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GRWG & GDWG Meeting Actions Tracking
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GCC.20240315.1 | Manik Bali (UMD) to prepare proposal to update GSICS Product Catalog and set up web meeting to discuss. | Manik | Ongoing | |||||
A.GDWD.20240312.1 | Manik Bali to define a format in which the agencies shall provide input for the SOS report. | Manik | Suggested | Closed | ||||
A.GDWD.20240312.2 | GRWG and GDWG to define a way forward for the generation of the SOS report. | Manik Bali | Script Developed | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.20240311.2 | Paolo and Manik to coordinate with the SITsat group (CLARREO, LIBRA, TRUTHS) to define product format, also addressing the way uncertainties shall be reported in the products (with a special care on data volume). | Paolo/Manik | NASA would provide a sample data file | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.20240312.4 | Paolo Castracane (ESA) to lead discussion with GCC and WMO on possible enhancement of GSICS websites following WGCV Cal/Val Portal as example. | Paolo Castracane | Ongoing | Open | ||||
A.GDWG.20240313.1 | CMA to post daily instrument bias on GPRC website in machine readable form. | Open | ||||||
A.GDWG.20240313.2 | EUMETSAT (Simon Elliot) to provide IASI L1C reader to ISRO ( Pradeep Thapliyal ) : | Simon/Pradeep | Code provided | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.20240313.4 | Paolo to coordinate with Manik on reducing overlap of webpage on solar radiance at ESA, NOAA/wiki and LASP. | Paolo | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.20240313.5 | Masaya to collect new codes of GSICS deliverable filenaming to be added in Common code table C-13 of WMO Manual on Codes. | Masaya | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.20240313.6 | Masaya to work on update of GSICS SRF Convention if GRWG requires any updates. | Masaya | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.20240313.7 | Take steps to integrate GSICS products into WIS | Manik | Exploring integration to EUMETSAT Data Server which is already WIS 2.0 active | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.20240313.8 | Suggest format for storing daily bias following CF 1.5 CCC conventions | Manik | A.GDWD.20240312.1 | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.20240313.9 | GDWG (NOAA) to find a method for digitally marking LSICS outputs that have been generated by the official GSICS code version and copies thereof and making them distinguishable from outputs that have been generated by LSICS code that has been modified. | Manik | Suggested API | Closed | ||||
A.GEP. 20240315.1 | Mounir to discuss the formation of a polarimetry subgroup with Dave Doelling. | Mounir | Open | |||||
A.GEP. 20240315.2 | GSICS Annual Meeting 2025 to have users of GSICS Products and Deliverables present at the meeting. | Open | ||||||
A.GEP.20240315.1 | GDWG to issue a GSICS standard operating procedure for the generation and the application of GSICS correction for the Level-1 data. | Open | ||||||
A.GEP.20240315.4 | Manik to send forms for GSICS deliverable document to formally accept the LSICS as a GSICS deliverable. | Manik | Deliverable matrix given | Closed | ||||
A.GEP.20240315.5 | EUMETSAT to provide additional resources to Manik for review of GSICS website | Bojan | Open | |||||
A.GLCW.20240312.3 | Tom Stone (USGS) to request report on outcome of uncertainty workshop held adjacent to 2024 JACIE meeting. | Tom Stone | Open | |||||
A.GMW.20240314.1 | Siena to provide the GSICS MW Subgroup Membership to all Focus Group Leaders. | Siena | Open |
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
- | Seb Wagner (EUMETSAT) and Tom Stone (USGS) to interface with Monica and Natalia to formulate the latter | Sebastien Wagner/Tom Stone | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.20230301.1 | Manik Bali (NOAA) to add option in tracking tool to label actions as no longer relevant, and ensure a lead is clearly identified for each action | Manik | Closed | |||||
A.GDWG.20230301.2 | Kamaljit Ray to invite nominations as incoming chair to propose to EP. | Kamaljit | Closed | |||||
A.GDWG.20230301.3 | Paolo (ESA) to get directions from ESA Management if he can take up the Chair GDWG | Paolo | Closed | |||||
A.GDWG.20230301.4 | Paolo to give a talk on Overpass tool to GSICS | Paolo | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/Gdwgweb932023 | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.20230904.1 | GDWG to contact the product producers to learn about their views on making their products discoverable in the WIS system on a test basis | Manik | Ongoing | |||||
