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Other GOES Resources
We share these GOES resources as a courtesy to users. Some are managed by NOAA and are identified as such. Others are managed by NASA, Cooperative Institutes, and affiliated university research programs. Still others are completely separate from NOAA or STAR. All are offered without warranty or any guarantee of uptime, in order to share valuable GOES-related content and research tools with the widest community of interested users.
U.S. image resources
- NOAA / NASA / U.S. Government Sites
- CONUS and Full Disk images
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center - Colorado State University
Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch / Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) - RAMMB Slider
SLIDR is a customizable viewer for satellite imagery including GOES East and GOES 17 along with other satellites and data products - GOES-16 imagery (CIRA)
Mesoscale sectors plus Colorado and Central Plains - CIRA Loop of the Day
- University of Wisconsin
- SSEC Geo Browser
Viewer includes GOES East and GOES-17, all bands, along with other satellites; both static and animation downloads available - Real Earth Viewer
GOES East and GOES-17 full disk, CONUS, and mesoscale sectors, exports animations as gif or mp4 files - Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Images
GOES-16 CONUS and selected sectors for Wisconsin and the midwest - Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) GeoSphere
GOES-16 imagery projected onto a map viewer platform, hosted at the University of Wisconsin - SSEC - College of DuPage
- NEXLAB Experimental Satellite Viewer
GOES-16 - Global, CONUS, Mesoscale, and other regional sectors, all channels, downloadable animation files - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach Meteorology
- GOES-16 Viewer
- basic selection of sectors and bands
Outside the U.S. image resources
- Meteo-Chile
- GOES-16 Images & Products for Chile
16 bands, RGB images over Chile and 1-page band fact sheets. (Spanish and English) - Brazil's Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies
(Portuguese and English) - CPTEC main site
- GOES East Image Viewer & Animations
all ABI bands in animation over South America - Environment Canada
- Selected sectors and channels over Canada
(English and French)
- Servicio Meteorológico Nacional of Mexico
- Images and animations for selected channels
(English and Spanish)
- National Laboratory of Earth Observation - Mexico
- Views of Mexico, various sectors, animations
(English and Spanish)
- NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition Center (SpoRT)
- GLM realtime data (NASA SPORT)
- University of Wisconsin SSEC
- Real Earth - GLM and ABI realtime data for groups
- University of Maryland - CICS
- Geostationary Lightning Mapper - Virtual lab
- University of Maryland GLM Imagery
- Weathernerds (privately operated site)
- Visual and GLM display
- user can save animated gifs and single images
- STAR GOES Calibration
- University of Wisconsin CIMSS
- Simultaneously review all 16 channels in Full Disk and CONUS
- GOES Spectral Response Functions
Plots and files for GOES-16 and other GOES
- GOES-16 ABI Weighting Functions
- both static and real-time
- GOES-16 & GOES-17 comparison statistics
- all 16 ABI bands
- NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
- Data download site - registration required.
- About accessing the data
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Accessing NOAA’s GOES-R Series Satellite Weather Imagery Data on AWS
- Amazon AWS (and OCC) data fetcher from @blaylockbk
- Open Commons Consortium
- GOES-16 Data via OCC Environmental Data Commons
- UCAR Unidata
- UNIDATA: Publically Accessible McIDAS ADDE servers
University of Wisconsin SSEC
Free, open source software for 3D geophysical data analysis and visualization - Satellite Information Familiarization Tool (SIFT)
- Download - FTP site
- More info
- HYperspectral-viewer for Development of Research Applications (HYDRA)
- Project information - FTP site
- Download software - FTP site
- CIMSS / SSEC - Community Satellite Processing Package for Geostationary Data
- Information and download
- for use with local GRB ingest
Other contributors
- University of Utah
- Python notebook displaying ABI data
Github download - GEONETCast Americas - GNC-a
- GOES-16 Manipulation Tools
- Environmental Data Commons - Open Commons Consortium
- Manipulating GOES-16 with GDAL
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- Ncview: a netCDF visual browser
Details and download - UCAR - Unidata - Data Services and Tools for Data Science
- Integrated Data Viewer (IDV)
- University of Wisconsin SSEC GOES App
- iOS
- Android
- SSEC Real Earth Apps
- Real Earth apps - both iOS and Android
- WxSat
- WxSat Android
Optimized for global viewing of the three basic weather satellite channels - MapSat (CPTEC/INPE) - Brazil
- Details
- Google Play download
- University of Wisconsin CIMSS Resources
- GOES-R Education Proving Ground
- GOES-R Series Countdown Calendar
for Educators
- GOES-16 First Light RGB interactives
First Light RGB
- GOES-R/16 Fact Sheets
with both pre-launch and post-launch information
- GOES East and Roof Top Cameras
- SSEC in Madison, WI
- CIMSS Satellite Blog
- interesting images, explanations of underlying science, meteorology
- CIMSS GOES-R Fog Products Blog
- RAMMB / CIRA at Colorado State University - Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT)
- More GOES-R/16 Fact Sheets
- GOES-R VISIT Foundational Course
- GOES-R Satellite Program Office
- Main website
- GOES-R Satellite and Algorithm Documentation
- Band by Band documentation
- NOAA Satellite Operations
- Special Bulletins on satellite operations
- GOES Schedules from NOAA's satellite operations
- Mesoscale Sector Tracking
- University of Wisconsin CIMSS SSEC
- SSEC ABI Data Quality Monitoring
- SSEC GOES-16 links
- Band by Band Table
- Journal articles
- A Closer Look at the ABI on the GOES-R Series
, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), April 2017
- Applications of the 16
Spectral Bands on the Advanced Baseline Imager
, Journal of Operational Meteorology, June 2018
- GOES-R Program Office -
GOES-R Series Publications List - Videos
- Big Ten Network Video on GOES Weather Satellites
- Top 25 ABI Animations from GOES-16
- University of Wisconsin - CIMSS SSEC
- Soundings Validation Tool
TPW, stability parameters, etc. - (provisional) - NOAA/CIMSS Volcanic Cloud Monitoring Web Portal
- NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere
A statistical model that predicts the probability that a storm will produce severe weather in the near-term (research site) - University of Utah
- Fires Viewer
Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences - NOAA / NESDIS / STAR
- Aerosol Watch
- Colorado State University - RAMMB
- Real-Time Tropical Cyclone Products - Currently Active Tropical Cyclones
- GOES-16 Imagery and Loops