GOES-R ABI L1B pixel time LUT/tools and source code are collected in this directory: 1. ./pixel_time_LUT: This folder includes the GOES-R ABI L1B pixel time LUTs (netcdf format) of 0.5km, 1.0km and 2.0km resultion for M3 FD/MESO/CONUS and M4 FD in GOES-East mode(lon=-75.0 East and -135.0 West). The spatial resultion of 0.5km is for GOES-R ABI L1B Band2, 1.0km for Band 1,3,5 and 2.0km for Band 4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16.Band time offsets due to focal plan modules layout are provided. In netcdf file, dimensions (y,x) provides the spatial resultions and variables includes pixel_time(y,x) and iswath(y).Notely, iswath(y) provides the position of swath where the pixel are located by the algorithm. This helps the users to quickly estimate the bias in the stitch. 2. ./pixel_time_swath_LUT: This folder includes the GOES-R ABI L1B pixel time LUTs at swath level in Y-dim. Other information refer to the description of ./pixel_time_LUT. 3 ./pixel_time_M6.tar.gz This package provides the source code for M6 mode for referenece. Note: Adding M6x ;; Note: CDRL-0120-7_ABI_Operations_Handbook has slight different duration from CDRL0120-3_ABI_Operations_Handbook-RevB/CDRL0120-2_ABI_Operations_Handbook ; M6F Timeline05F_Mode6_20180828-092941 has different timing from Mode6_Timeline5_Default_from_ABI-CDRL-120_on_GOES-16 ;; we use M6F, make sure to use the right one. ; Contact haifeng.qian@noaa.gov/xianqian.wu@noaa.gov if there are any questions.