A.GDWG.20230904.2 | GDWG so share lessons learnt with GRWG, Simon and the WIS team. | Manik | Ongoing | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.1 | GSICS EP to review GSICS Vision (2020) and propose new implementation plan for 2030 (updates for outdated and missing parts). | EP | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.10 | Implement GHG Level-1 UVN Spectrometer SG ASAP. GSICS EP agencies to nominate agency POCs to participate in the UVN spectrometer SG. | All EP/ Larry Flynn | Ruediger Lang (Eumetsat) give a talk last year on CO2M. More talks in Annual Meeting 2024 | Closed | ||||
A.GEP.20230630.10 | EP members to review their GSICS focal points and contact, and provide list to | EP Members | Ongoing | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.11 | GCC to organize trimestral status teleconference between EP Chair, WG Chairs and GCC. | GCC | Ongoing | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.2 | GSICS EP representatives to identify their agency’s GDWG point of contact and report back to GSICS rapporteur. WMO to update that information on the GSICS website. | EP | Closed | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.3 | GDWG to prepare a proposal for a Standard Operating procedure for the dissemination of GSICS corrected data products and how the GSICS coefficients are to be embedded in the corrected data files. | |||||||
A.GEP.20230630.4 | WMO to organize WIS 2.0 presentation in GDWG subgroup meeting | WMO/Manik Bali | Closed | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.5 | Prepare proposal for the new space involvement in GSICS. | GCC | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.6 | GSICS EP agencies to propose names for the GRWG IR subgroup co-chairs. | Likun Wang | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.7 | IR subgroup to invite Roshydromet (A. Rublev) to discuss the best practice to calculate the actual colocation of IR channels. | Likun Wang | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.8 | GSICS EP members to indicate their organisation's willingness to launch PTU balloons (radio soundings) coincident with satellite overpasses during new instrument commissioning and/or campaigns, and identify POCs for such activities. | EP Members | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.8 | Evaluate ISCCP-NG user feedback, and other user feedback, prioritise and address open issues as actions to subgroups. | GCC/Manik Bali | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20230630.9 | Prepare a proposal and implement an update of WMO GSICS website content and design. | All EP | Open |
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GCC.20220318.1 | GCC to edit an article on Notebooks, wiki and pages GSICS Tools | Manik Bali | https://repository.library.noaa.gov/view/noaa/49333 | 3/31/2023 | Closed | |||
A.GDWG.2022031.8 | GDWG to contact GRWG/Tim Hewison to get information on Combined products | Closed | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316..9 | GDWG to organize a webmeeting to discuss combined products | Closed | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.1 | IMD and ISRO to work on enhancing capabilities of RAPID to use visualize GSICS data | Open | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.2 | Discuss with GRWG if reprocessed data should be designated as a GSICS deliverable | Open | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.3 | GDWG members to inform GCC about the latest membership | Open | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.4 | CMA to reveal use of GSICS coefficients in NWP processing | Open | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.5 | GDWG to contact GRWG to gather requirements for combined product | Closed | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.6 | GSICS members to contact Paolo (ESA) and provide feedback to EVDC | Closed | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.6 | GSICS-GDWG(Manik) to work closely with ESA ( Paolo) to integrate GSICS notebooks into the ESA metrology notebooks | Closed | ||||||
A.GDWG.20220316.7 | IMD/ISRO Cal/Val portal link to be provided to ESA to be included in the CEOS Cal/Val portal | Closed | ||||||
A.GIR.20220315.2 | Organize Follow-up meeting on INSAT-3R bias during eclipse season | Likun Wang | Open | |||||
A.GIR.20220316.1 | Chengli Qi (CMA) to share references of the papers he mentioned on the impact of GIIRS on NWP (winds, regional,... ) | Chengli Qi | https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GL093010 https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GL093672 https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GL093794 https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GL096207 https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GL095825 | Closed | ||||
