STAR / SMCD / SPB Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) Project - Links
The following sites will give insight into other ways that ozone can be monitored and understood.
Ozone Imagery
Ozone Science and Data
- NOAA's Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) . A source for SBUV/2 operational data and GOME-2 operational ozone data processed with the Version 8 algorithm.
- NASA's Space Based Measurements of Ozone and Air Quality Site - Total Ozone, reflectivity, aerosol, UV, and several chemical species data available.
- European Space Agency's (ESA)
GOME instrument
- World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Centre
- Surface measurements of ozone from around the world.
Ozone Education & Background Information
- The US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Science of Ozone Depletion web page
- NOAA's Climate Prediction Center's (CPC) Ozone Hole Page. Info on the ozone hole's past and its current status