STAR data products for the period from June 24 - July 31 are being restored after a production outage last month. New data products should be generating on schedule. Please contact STAR Communications with any questions. Thank you for your patience.

STAR website STAR JPSS website STAR JPSS EDR website

Suomi-NPP / JPSS EDR Product Quality
and Performance Monitoring

For continued access to S-NPP and NOAA-20 product images, visit JSTAR Mapper

The EDR LTM image production has been turned off as of 31 March 2022, with the exceptions of ATMS Limb Correction for both S-NPP and NOAA-20, and CMORPH2 product images.

The ATMS LC images have been transitioned to the ICVS site;

CMORPH2 will be transitioned to a new mapping platform to be announced here when available.

The EDR LTM site delivered nearly 10 years of S-NPP and NOAA-20 product images to thousands of users. It is being replaced by the JSTAR Mapper.

Questions about this transition should be directed to Lori Brown. After 3/31, users may request access to the EDR LTM image archive offline.