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Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS)

Typhoon Soudelor Imagery from MiRS and S-NPP ATMS, 6 August 2015

Surface rain rate

Surface rain rate

In August 2015, Typhoon Soudelor struck both Taiwan and the mainland of China causing significant damage and loss of life due to high winds, heavy rainfall and flooding. The MiRS retrieval algorithm was applied to Suomi- NPP/ATMS microwave data obtained on 6 August, approximately 24 hours prior to landfall. The MiRS algorithm simultaneously retrieves not only the atmospheric profiles of temperature and water vapor, but also atmospheric rain water, graupel and cloud, making it possible to reconstruct the 3- dimensional structure of the storm.

The animation shows a sequence of views of the typhoon based on Suomi- NPP/ATMS microwave observations at 0445 UTC on 6 August 2015. The sequence of images show surface rain rate, rain water 0.01 mm isosurface with temperature profile superimposed, graupel water 0.05 mm isosurface with temperature profile superimposed, and a vertical cross-section along 21 degrees north latitude of both rain and graupel water.

The results show that the 3-dimensional structure of atmospheric rain and ice, as well as the surface rain rate are realistically retrieved, with maximum surface rain rates of 16 mm/h, and the storm core structure present in both rain and graupel fields.