Istvan Laszlo's research interests include atmospheric radiation,
radiative transfer, radiation budget and remote sensing of atmospheric
and surface properties from space. He is a co-author of the well-known
Discrete Ordinate Radiative Transfer (DISORT) code, worked on
estimating the broadband top of atmosphere albedo from narrowband
sensors; developed algorithms for determining the shortwave radiation
budget, surface albedo, and aerosol optical depth from satellite data.
He is currently working on remote sensing of aerosol properties from
space and on the estimation of the shortwave radiation budget from
operational geostationary satellites.
Istvan Laszlo was an elected member of the International Radiation
Commission of the International Association of Meteorology and
Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP). He was a member of the Scanner for
Radiation Budget (ScaRaB) International Science Team, the NPOESS
Science Teams, and the Operational Algorithm Teams for the NPOESS
Aerosol Polarimeter Sensor (APS) and for the NPOESS Earth Radiation
Budget (ERBS) instrument. He also has a strong interest in and
connection to the NASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
(CERES) project. He is the co-chair of the Earth Radiation Budget
Oversight Panel (EPOP), chair of the GOES-R Radiation Budget Algorithm
Working Group at NESDIS, algorithm co-lead of the NPP Aerosol
Calibration/Validation Team, and a member of the NPP Science Team.
Istvan Laszlo is the aerosol and radiation budget lead scientist at
NESDIS/STAR. He served as the Acting Chief of the Environmental
Monitoring Branch between September 2007 and August 2008.
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