A.GMW.20220317.1 | Share the lunar disc-average brightness temperature data base for the microwave frequency range between 23 and 183 GHz | Hu Yang and Martin Burgdorf | 3/1/2023 | Data Base | Open | |||
A.GMW.20220317.2 | Determine the feasibility of using MW FCDRs as GSICS Products | Robbie Iacovazzi and Viju John | 5/1/2022 | 3/18/2022 | Discussion During Annual Meeting | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20220317.3 | Obtain the lunar data acquire from TROPICS from MIT. | Hu Yang | 3/1/2023 | Data Set | Open | |||
A.GMW.20220317.4 | Perform O-B analysis on SmallSat/CubeSat data, such as TROPICS or TEMPEST-D. | Mark Liu | 3/1/2023 | GSICS MW Subgroup Meeting Presentation | Open | |||
A.GMW.20220317.5 | Obtain and share NWP results regarding the use of the MWTS-III from FY-3E. | Qifeng Lu | 3/1/2023 | GSICS MW Subgroup Meeting Presentation | Open | |||
A.GUV.20220310.2 | Larry to provide a template for the information sheet for the R.GUV.20220310.1 | |||||||
A.GVNIR.20220318.6 | GRWG (Dave) to work with GCC lead a recommendation to EP of recommending TSIS-1 HSRS as a reference Solar spectrum | TSIS-1 reccomended as reference solar spectrum | Closed |
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GMW.20210121.1 | Provide an FCDR presentation for the next meeting. | Cheng-Zhi Zou | 2/16/2021 | Presentation | Closed | |||
A.GMW.20210121.2 | Check with previous stewards of this FCDR to see if LECT drift was considered in the analysis. | Martin Burgdorf Paul Poli | 1/25/2021 | Response in 2021-01-21 GMW meeting minutes | Closed | |||
A.GMW.20210121.3 | Paul Poli would like information about SSMT2. May have SSMT2 information in desk at NASA. Paul to send a reminder email to Ed to look for it. | Ed Kim Paul Poli | Waiting for COVID-19 mandatory telework to end, so Ed can go back to NASA to look for documentation. | 1/21/2022 | SSMT2 Manual Copies | Open | ||
A.GMW.20210121.4 | Send out information about available special issue volumes surrounding microwave radiometry | Robbie Iacovazzi | 2/23/2021 | Closed | ||||
A.GMW.20210121.5 | All Subgroup Members working on FCDRs please provide input about using FCDRs as a community reference to Manik. | All GMW | 3/5/2021 | Open | ||||
A.GMW.20210121.6 | Aggregate GSICS actions applicable to the GSICS Microwave Subgroup. | Manik Bali | 3/5/2021 | Google Sheet | Closed | |||
A.GMW.20210216.1 | Organize summary topic presentations for the Annual Meeting. | Qifeng Lu Mark Liu Robbie Iacovazzi Shengli Wu | 2/17/2021 | Document | Closed | |||
A.GMW.20210217.1 | Summarize meeting reports for plenary status report. | Robbie Iacovazzi | 3/5/2021 | 3/5/2021 | Document | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210217.2 | Hold a planning meeting two weeks before the Annual Meeting. | Qifeng Lu Mark Liu Robbie Iacovazzi Shengli Wu | 3/12/2021 | 3/12/2021 | Meeting and Meeting Minutes | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210217.3 | Create Doodle poll for next Microwave Subgroup meeting | Qifeng Lu | 2/18/2021 | Closed | ||||
A.GMW.20210217.4 | Send mid-March Microwave Subgroup meeting announcement draft | Robbie Iacovazzi | 2/24/2021 | GMW March Pre-Meeting Email Announcement | Closed | |||
A.GMW.20210217.5 | Make two version of meeting notes. Internal and to be presented. | Robbie Iacovazzi | 2/17/2021 | Two Meeting Note Documents | Closed | |||
A.GMW.20210318.1 | Contact Timo Hanschmann to discuss the use of reprocessed ATMS data in ERA-6. | Mark Liu | 4/18/2021 | 4/18/2021 | STAR and JPSS Meeting with EUMETSAT | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210318.2 | Provide information to Bill Bell from ECMWF about who is performing channel optimization and configuration of the Hyperspectral Microwave Sounder. | Fabien Carminati | 4/18/2021 | 3/19/2021 | Email with Information | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210330.1 | Get in touch with Xiaolong Dong to start a potential collaboration with the CEOS WGCV microwave subgroup. | Qifeng Lu | 9/30/2021 | 4/21/2021 | Email with Information | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210330.2 | Consider the GRWG desire that the Microwave Subgroup focus on 1) the development of MW GSICS standard products – e.g., O-B and SNO for the microwave sounders, GNSS-RO and microwave imagers, and 2) in the near future the definition of reference instruments and sharing of SNO common codes. | Qifeng Lu Mark Liu | 2/28/2022 | Open | ||||
