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2023-2024 Global Climate Highlights

Temperature of lower-troposphere (STAR V5.0 TLT)

Left Panel: 2023 temperature of lower-troposphere (TLT) anomalies from the 1991-2020 average. Dotted regions indicate where 2023 was the warmest year on record. Right Panel: May 2024 temperature of lower-troposphere (TLT) anomalies from the 1991-2020 average. Dotted regions indicate where May 2024 was the warmest May from 1981 to present.

Temperature of Lower-Troposphere (TLT) seasonal cycles for the time period from 1981 to present. Each curve in grey color represents one year during this period, and the colored curves represent El Niño years as a reference to the 2023-2024 El Niño years. Left panel: Global average; Right panel: Tropical average (20° S- 20° N).

Global mean time series of the Temperature of Lower-Troposphere (TLT) during 1981-present for each month. Left panel: For months from January to June; Right panel: From July to December.

Temperature of mid-troposphere (STAR V5.0 TMT)

Left Panel: 2023 temperature of mid-troposphere (TMT) anomalies from the 1991-2020 average. Dotted regions indicate where 2023 was the warmest year on record. Right Panel: May 2024 temperature of mid-troposphere (TMT) anomalies from the 1991-2020 average. Dotted regions indicate where May 2024 was the warmest May from 1979 to present.

Temperature of Mid-Troposphere (TMT) seasonal cycles for the time period from 1979 to present. Each curve in grey color represents one year during this period, and the colored curves represent El Niño years as a reference to the 2023-2024 El Niño years. Left panel: Global average; Right panel: Tropical average (20° S- 20° N).

Global mean time series of the Temperature of Mid-Troposphere (TMT) during 1979-present for each month. Left panel: For months from January to June; Right panel: From July to December.

STAR Microwave Sounding Calibration and Trends

MSU/AMSU-A/ATMS/SSU Global Mean Layer Temperature Anomaly Time Series

NOAA/NESDIS/STAR SSU global atmospheric temperature trends NOAA/NESDIS/STAR MSU/AMSU-A global atmospheric temperature trends

Top three traces: NOAA extended SSU Version 3.0 monthly global mean anomaly time series and trends for layer temperatures of mid-stratosphere (TMS), upper-stratosphere (TUS), and top-stratosphere (TTS). The extension is by merging the NOAA SSU Version 2.0 from 1979-2006 with SSU equivalent channels from AMSU-A/ATMS from 2001 to present. The TMS, TUS, and TTS time series are updated every month. Each update adds the monthly-mean and inter-calibrated SSU equivalent channels from AMSU-A/ATMS from the latest month to the dataset. The pentad and monthly gridded (2.5 latitude by 2.5 longitude resolution) global dataset for NOAA SSU v2.0 can be downloaded from SSU v2.0. The up-to-date, monthly gridded (2.5 latitude by 2.5 longitude resolution) global dataset for the NOAA merged SSU/AMSU-A/ATMS v3.0 can be downloaded from SSU/AMSU-A/ATMS v3.0.

Bottom four traces: NOAA/STAR MSU/AMSU-A/ATMS Version 5.0, monthly global mean anomaly time series and trends for the layer temperatures of lower-troposphere TLT), mid-troposphere (TMT), upper-troposphere (TUT), and lower-stratosphere (TLS). The TLT, TMT, TUT, and TLS time series are updated every month. Each update adds the monthly- mean, inter-calibrated and well-merged AMSU-A/ATMS observations from the latest month to the dataset. The up-to-date, monthly gridded (2.5 latitude by 2.5 longitude resolution) MSU/ASMU-A/ATMS v5.0 data can be downloaded from MSU/ASMU-A/ATMS v5.0.


MSU AMSU-A ATMS Spatial Trend Patterns

Spatial trend patterns from NOAA/STAR MSU/AMSU-A/ATMS Version 5.0 monthly gridded time series for layer temperatures of  lower-troposphere (TLT), mid-troposphere (TMT),upper- troposphere (TUT), and lower-stratosphere (TLS) for 1979 to the latest month.

Spatial trend patterns from NOAA/STAR MSU/AMSU-A/ATMS Version 5.0 monthly gridded time series for layer temperatures of lower-troposphere (TLT), mid-troposphere (TMT),upper- troposphere (TUT), and lower-stratosphere (TLS) for 1979 to the latest month.


SSU AMSU-A ATMS Spatial Trend Patterns

Spatial trend patterns from the NOAA SSU/AMSU-A/ATMS Version 3.0 monthly climate data record for layer temperatures of the mid-stratosphere (TMS,SSU Ch1), upper-stratosphere (TUS, SSU Ch2), and top-stratosphere (TTS, SSU Ch3) for the period from 1979 to the latest month.

Spatial trend patterns from the NOAA SSU/AMSU-A/ATMS Version 3.0 monthly climate data record for layer temperatures of the mid-stratosphere (TMS,SSU Ch1), upper-stratosphere (TUS, SSU Ch2), and top-stratosphere (TTS, SSU Ch3) for 1979 to the latest month.