Useful Command Lines (type command without argument for help) Usage: Command: Extract true color or product images from OCView /data/data055/operational/routine/script/ocview_image Get granulist for a specific sensor, date, and location box /data/data055/operational/routine/script/get_granlist_fast Image extaction example: making the 2018 NOAA cruise track plot 1) Generate the monthly chl image ocview_image VIIRS NIR-SWIR chl monthly 20180501 35 20 -75 -90 720 cruise2018_chl.png 2) Generate the daily true-color image ocview_image VIIRS TC TC daily 20180509 35 20 -75 -90 720 cruise2018_tc.png 3) Import track data into OCDAPS and generate an image 'track.png' with same size and uniform color background (e.g. purple) 4) Convert the purple RGB(150,10,255) background into a transparent background convert track.png -transparent 'rgb(150, 10, 255)' transparent_track.png 5) Composite chl monthly image with true color image composite cruise2018_chl.png cruise2018_tc.png cruise2018_chl_tc.png 6) Overlay transparent-background track image to make the final image composite transparent_track.png cruise2018_chl_tc.png cruise2018_chl_tc_final.png 7) Producing one day global L3bin data binmap_daily OC-NIR 20181224 add -g (for global) switch to also produce global OCView imgery add -p (for polar) switch to also produce polar instead of geographical OCView imgery add -f switch to force update (redo L3bin process) 8) Processing one day global OCView OC image: binmap_lonlat -f /data/data488/L3bin_global/VIIRS/noaa_msl12_test/daily/2018/20180113/{Xkm}/infile_{Xkm} /data/data055/operational/routine/lut/VIIRS/noaa_msl12_nsw.txt /data/data320/openlayers/VIIRS/l2products/noaa_msl12_test/{prod}/daily/2018/20180113/ &> ~/binmap_lonlat_noaa_msl12_test_20180113.log &