File: 238_MODIS-1_IN_LUTOPKL01.MAT 24 Variables, 80 Data Points FhdS 1: MOBY238 MODIS-1 In - MODELED KL - Band Averaged Data File FhdS 2: Dir: E:\ZFLORA\MLDATA\MOBY\DATA\MOBY238\PRECALS FhdS 3: Using a modeled KL01 to remove inelastic processes from Lw and Lwn2 FhdS 4: DATA INCLUDED: Good and Questionable Data FhdS 5: PROCESSING: Nov 2017 FhdS 6: All data are STRAY LIGHT CORRECTED with version 6.1 FhdS 7: DATE CREATED: 05-Jul-2019 06:38:40 FhdS 8: ##Nov 2017 reprocessing applied on 05-Jul-2019 06:38:40 ------------------------------------------- ## new matrix stray light correction applied ##MODELED KL: Band weighted modeled Kl data, missing data means the program was not able to calculate a model for that MOBY file and Lw ##0.234 meters added to the MOBY arm depths ##Lu RSG data shifted right by one pixel DscS 1: Year DscS 2: Julian Day DscS 3: GMT Time (HH.hh) DscS 4: Observation Date (YYMMDD.HHMMmm) DscS 5: MOBY deployment DscS 6: Latitide (DD.MMmm) (+N/-S) DscS 7: Longitide (DD.MMmm) (-W/+E) DscS 8: Data Status (1 = Good and 2 = Questionable) DscS 9: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 8 411.8 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 10: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 9 442.1 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 11: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 10 486.9 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 12: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 11 529.7 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 13: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 12 546.8 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 14: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 13 665.6 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 15: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 14 676.7 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 16: MODIS-1 Water Leaving Radiance Band 15 746.4 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 17: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 8 411.8 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 18: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 9 442.1 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 19: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 10 486.9 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 20: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 11 529.7 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 21: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 12 546.8 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 22: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 13 665.6 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 23: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 14 676.7 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) DscS 24: MODIS-1 Solar Norm Water Leaving Rad 2 Band 15 746.4 nm (µW/cm²/sr/nm) Xdat: Year, JDay, GMTTime, ObsDate,Deploy, Lat, Long, ?Data, LwB8, LwB9, LwB10, LwB11, LwB12, LwB13, LwB14, LwB15, Lwn-2B8, Lwn-2B9, Lwn-2B10, Lwn-2B11, Lwn-2B12, Lwn-2B13, Lwn-2B14, Lwn-2B15 2007, 176, 0.2337,070625.0014, 238, 20.4954, -157.1170, 1, 1.9942, 1.6077, 1.0989, 0.3549, 0.2589, 0.0133, 0.0116, , 2.4940, 1.9719, 1.3069, 0.4116, 0.3050, 0.0150, 0.0130, 2007, 177, 0.2337,070626.0014, 238, 20.4960, -157.1157, 2, 2.0398, 1.6535, 1.1272, 0.3613, 0.2634, 0.0148, 0.0126, , 2.6124, 2.0770, 1.3718, 0.4272, 0.3160, 0.0169, 0.0144, 2007, 181, 0.2253,070630.0014, 238, 20.4927, -157.1206, 1, 1.8700, 1.5318, 1.0814, 0.3597, 0.2634, 0.0147, 0.0129, , 2.4011, 1.9302, 1.3207, 0.4268, 0.3171, 0.0170, 0.0147, 2007, 182, 0.2342,070701.0014, 238, 20.4949, -157.1186, 1, 1.7840, 1.4457, 1.0461, 0.3565, 0.2616, 0.0144, 0.0125, , 2.2987, 1.8274, 1.2813, 0.4241, 0.3158, 0.0166, 0.0143, 2007, 183, 0.2407,070702.0014, 238, 20.4906, -157.1210, 1, 1.9584, 1.5761, 1.0957, 0.3504, 0.2550, 0.0128, 0.0111, , 2.4801, 1.9560, 1.3165, 0.4087, 0.3017, 0.0145, 0.0125, 2007, 184, 0.2342,070703.0014, 238, 20.4956, -157.1173, 1, 1.7930, 1.4518, 1.0351, 0.3505, 0.2570, 0.0128, 0.0111, , 2.3051, 1.8322, 1.2677, 0.4189, 0.3123, 0.0149, 0.0128, 2007, 185, 0.2093,070704.0013, 