A.GMW.20210330.3 | Get the GDWG presentation so that the group has the links to the GRWG software tools | Robbie Iacovazzi | 4/9/2021 | 4/21/2021 | Link available from GSICS Wiki page for 2021 Annual Meeting | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210330.4 | Steven Maxwell to connect Robbie with the NIST microwave group. | Steven Maxwell | 9/30/2021 | 3/30/2021 | Email with contact information | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210330.5 | From Action A.GIR.2020319.7 - Manik Bali (NOAA) to review guidance in the definition of time coverage start and end variables in the GSICS netCDF convention needs to be considered by all Subgroup Chairs. | Qifeng Lu Mark Liu | 9/30/2021 | 3/11/2022 | Email to Manik | Closed | ||
A.GMW.20210330.6 | Need to update our action items in the Annual Meeting agenda under the GW Breakout tab. | Robbie Iacovazzi | 4/9/2021 | 4/9/2021 | Google Sheet | Closed |
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GCC.2020.1b.1 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20200317 | GCC to organize a web meeting to bring GSCIS Developers and users together. We need to learn how we can make the products better and more accessible. | Manik Bali | 3/1/2021 | Closed | |||
A.GCC.20200.03812.1 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20200812 | GCC/NOAA to Update Product Catalog and provide link to User Guide explicitly | Manik Bali | 3/1/2021 | https://colab.research.google.com/drive/18SjLpebRKPdEBT_eYuZrEGTQNo82gpn4?authuser=1 https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ENBFgZ1IOgXNw6bS-0X14AshT729yIf2?authuser=1 | Closed | ||
A.GCC.20200519.7 | GCC to publish a special issue on State of Observing Systems in the GSICS quarterly special issue on the state of the observing system | Manik Bali | 3/1/2021 | https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/smcd/GCC/documents/newsletter/v15_no1_2021.pdf | Closed | |||
A.GCC.20200519.7 | GCC to publish a special issue on State of Observing Systems in the GSICS quarterly special issue on the state of the observing system | 5/1/2021 | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.20200416.1 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20200416 | Manik Bali (NOAA) to coordinate GDWG to investigate developing scripts to generate contents of Annual Calibration Reports from GSICS Corrections. | 3/1/2021 | https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1-nMyJ4z-D2vTqfyI6wqQj1DgRCRfQW-h | Closed | |||
A.GDWG.20200519.9 | GDWG Chair to Organizeing a kick off in next few weeks for GDWG Groupfor GDWG chair. | 5/1/2021 | Web Meeting held on 2020/10/20 | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.20200812.1: | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20200812 | GDWG to review existing product THREDDS directory structure to make it easier for ISCCP-NG users to access products | 3/1/2021 | Open | ||||
A.GDWG.202010.20.5 | GDWG to review GRWG proposed product convention changes (A.GDWG.20201020.4) and revise convention accordingly | GDWG | 3/1/2021 | Open | ||||
A.GDWG.20201020.2 | R.K Giri (IMD) to provide updates on landing page to GDWG | R.K Giri | 3/1/2021 | open | ||||
A.GDWG.20201020.3: | IMD to update to update GSICS on receiving of JPSS data at IMD | IMD | 3/1/2021 | open | ||||
A.GDWG.20202010.1 | KMA to provide the members the process to get account and use the KMA GSICS github. | Hysook (KMA) | 3/1/20201 | KMA provided POC | Closed | |||
A.GEP.2020.1f.1 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20200317 | Invite Andy Heidinger to give his presentation or a newer version to the EP in May. Assigned to Mitch Goldberg and Andy Heidinger. | Mitch Goldberg | 5/1/2021 | Open | |||
A.GEP.20200519.1 | Provide GRWG subgroup Term of Reference | GRWG Chair | 5/1/2021 | Open | ||||
A.GEP.20200519.10 | Send request to Eumetsat for the support of P. Miu as outgoing covice chair of GDWG to support the new Chair GDWG for three months. | 5/1/2021 | Closed | |||||
A.GEP.20200519.11 | All GSICS members to check their reps and provide email addresses missing at https://gsics.wmo.int/en/focal-points | 5/1/2021 | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20200519.12 | Update HLPP progress. | 5/1/2021 | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20200519.13 | GSICS to review the white paper Nagatsmu San before end of June. | 5/1/2021 | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20200519.14 | Mitch to follow up with DOD to check the planned location of GOES-13 over Indian Location | 5/1/2021 | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20200519.15 | GSICS-EP members to review membership of GSICS-EP at https://gsics.wmo.int/en/focal-points and to notify WMO, of any change | 5/1/2021 | Open | |||||
