STAR GOES-R Algorithm Working Group website National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration website NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research website

GOES-R Algorithm Working Group

  • Develops, tests, demonstrates, validates, and provides algorithms for the end-to-end GOES-R Ground Segment
  • Provides sustained life cycle calibration/validation and product algorithm enhancement and
  • Ensures user readiness of GOES-R data and derived products.

Algorithm Working Group (AWG) Teams

The GOES-R AWG Applications Teams are responsible for planning and executing the activities to identify, develop, assess, select, demonstrate, and ultimately deliver the product algorithms to the Ground Segment Project.

The Development Teams support the corresponding Application Team. They execute algorithm comparisions, create pre-operational software, and support prototyping and demonstrations of GOES-R algorithm performance in a scalable operational demonstration environment.

AWG Application Teams and AWG Development Teams

Team Chair(S) Membership Representation
SoundingsTim Schmit STAR, CIMSS
WindsJaime DanielsSTAR, CIMSS, CIRA,NASA
CloudsAndrew HeidingerSTAR, CIMSS, NASA
AviationK. Pryor,
W. Feltz
STAR, CIMSS, NASA, Univ. of Alabama-Huntsville
Aerosols/Air Quality/
Atmospheric Chemistry
Shobha KondraguntaSTAR, CIMSS, UMBC, NASA, CICS, EPA
HydrologyBob KuligowskiSTAR, UMCP/ESSIC, Univ. of California-Irvine, NASA, NWS/CPC
SST/Ocean Dynamics Alexander IgnatovSTAR, OSDPD, NASA, Hampton Univ., Univ. Miami
CryosphereJeff KeySTAR, Univ. of Maryland, NWS/NOHRSC, CREST
Radiation Budget Istvan LaszloSTAR, OAR/ESRL, UMD/CICS, UMD/AOSC, NASA/LaRC
LightningSteve GoodmanSTAR, NASA

AWG Algorithm Integration Team (AIT)

The AWG Algorithm Integration Team (AIT) is the primary interface between the AWG Application Teams, the AWG Development Teams, and the GOES-R Ground Segment Project. The AIT is comprised of a System Lead, Quality Assurance (QA) lead, a Configuration Management (CM) lead, and full-time programmers. The AWG AIT has a broad range of responsibilities that include:

  • Working with the AWG Development Teams ensure their implementation of NESDIS standards for software development and documentation
  • Providing Quality Assurance (QA) checking of GOES-R product software received from the AWG Development Teams
  • Developing and implementing a GOES-R product processing system framework that will allow integration of product software received from each of the AWG development teams
  • Establishing and maintaining a Configuration Management (CM) system for change management of software and documentation
  • Preparing system deliveries to the GOES-R Ground Segment Project

AWG Proxy Data Team

Including members from STAR, STAR Cooperative Institutes, and NASA, this team brings a full range of capabilities and datasets needed by the AWG Application and Development Teams.

  • The development of high-quality GOES-R instrument simulated and proxy data sets for GOES-R product algorithm development, testing and validation
  • The development of advanced tools that include Radiative Transfer Models and simulation systems that span scales from the mesoscale to the global scale
  • Some of proxy data were matched with in-situ and are well prepared for GOES-R Cal/Val analysis
  • The development of datasets containing proxy data collocated in time and space with in-situ observations needed for Cal/Val analysis activities undertaken by the AWG product application teams

Simulated GOES-R ABI proxy data is generated daily at UW-CIMSS. The most recent datasets using the WRF-CHEM can be found at this link.

AWG Calibration/Validation Team

The AWG Calibration/Validation team, in conjunction with the GOES-R Calibration/Validation working group, oversees the development and implementation of the calibration of the GOES-R instruments. Its goal is to ensure that each instrument's calibration complies with the requirements set forth in its Performance and Operations Requirements Document (PORD), is referenced to recognized international standards, and conforms to "best practices" calibration practices. Responsibilities of the AWG Calibration/Validation Team include:

  • Providing guidance and recommendations to NOAA in generating radiometric performance requirements and evaluating radiometric performance waivers
  • Providing technical oversight of (and participation in) the development of the calibration system by sensor and ground system vendors
  • Providing technical oversight of (and participation in) pre-launch testing of the calibration system by sensor and ground system vendors
  • Participation in post-launch checkout of radiometric performance
  • Leading the effort in post-launch on-orbit verification
  • Leading the effort in the long-term characterization of on-orbit radiometric performance