238, 20.4942, -157.1192, 2, 1.8169, 1.5293, 1.0749, 0.3560, 0.2617, 0.0160, 0.0142, , 2.3429, 1.9351, 1.3184, 0.4242, 0.3165, 0.0186, 0.0162, 2007, 188, 0.2200,070707.0013, 238, 20.4931, -157.1206, 1, 1.7024, 1.4469, 1.0350, 0.3425, 0.2518, 0.0134, 0.0117, , 2.2111, 1.8427, 1.2772, 0.4105, 0.3061, 0.0156, 0.0135, 2007, 189, 0.2230,070708.0013, 238, 20.4951, -157.1126, 1, 1.8640, 1.5143, 1.0768, 0.3606, 0.2650, 0.0153, 0.0139, , 2.3837, 1.8977, 1.3062, 0.4246, 0.3166, 0.0175, 0.0157, 2007, 190, 0.2345,070709.0014, 238, 20.4959, -157.1140, 1, 1.8142, 1.4684, 1.0476, 0.3561, 0.2616, 0.0139, 0.0126, , 2.2981, 1.8211, 1.2570, 0.4148, 0.3091, 0.0158, 0.0141, 2007, 191, 0.2097,070710.0013, 238, 20.4952, -157.1154, 1, 1.7239, 1.4324, 1.0339, 0.3499, 0.2564, 0.0133, 0.0118, , 2.1928, 1.7858, 1.2485, 0.4104, 0.3053, 0.0151, 0.0133, 2007, 192, 0.2260,070711.0014, 238, 20.4922, -157.1103, 1, 1.6049, 1.2884, 0.9011, 0.2796, 0.2022, 0.0085, 0.0075, , 2.0256, 1.5890, 1.0731, 0.3229, 0.2371, 0.0095, 0.0083, 2007, 194, 0.2348,070713.0014, 238, 20.4937, -157.1173, 2, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2007, 195, 0.2392,070714.0014, 238, 20.4905, -157.1171, 2, 1.9423, 1.5978, 1.1023, 0.3506, 0.2548, 0.0139, 0.0121, , 2.4551, 1.9790, 1.3213, 0.4077, 0.3002, 0.0157, 0.0135, 2007, 199, 0.2507,070718.0015, 238, 20.4896, -157.1090, 1, 1.9063, 1.5499, 1.0826, 0.3469, 0.2533, 0.0122, 0.0105, , 2.3105, 1.8370, 1.2394, 0.3849, 0.2850, 0.0131, 0.0112, 2007, 200, 0.2257,070719.0014, 238, 20.4896, -157.1085, 1, 1.7600, 1.4149, 0.9614, 0.2778, 0.1989, 0.0083, 0.0072, , 2.2058, 1.7355, 1.1407, 0.3196, 0.2320, 0.0092, 0.0080, 2007, 204, 0.2368,070723.0014, 238, 20.4841, -157.1140, 2, 1.8078, 1.4804, 1.0339, 0.3276, 0.2377, 0.0128, 0.0116, , 2.3449, 1.8918, 1.2869, 0.3977, 0.2938, 0.0153, 0.0137, 2007, 206, 0.2385,070725.0014, 238, 20.4859, -157.1104, 2, 1.3895, 1.2047, 0.9427, 0.3405, 0.2516, 0.0122, 0.0108, , 1.7673, 1.5000, 1.1358, 0.3981, 0.2986, 0.0139, 0.0122, 2007, 209, 0.2357,070728.0014, 238, 20.4851, -157.1124, 2, 1.7716, 1.4597, 1.0322, 0.3361, 0.2467, 0.0123, 0.0110, , 2.2285, 1.7984, 1.2306, 0.3890, 0.2896, 0.0138, 0.0123, 2007, 213, 0.2415,070801.0014, 238, 20.4884, -157.1120, 2, 1.7573, 1.4809, 1.0652, 0.3568, 0.2617, 0.0124, 0.0107, , 2.0839, 1.7185, 1.1947, 0.3880, 0.2889, 0.0131, 0.0112, 2007, 214, 0.2252,070802.0014, 238, 20.4912, -157.1090, 1, 1.7402, 1.4549, 1.0528, 0.3554, 0.2604, 0.0139, 0.0122, , 2.2113, 1.8091, 1.2655, 0.4143, 0.3080, 0.0157, 0.0137, 2007, 216, 0.2417,070804.0014, 238, 20.4891, -157.1211, 2, 1.7010, 1.4224, 1.0117, 0.3355, 0.2469, 0.0137, 0.0122, , 2.1930, 1.7979, 1.2381, 0.3985, 0.2980, 0.0158, 0.0140, 2007, 218, 0.2363,070806.0014, 238, 20.4860, -157.1103, 2, 1.5437, 1.3285, 1.0124, 0.3601, 0.2666, 0.0158, 0.0143, , 1.9819, 1.6713, 1.2330, 0.4253, 0.3195, 0.0181, 0.0163, 2007, 219, 0.2365,070807.0014, 238, 20.4876, -157.1099, 2, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 2007, 238, 0.2380,070826.0014, 238, 20.4962, -157.1132, 1, 1.9618, 1.5811, 1.0983, 0.3583, 0.2619, 0.0144, 0.0125, , 2.4998, 1.9730, 1.3242, 0.4187, 0.3106, 0.0162, 0.0140, 2007, 239, 0.2348,070827.0014, 238, 20.4958, -157.1121, 2, 2.0645, 1.6747, 1.1468, 0.3646, 0.2657, 0.0146, 0.0126, , 2.6148, 2.0762, 1.3724, 0.4230, 0.3128, 0.0164, 0.0140, 2007, 240, 0.2405,070828.0014, 238, 20.4943, -157.1098, 1, 1.9264, 1.5576, 1.0687, 0.3371, 0.2441, 0.0117, 0.0101, , 2.4401, 1.9290, 1.2759, 0.3898, 0.2864, 0.0131, 0.0113, 2007, 242, 0.2378,070830.0014, 238, 20.4961, -157.1153, 2, 1.8902, 1.5429, 1.0977, 0.3652, 0.2674, 0.0158, 0.0141, , 2.4212, 1.9347, 1.3293, 0.4287, 0.3184, 0.0180, 0.0159, 2007, 246, 0.2382,070903.0014, 238, 20.4946, -157.1109, 2, 1.7191, 1.4276, 1.0393, 0.3479, 0.2540, 0.0140, 0.0125, , 2.2670, 1.8414, 1.2945, 0.4203, 0.3114, 0.0164, 0.0146, 2007, 247, 0.2382,070904.0014, 238, 20.4888, -157.1092, 2, 1.8831, 1.5202, 1.0771, 0.3532, 0.2590, 0.0148, 0.0135, , 2.5007, 1.9728, 1.3488, 0.4288, 0.3188, 0.0175, 0.0158, 2007, 250, 0.2383,070907.0014, 238, 20.4955, -157.1139, 2, 1.5920, 1.3415, 0.9881, 0.3361, 0.2466, 0.0148, 0.0136, , 2.1555, 1.7729, 1.2586, 0.4147, 0.3087, 0.0177, 0.0161,