CDN Moderate Assurance

Daily Report

Data Availability Status

SST Latency Summary:

Sensor L3S-AM L3S-PM L3C-G16 L3C-H9

2025-03-13 : L3S-AM Sensor Product: SST_NRT_L3 meets Requirement :: 100 % ++++++++ Data Availability Period :

ADT Latency Summary:

Sensor Jason-3 Sentinel-3A Sentinel-3B CryoSat-2 SARAL Sentinel-6A

2025-03-13 : Jason-3 Sensor Product: adt-nco-nrt-L3 (CDN) meets Requirement :: 100 % ++++++++ Data Availability Period :

SSS Latency Summary:


2025-03-13 : SMOS-SSS Sensor Product: sss-nrt-L2 not Tracked ++++++++ Data Availability Period : N/A

Data Availability (DA) and Quality Monitoring (QM) Methodology

Data Availability (DA) Buttons

: Data Availability is greater than 90% the button is green and if 98% it is set to good
: Data Availability is less than 90% the button is set to orange with the corresponding Availability %
: Data Availability is 0%. This means product has not shown up in the desired window allowed.

Availability is calculated by taking the ratio of the number of products available in the 24 hour time window allowed for each of these categories (swath files, granules, daily composites etc) to the expected number of products. This is done for each Sensor and Product and Parameter type in some cases, when multiple parameters exist for a single Sensor stream.