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STAR Microwave Sounding Calibration and Trends


MSU AMSU-A ATMS Spatial Trend Patterns

Spatial trend patterns from NOAA/STAR MSU/AMSU-A/ATMS Version 5.0 monthly gridded time series for layer temperatures of  lower-troposphere (TLT), mid-troposphere (TMT),upper- troposphere (TUT), and lower-stratosphere (TLS) for 1979 to the latest month.

Spatial trend patterns from NOAA/STAR MSU/AMSU-A/ATMS Version 5.0 monthly gridded time series for layer temperatures of lower-troposphere (TLT), mid-troposphere (TMT),upper- troposphere (TUT), and lower-stratosphere (TLS) for 1979 to the latest month.


NOAA/NESDIS/STAR MSU/AMSU-A global atmospheric temperature trends

 Monthly global mean anomaly time series and trends for the layer temperatures of lower-troposphere TLT), mid-troposphere (TMT), upper-troposphere (TUT),
and lower-stratosphere (TLS).

Monthly global mean anomaly time series and trends for the layer temperatures of lower-troposphere TLT), mid-troposphere (TMT), upper-troposphere (TUT), and lower-stratosphere (TLS).