | |
Mar | 6.4 | Australian BOM GAMSSA (pdf) SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
2010 | Dec | 6.3 | Validation of Level-4 SSTs against iQUAM insitu data (ships, drifters, coastal & tropical moorings) implemented in L4-SQUAM |
Nov | 6.2 | NASA JPL G1SST 1km SSTs included in L4 analyses. Website redesigned (classified under 3 major categories: L2, L3, L4) | |
Oct | 6.1 | Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) 0.2� SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
Sep | 6.0 | PathFinder v5.0 AVHRR SSTs were added (compare against L4 fields) | |
Aug | 5.4 | POES-GOES Blended SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
Jul | 5.3 | GHRSST Median Product Ensemble (GMPE) SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
Jun | 5.2 | NAVO K10 L4 SSTs included in L4 analyses | |
May | 5.1 | NESDIS ACSPO SST included in the FRAC analyses | |
Apr | 5.0 | Meteo France O&SI SAF AVHRR SST added to FRAC | |
Mar | 4.0 | NAVO AVHRR GAC SST were added | |
Feb | 3.1 | Interactive timeseries added for L4, MUT, andACSPO | |
2009 | Nov | 3.0 | L4 intercomparisons added: difference maps, histograms and time series Hovm�ller diagrams added to L4 comparisons |
Aug | 2.2 | Dependence Plots ("SATSST - L4" vs. correlating parameters) overlayed for all platforms. Datebars to navigate to individual satellite retreival datestamps implemented for all products. SQUAM presented at GOES-R and IPO Cal/Val meetings in the previous month. |
Jun | 2.1 | NOAA-19 AVHRR SST monitoring included in SQUAM MUT and ACSPO. SQUAM presented at GHRSST meeting: Highlights. |
Apr | 2.0 | Cross platform double differences added: MUT and ACSPO. Day - Night double differences added: Above links; different radio buttons. Cross L4 double differences added: MUT and ACSPO. |
Jan | 1.0 | Newer web design implemented with CSS/JS/Txt editor only (previous web design with MS Frontpage/Expression discarded). Smooth navigation; All major modules reachable from each page. Modularization to allow adding new products with minimal effort. |
2008 | Sep | β | SQUAM upgraded to handle ACSPO HDF4.2 granules |
Jun | β | Beta version SQUAM for MUT on the web | |
Feb | test | Several presentations on initial MUT SST analyses including PSDI/NDE Critical Design Review. SQUAM initially established and tested internally | |
2007 | Jan | test | SQUAM concept defined. MUT data archive established. I/O, statistical & plotting tools developed |