A.GEP.20200519.16 | Mitch and Ken to contact Small Sat community and support pGSICS articupation in JACIE and AMS Small Satellite sessions | Open |
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GCC.2019.11.1 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20191101 | Bomin Sun to provide D. Coppens(EUMETSAT) a sample IASI L1C file that would check if the file has the cloud information. | 3/1/2019 | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2019.11.3 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20191101 | GCC to organize a GSICS Product Users session in the Annual Meeting and share GSICS product User feedback with the product developers. | 3/1/2019 | Open | ||||
A.GCC.2019.11.4 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20191101 | GCC ( Manik Bali) to share with Dave Tobin the Reference Selection Criterion and help draft NOAA response to the IRRefUTable report and SI Traceability report | 3/1/2019 | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2019.3s.1 | GCC ( Manik Bali) to provide a detailed list of entities that can be classified as potential deliverables to the GSICS community. | 3/1/2020 | Open | |||||
A.GCC.2019016.3 | GCC to draft the QA4EO based selection criterion of GSICS Deliverables for the endorsement by EP. | GCC Director | EP-21 | Email from Nigel Fox confirms QA4EO nature | Closed | |||
A.GCC.20190516.1 | GCC to relax User Guide requirement and uncertainty for GSICS Products, if measurements come from operational maturity. | GCC Director | EP-21 | Ongoing process. e.g Picked up actions to build common User guide | Open | |||
A.GCC.20190516.2 | GCC with GRWG to demonstrate the QA4EO nature of selection criterion of reference Instrument to EP members. | GCC Director | EP-21 | Open | ||||
A.GCC.20191017.1 | GCC to notify the GRWG Chair and the POCs of GSICS GEO satellite agencies for the coming ISCCP-NG workshop | 10/11/2019 | Closed | |||||
A.GCC.2019516.4 | GCC to share the recommendations of EXP-5 on applying QA4EO processes in GSICS ( e.g. GPPA) with GSICS EP. | GCC Director | EP-21 | http://www.wmo.int/pages/pr og/sat/documents/GSICS-EP- 07_Final-Report.pdf | Closed | |||
A.GCC.20200122.1 | http://gsics.atmos.umd.edu/bin/view/Development/20200122 | Manik Bali (NOAA) to check if actions on action tracker are updated | 3/1/2019 | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.2019.3h.2 | ESA to recommend a member to GDWG. | 3/1/2020 | 4/17/2019 | Paolo Castracane nominated by ESA | Closed | |||
A.GDWG.2019.3l.1 | GDWG to check how to split follow up actions between GDWG and GRWG to address the feedback. | 3/1/2020 | 3/7/2019 | Done during the Annual Meeting | Closed | |||
A.GDWG.2019.6a.1 | CMA to take a lead in bringing the synchronisation script into operations. Once it is done, the script can be rolled out to ISRO and NOAA. | 3/1/2020 | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.2019.6b.1 | ROSHYDROMET to provide open access to their restricted areas on their website, to be discussed / confirmed in EP meeting. | 3/1/2020 | 5/16/2019 | Reported at GSICS-EP-20 | Closed | |||
A.GDWG.2019.6c.1 | ESA to consider preparing a GSICS website. If possible, present in the next GSICS Annual meeting / web meeting. (Minimal contents for GSICS Website is noted on the Wiki, this content may be updated for ESA's case) | 3/1/2020 | 8/27/2019 | Email from Paolo Castracane that this would be considered in future. | Closed | |||
A.GDWG.2019.6c.2 | GDWG Vice Chair (Pete) to check if the procedure for GSICS member nomination is documented in the ToR and update if not. | 3/1/2020 | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.2019.6d.1 | WMO to provide GDWG Chair with user manual for updating the WMO GSICS Portal and an account to familiarise with the system. | 3/1/2020 | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.2019.6d.2 | GDWG Chair to propose how WMO GSICS Portal accounts are used based on the functionality implemented (updating logging, security concerns). The proposal is to be presented to GSICS EP for endorsement and documented in the ToR. | 3/1/2020 | Open | |||||
A.GDWG.2019.6e.1 | GDWG Chair to report GDWG recommendation on GSICS SRF Conventions to EP for the endorsement and propose the update in ToR with this recommendation. | 3/1/2020 | 5/17/2019 | Done at GSICS-EP-20 | Closed | |||
A.GDWG.2019.6e.2 | WMO to provide a procedure for updating the Common Table C-13 of the WMO Manual on Codes to the GDWG Chair so that an addition of “SRF” string to the table can be performed. | 3/1/2020 | 5/17/2019 | Done at GSICS-EP-20 | Closed |
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GCC.2018.10d.1 | GCC to request the ESSIC/UMD to grant UMD-google accounts to the GSICS community for access. | 3/1/2019 | Denied | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2018.10d.2 | GCC to explore access to UMD VPN by GSICS members. | 3/1/2019 | Denied | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2018.2f.1 | GCC to coordinate DCC Statistics from NASA to ISRO | 3/1/2019 | ISRO NASA Langley directly collaborated | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2018.3a.1 | GCC-NOAA GDWG to propose improvements ( and provide prototype) in GSICS Product Catalog that can combine the plotting and data representation on the product catalog. | 3/1/2019 | Prototype here | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2018.3b.1 | Manik Bali to set up web meeting in September 2108 to discuss requirements for sharing SNO predictions and/or tools. | 3/1/2019 | Wiki Details |
Closed | ||||
A.GCC.20180601.10 | ISRO to contact GCC to obtain knowledge on reading CrIS data to help them inter-calibrate INSAT with CrIS. | ISRO | 2019-31-05 | Reader Provided by Likun Wang to Nitant Dube/ISRO | Closed | |||
A.GCC.20180601.11 | GCC to simplify and stream line GPPA checklist and share itwith members to fast track maturity; Start with KMA and JMA. | GCC | 2019-31-05 | Open | ||||
A.GCC.20180601.12 | GCC to provide recommendations on new processing and science maturity levels for GSICS products and services | GCC | 2019-31-05 | Open | ||||
A.GCC.20180601.4 | GCC to develop harmonized interface for the instrument performance monitoring website as a baseline for inquiring instrument status. Demo by ISRO | GCC/ISRO | 2019-31-05 | Reformulate action | Closed | |||
A.GCC.20180601.9 | GCC to contact GRUAN POC in GSICS ( Tony/Ralph/Cheng-Zhi) to submit yearly updates on 3G (GRUAN-GSICS-GNSS) collaboration to EP | GCC | 2019-31-05 | Open | ||||
A.GDWG.2018.5a.1 | Actions Review | NOAA-GDWG( Bali) to propose updates to the Actions Tracker and GSICS User Messaging (GUM) service such that all GPRCs can use these applications. | NOAA | Configuration | 3/1/2019 | New features added 1.EP report parsing 2. hyperlink | Ongoing | |
A.GDWG.2018.5a.2 | Actions Review | Masaya Takahashi to upload the SRF format conversion script to GitHub. | JMA | Information | 3/1/2019 | Open | ||
A.GDWG.2018.5b.1 | Baseline Review | Masaya Takahashi to update minimumn requirements for GPRC website and inform WMO of the changes required for their website; addition of ISRO website. | JMA | Information | 3/1/2019 | 1/8/2019 | Closed | |
A.GDWG.2018.5c.1 | GSICS Collaboration Servers | Peter Miu and Masaya Takahashi to organise a web meeting with ISRO and GDWG member to discuss bringing the ISRO server into the GSICS collaboration network. | EUM | Information | 3/1/2019 | 4/18/2018 | Closed | |
A.GDWG.2018.5c.2 | GSICS Collaboration Servers | GDWG members (Jin Woo, Masaya Takahashi, Peter Miu, Thomas Xu and Manik Bali) to specify the plan and take care of progressing GSICS products through the GPPA (Lead: GDWG Chair). The goal is to being existing GSICS products into operations as soon as possible. | JMA | Information | 3/1/2019 | Closed | ||
A.GDWG.2018.5c.3 | GSICS Collaboration Servers | Peter Miu to specify a technical note to propose several methods for the implementation of passive and active GSICS products access service such as RSS on THREDDS. Technologies to consider should be available to all GPRC; RSS, EUMETSAT UNS, SMS, WeChat, … | EUM | Tech Support | 3/1/2019 | Open | ||
A.GDWG.2018.5c.4 | GSICS Collaboration Servers | Peter Miu to update the GSICS product moving process on the EUMETSAT GSICS server to ignore products being uploaded with .TEMP, .temp, .etc. This is to avoid zero size products to be served to users. | EUM | Configuration | 3/1/2019 | 2/5/2019 | Comfirmed with Peter Miu | Closed |
A.GDWG.2018.5c.5 | GSICS Collaboration Servers | Peter Miu to implement a product upload timer to provide a report on how long it takes to received products from the product producers. | EUM | Tech Support | 3/1/2019 | Open | ||
A.GDWG.2018.5d.1 | GSICS Collaboration Servers | CMA and EUMETSAT to work together to synchronise GSICS products across the servers. | CMA/EUM | Implementation | 3/1/2019 | 1/23/2019 | EUM: provided Perl script in July 2018 CMA: reported test result in Jan 2019 | Closed |
A.GDWG.2018.5d.2 | GSICS Collaboration Servers | CMA to check if their NetCDF format checking tool can be shared in GSICS. | CMA/EUM | Analysis | 3/1/2019 | Open |
Action Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GCC.2017.2j.1 | GCC and KMA to check the status of KMA’s products in the GPPA. | 3/1/2018 | KMA product accepted | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2017.3a.2 | GCC to organise a web meeting before the User’s workshop. | 3/1/2018 | GSICS Session organized in VVO | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2017.3a.3 | Each agency should indicate who should represent the users on their side. Manik to coordinate. | 3/1/2018 | Closed | |||||
A.GCC.2017.6b.1 | GCC to update the action tracking page in response to GRWG/GDWG proposal. | 3/1/2018 | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hez0yiluH6b-aJUoPxJiM9QRVYqktX-GUO2MfA08Nzo/edit | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2017.6c.1 | GCC to survey from the GSICS users (e.g. during the GSICS User’s Workshop), which netCDF models they are using; classic or enhanced. If enhanced, what features they are using in this model; chunking, …? | 3/1/2018 | Open | |||||
A.GCC.2017.9f.1 | GCC to coordinate provision of GSICS Corrected test data from the 0.6µm and 11µm channels of all available GEO imagers during Dec 2009 to Ken Knapp to assess the impact of the corrections on ISCCP products. | 3/1/2018 | mails sent. Response awaited//Need Discussions | Open | ||||
A.GCC.2017.9g.1 | GCC to get the names of POC of agencies for pre-launch characterization workshop. In touch with CEOS. | 3/1/2018 | Open | |||||
A.GCC.2017.9i.1 | GCC to follow up with Andy Heidinger and Tim Hewison on to send a GSICS Rep to ITOVS and Users NWP Meetings, Cloud Working Group CGMS working groups. | 3/1/2018 | Cheng-Zhi Ex Chair MW attending ITOVS. Will hold a parallel session on GSICS | Closed | ||||
A.GCC.2017.9k.1 | GCC to coordinate a preparatory web meeting on clarreo and send out invitations to members to attend the webmeeting. | 3/1/2018 | Working closely with Kim,Tim and Scott | Closed | ||||
A.GDWG.2017.5a.1 | Baseline Review | All GPRCs to update the URLs of NOAA and ISRO websites. | KMA | Information | 12/31/2017 | 3/21/2018 | Closed | |
A.GDWG.2017.5a.2 | Baseline Review | CMA to add a link to the ATBD on their GSICS website. | CMA | Information | 3/31/2018 | Ongoing | ||
A.GDWG.2017.5a.3 | Baseline Review | NOAA to inform WMO of the new GSICS website URL: http://gsicswiki.net/wiki/GPRC/ | NOAA | Information | 12/31/2017 | 1/10/2018 | Closed | |
A.GDWG.2017.5a.4 | Baseline Review | EUMETSAT to add a link to WMO GSICS Portal on the GSICS logo. | EUMETSAT | Information | 4/30/2017 | 3/21/2018 | Closed | |
A.GDWG.2017.5a.5 | Baseline Review | ISRO to inform WMO of their GSICS website: http://as.mosdac.gic.in:8086/GSICS_ISRO/. | ISRO | Information | 3/31/2018 | 3/21/2018 | Masaya informed WMO | Closed |
A.GDWG.2017.5a.6 | Baseline Review | JMA to upload their inter-calibration ATBD as document files. | JMA | Information | 9/30/2017 | 12/28/2017 | Closed | |
A.GDWG.2017.5a.7 | Baseline Review | KMA to review NOAA website contents and update website reviewing slides. | KMA | Information | 4/30/2017 | 5/4/2017 | Closed | |
A.GDWG.2017.5a.8 | Baseline Review | Peter Miu to document formats of the GEOLEOIR products (example high level definition of the GIRO I/O [EUM/TSS/TEN/14/753739]). | EUMETSAT | Information | 9/30/2017 | Open | ||
A.GDWG.2017.5a.9 | Baseline Review | Peter Miu to contact Unidata to see if branches can indicate data is available, hyperlink to logo and home at top of screen. | EUMETSAT | Information | 4/30/2017 | Open | ||
A.GDWG.2017.5b.1 | GSICS Documentation | GDWG co-chair to create a list of GSICS relevant documentation on the Wiki. | EUM/JMA | Information | 4/30/2017 | 3/21/2018 | Please refer to GSICS Documentation Plan (GSICS-RD000) | Closed |
A.GDWG.2017.5b.2 | GSICS Documentation | GDWG co-chair to propose EP and WMO to create a repository on the WMO PAG and put a link to GSICS Product Catalog. | EUM/JMA | Specification | 6/30/2017 | 6/8/2017 | Proposed at GSICS-EP-18 | Closed |
Agenda Id | Item | Summary | Lead | What to Do | Expected Completion | Actual Completion | Deliverable Usage | Status |
A.GDWG.2016.5a.1 | Review Standards | GPRCs to take the presentation review pages as a basis for their updates. KMA to lead this action. | KMA | Configuration | 9/30/2016 | 10/3/2016 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5b.1 | Review Standards | JMA to include invalid_hours in the agreed conventions once the time format has been checked that it follows ISO 8601 format. | JMA | Information | 7/31/2016 | pending | ||
A.GDWG.2016.5b.2 | Review Standards | EUMETSAT to specify when attribute or comments are to be used on the Wiki | EUM | Information | 5/31/2016 | 2/21/2017 | NetCDF Conventions Update |
closed |
A.GDWG.2016.5c.1 | New GSICS Wiki | NOAA to information groups of the new security of the new server, and the backups. | NOAA | Information | 5/31/2016 | 6/4/2016 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5c.2 | New GSICS Wiki | NOAA to inform workgroup members a week in advance and to switch to the new server (UMD), and decommission the NOAA server. | NOAA | Information | 4/30/2016 | 6/4/2016 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5c.3 | New GSICS Wiki | NOAA to check how long the URL of new Wiki would be shown on the current Wiki at NOAA. | NOAA | Information | 4/30/2016 | 6/4/2016 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5d.1 | Mirroring GSICS Products at NOAA | NOAA to upload their download scripts on wiki |
NOAA | Information | 2016-04-31 | 3/15/2017 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5d.2 | Mirroring GSICS Products at NOAA | CMA to upload their download scripts on Wiki for review. | CMA | Information | 2016-04-31 | 1/20/2017 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5d.3 | Mirroring GSICS Products at NOAA | NOAA to check if their scripts can be installed and used from the NOAA THREDDS server to mirroring the CMA and EUMETSAT GSICS servers | NOAA | Information | 9/30/2016 | 3/15/2017 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5d.4 | Mirroring GSICS Products at NOAA | CMA to check if their scripts can be installed and used from the CMA THREDDS server to mirroring the NOAA and EUMETSAT GSICS servers | CMA | Information | 9/30/2016 | ongoing | ||
A.GDWG.2016.5e.1 | Collaboration GSICS Servers | GDWG chair (Peter) to present security constraints to EP meeting to get decision if we need GSICS product preservation. If yes, then they need to support their GDWG work based on the security constraints identified. | GDWG chair - Pete | Information | 6/30/2016 | 2/21/2017 | GSICS products are expected to be preserve through several mechanism; backups and ability to regenerate. Synchronisation between the collaboration servers would be ideal but is challenging due to organisational security constraints. | closed |
A.GDWG.2016.5e.2 | Collaboration GSICS Servers | KMA to send their GSICS collocation and products (when available) to the EUMETSAT GSICS server. This will support the validation of the product using the bias plotting tool. | KMA | Configuration | 12/31/2016 | 2/23/2017 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.5f.1 | Technical aspects of the GIRO work: inputs from GRWG | EUMETSAT to request the GCC to support this activity; webpage content for information and user user support. Set up of the Wiki for FAQ or similar. | Seb | Configuration | 9/30/2016 | 2/28/2017 | EUMETSAT will take care of the distribution | closed |
A.GDWG.2016.5f.2 | Technical aspects of the GIRO work: inputs from GRWG | EUMETSAT to define how to efficiently support the registration and distribution of the GIRO and GLOD deliverables. | EUM | Analysis | 9/30/2016 | 2/21/2017 | Access Request |
closed |
A.GDWG.2016.5g.1 | Repository for GSICS Work - use of gitHub for codes | GDWG chair (Peter) to update Wiki and seek EP endorsement if needed for using GitHub for collaboration. | GDWG chair - Pete | Information | 6/30/2016 | 2/21/2017 | GutHub is required for collaboration development | closed |
A.GDWG.2016.5g.2 | Repository for GSICS Work - use of gitHub for codes | If GDWG.2016.5g.1 is agreed, create GitHub repositories for existing GSICS tools, and provide all contributing member with a user guide on how to support tool development. | GCC | Implementation | 9/30/2016 | 3/22/2017 | NOAA: Need permission to open Non-NOAA public acccount on GitHub. It was agreed that KMA will lead this action (new action was assigned in Madison). | closed |
A.GDWG.2016.5i.1 | GDWG ToR | GDWG chair (Peter) to present the action tracking process to the working groups to come to a consensus and seek EP endorsement. | GDWG chair - Pete | Information | 6/30/2016 | 2/21/2017 | Action tracking is required and GCC has taken the lead on this. | closed |
A.GDWG.2016.6a.1 | Updating Action Tracking way | Based on user requirements from Tim’s presentation and GDWG members, GCC to investigate how to address these requirement using the Wiki and plug-ins. | GCC | Analysis | 7/31/2016 | 3/15/2017 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.6b.1 | Data versioning updates, Document Management System | GCC to update the Wiki with the proposed GSICS product types for EP endorsement. | GCC | Information | 5/31/2016 | 3/15/2017 | closed | |
A.GDWG.2016.6b.2 | MW standards | NOAA to update the Wiki with the proposed versioning for the GSICS product types for EP endorsement. | NOAA | Information | 5/31/2016 | 3/15/2017 | closed |